Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The first demonstration of Christ in God's testimony about Jesus (Revised)

Paul gives an overview here in Romans 8:20 and 21 as quoted below, of God's high expectation and motivation for Adam's subjection to temptation, for without a commandment, and risk to temptation there could be no reciprocation, or honor given for voluntary love returned. This risk to temptation in the very nature of our creation in equal to Adam, and the liberty extended to choose, is core to the witness of The sovereignty of God as we are maintained in His oversight, and sustained in His hope for us, which results in the righteousness of God being demonstrated through Jesus Christ in His own skin for a manifest and voluntary obedience to God in the garden of Gethsemane, and on the cross, to conquer death both for Himself, and declare a full expectation of deliverance for those who turn to God through Him, from among the unreasonable, wicked and evil throughout all time.

This victorious manifestation of His eternal love and purpose in salvation, happened by Jesus Christ's own faithfulness and example of life, death and resurrection in initiation, and secured proof in His own body of our ultimate transition to immortality, and this is God's expression of blessed hope for the faithful solicitation of all humanity from begin to end, to fellowship with Himself and Jesus Christ in the greater body of universal expression in Immortality in a new heaven and new earth where there is no more sorrow, death or unrighteousness at all.

For even before God created Adam and Eve in the Image of Jesus Christ, He commanded the Light of Christ to shine out of the darkness to reserve for us, and to those first created an opportunity to return to Him, for blessing in salvation, God is faithful to Himself and to His only begotten and ever beloved Son, and this is His witness from the beginning as He revealed about Himself and His only begotten Son to come. 

So even to them who were first created in His image, He revealed the truth of salvation through the Lamb who would be slain, for we now know that Christ has been made expressly manifest through Mary, so that message which God had demonstrated at the first and in the beginning in the Garden of Eden, when and where Eve was formed from Adam's earthly substance, there was reserved by God, a holy seed in Eve for the birth of Christ in the flesh while as yet she was a virgin and before they sinned and before her marriage to Adam was consummated, whereby after being fully informed of God, and solicited to voluntary allegiance to Him, they were both clothed with God's righteousness as He provided for them by the animal lamb skins they were clothed with, and He entirely blessed them right out of the Garden. 

For in fact we can also see that Adam was first created and placed in the Garden then put to sleep in the first day of his creation, so that Eve could be taken and formed from his created and earthly substance in the Garden of God's preparation and delight, and then afterward he was awakened again, this is a preordained witness of Jesus Christ's death on the cross, momentary separation from His own body, resurrection to immortality and separation from us to heaven in longing and expectation for the full number of all believers to come in.

So through the ordination and formation of the Church from His heavenly substance, through the gift of God's Holy Spirit as invested in Him without measure in contradistinction to all others formed in a body of earthly substance, God so preordained the glory of His heavenly substance of particular endowment to fulfill the promise of the Father, and His Spirit began to be poured out on all flesh from His exalted position in heaven, the jew first 10 days after His witnessed ascension, and then the gentile.

This is the glory of Christ eternal who preexisted us, and is now seated immortal in the throne God built for Him, so that His holy Spirit began to be poured out in manifestation of the promise by the Father upon all flesh, from Him, Jesus Christ, who alone received it without measure, the Spirit of God as fully vested in Him bodily, and by whose sole inheritance as the only begotten Son of God, He gave Himself for us, and brought us into His new creation household and family tree of life and immortality!

And through Him by the open display of God's offering to redemption of all humanity, was made a holy call to reconciliation by the ordination of God's Sovereignty over us, to form us into one body and one people from every tongue, tribe and nation, the beloved bride of Christ, so in the beginning Adam was put to sleep (in likeness to the death, resurrection, and separation of Jesus to Heaven) on the first day of his creation by God, so Eve could be formed from his substance before they were placed at risk to sin and in her was invested and reserved the seed for Christ, by God at the beginning. 

They both actually began to understand these things as God attended in Love, and mercy and in His compassion, dressing over them with the animal skin clothing he provided them through the first slain animal lamb sacrificed in the Garden in witness and example of His promise of redemption. and subsequent command to immortality in the body. There is much more that was given in revelation while as yet they were in the garden, like beholding the tree of life, and immortality, from which they were separated out from and not allowed to eat, the flame and sword of the Lord guarding until Christ came in His own flesh. 

Adam and Eve accepted God's commandment of death for their sin, while embracing the gift of God's sacrificial lamb by being covered with the lambskin God provided for them. They loved God and walked out their faith in Him, by raising their children to believe and honor God with their faith in His promise of redemption to immortality. Abel is proof they taught their sons about reconciliation through the offering of the Lamb. #Abel #Seth #Enoch

Jesus affirmed the blessing of God over their marriage and their children, and every marriage as ordained for His blessing, as between one man and one woman.
~ Gen 4:25, Mark 10:5,6

Gen 1:3 Is God's pronouncement of the light of Christ who would come into the world in His own skin for the initiation of the greater command to immortality, by His power and witness of resurrection over all, He was reserved by God's command in the beginning in self evident witness of Himself as a faithful creator, who would not withhold salvation from any of them who preceded us, nor from us, but did confirm even at an appointed time, to form His only begotten and ever beloved Son in the womb of the virgin Mary, His only begotten Son who in equal to us, came into the world, and was placed at risk to death, and enduring the same temptations as common to man, and because He reverenced God as a Good Good Father, fully pleasing Him, He raised Him up from the dead and seated Him in His own Throne in His Immortal body, in intercession and command over our transition to universal expression in Immortality. Christ is the originator and finisher of God's new creation family tree for eternal life and immortality. He is the foundation and author of our names written in His book of eternal life.

Rom 8:20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, (in the earthly nature of our creation) not willingly, but by reason of Him, (God) who hath subjected the same in hope, (hope of voluntary Love returned and communion in His Spirit, with an expectation and blessed promise of being clothing upon by His command to Immortality through the gift, pledge and power of Jesus Christ.)
Rom 8:21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption (the body of death, by the presence of sin in the first nature body) into the glorious liberty of the children of God. (First by communion with His Holy Spirit now, then in the commandment to Immortality to dwell together with Him in a sinless and indestructible body, as is now fully manifest in the firstborn immortal body of Jesus Christ exalted and seated in God's throne.)

So again, the first demonstration of the Light of Christ as given by God to all of humanity, and as was initiated by God in His testimony about Jesus in the Garden, is revealed in providing Adam and Eve with the covering and temporal clothing from the first animal lamb slain in sacrificial offering of bloodshed in the Garden, by which He immediately clothed them with His own righteousness sparing them from death, and sustained them with a greater promise of eating from the tree of life and immortality to solicit from them a sincere acknowledgement of their sin in repentance by the witnessed violence of death resulting from their sin, and He thereby afforded to them, a time given for repentance and reconciliation before the death to the first nature and earthly body, so they could work out their own salvation in fear and trembling through faith in the promise of Christ and immortality, and by a promise of inclusion into the household and family tree of Christ, as their names and ours are recorded in the Lamb's book of LIFE when we ascribe to Him the glory and honor as given by God to Him who so loved us and gave Himself for us. 

God's hope and expectation for a mutual and voluntary understanding and expression of love returned is demonstrated through an extended offering of opportunity, as given in space of time for every man's acknowledgement of his sin, and His preservation in the body of mortality as witnessed from the beginning for every person created equal, to embrace voluntarily His hope and promise of eternal life, at the beginning demonstrated through the first animal lamb slain by God as a temporal witness covering sin, by the bloodshed of animals throughout the generations and formation of Israel, until once and for all, the foreordained bloodshed of Jesus, the man lamb who was slain to account for the sins of the world in the wisdom of God, which Lamb of God was preordained to come in His own skin, in the Gen 1:3 command before the foundation of the world. And is given to us for a light and our salvation. 2 Cor 4:6

Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them

This is the first witness to humanity that Christ, the man lamb who was slain in the wisdom of God on the cross, who was preordained by God to come into the world for the salvation of the greatest number of people possible by voluntary solicitation, was preordained to be live birthed in the equal body before the foundation of the world, by His own initiation in love and mercy for redemption, and by His own bloodshed on the cross, provides an offering of opportunity for reconciliation of man to God and to confirm a blessed hope of eternal salvation in the new body of Immortality in likeness to His own resurrected body. We will all be changed, and every human being ever created will stand at the end of all mortality, face to face with God and before the throne of the Lamb.

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
Gen 3:21
There should be no doubt, Adam instructed his children on the same necessity of bloodshed for repentance, and reconciliation to God. In any case it is fully demonstrated by God's answer to both Cain and Abel in the moment of challenge. 

And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
When God answered from heaven, He answered both of them in the verification that an honest repentance could only acquit through the witness of bloodshed in acknowledgement that the wage of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through the bloodshed and God's mercy through the intercession of the Lamb.

We must acknowledge that our sin produces violence, to our own relationship with God and against one another.

The terrible violence and escalation of sin would produce bloodshed and murder in Cain who became the first cursed man, however Adam and Eve maintained hope that their children would follow them in expectation of God's faithfulness of redemption through the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and Seth and Enoch are proofs of their prayers and efforts in allegiance with the Lord.

A true acknowledgement that in our first nature body of sin, we are prone to violence against God's goodness and one another is the beginning of wisdom. 

The first sacrificial animal lamb as initiated by God Himself in the presence of Adam and Eve in the Garden was a witness to them of the man lamb of God, who would come at a preordained and appointed time, in the body of human flesh, and this became the desire of all women. Eve blessed the expectation of the Lord with every child conceived in her for live birth in the body, but God had reserved His only begotten Son in her, to be manifest in Mary while as yet she was a virgin.

When God talks to Cain, in his conscience it is clear that if Cain would yield to God, and accept God's opinion and preference above his own ideology, he himself would be reconciled to God and to his brother Abel, otherwise he would give in to the sin of his fallen nature and murder his brother who had become the endorsed priest of God, to him. 

And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?

If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou (must) shalt rule over him. (for responsibility sake)

 In short, if Cain would have consented to be reconciled to God through Abel's (Christ like) offering, the bloodshed of the animal lamb would have been enough to assuage the violence of sin in his nature as acknowledged, and he would not have murdered his brother instead. For it is clear after he murdered his brother, the fear of death consumed him in the absence of any former opportunity, as given to him by God's conversation for sake of salvation. So because he had been given every opportunity for repentance and reconciliation and ignored the pleadings of the Lord, he became the first man cursed by God, in example of Godlessness, for he did not retain God's counsel nor approve of Him in His conscience.
Of how much sorer punishment, (than the death of the first nature body)  suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith He was sanctified, (to priesthood for Immortality) an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? (To stand before God in the resurrection of judgement for refusal of His mercy through Christ)

My Prayer:
Father of Glory, Glory, Glory over us, who believe, let every person who reads this post feel your unquenchable love and zeal for them not only as You demonstrated from the beginning when You first clothed Adam and Even in promise of Your faithfulness, but also now, with Your word of testimony made more sure by the manifestation of Jesus Your Christ, Your Word from heaven, having come down from heaven in the preordained and prophesied form from the beginning through His promised and preordained birth, Jesus Your Holy Son, who was reserved in Eve and manifest at the appointed time in the virgin Mary. Let the glory of Your beloved Son be revealed to the hungry heart and the seeking soul. Let living water be poured out from the rock of our salvation as we speak out loud to You. 

Let deliverance and peace be issued forth as a spontaneous flow that erupts in our hearts by faith in the power of Your provision of mercy by the bloodshed of Jesus on the cross, and by His resurrection to immortality as a witness of Your delight to receive us into Your household in preparation of a place for us with Him in immortality. 

As we open our mouths to confess our sin which demanded His death to swallow up all violence, God let us be embraced by the greatness of Your power to save us from our sin, by His resurrection and fill us with His Holy Spirit to form the same expression of love in demonstration through us as Your holy priesthood. 

We desire to please You all the days of our lives, and thank You for providing salvation for us from before the world was created through the beauty and voluntary expression of Your command for light to shine out of the darkness in expression of the greatest love a man can demonstrate in the laying down and risk of his own life on behalf of others. 

Jesus sustain us all the days of our mortality as we consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to You for the offering of ourselves as a living sacrifice, we take up the cross of our shame in the weakness of human flesh and follow on to know You in the goodness of Your humility as an example for us. 

Keep us as we talk to You daily working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, and help us in study to show ourselves approved as workmen who will not need to be ashamed at Your appearing because we have rightly understood Your word and acknowledged our own sin by confessions and weeping and strong prayers as you gave us example in Your own brevity in risk of mortality. 
Amen! Amen!

Who (Jesus) in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Him (God the Father) that was able to save Him from death, and was heard in that He feared;

1 comment:

  1. This is Awesome well written inscription of kingdom wisdom from above victory evidence of Sons Glory Fire and Purity of power to Overcome the last enemy
