Monday, July 23, 2018

The testimony of Christ in American Government Revised 8/4/18

There is a unique greatness reserved for us in America's National identity of "more perfect union" with one another by faith and subscription to One God, as the highest superintending power, who created all of US in His own image, and gives to us His inspiration for formation, and sustenance of our Government in ordainments of His blessing and peace. This is the reason and sum in our National motto, "In God we Trust".

Within this context, and this context alone is sourced, all of our mutual benefits, ratified in commonality through honor of the same "self evident truths" and "inalienable rights" as we corporately acknowledge to receive from Him as individuals. It is with thanksgiving we give to Him honor for our foundation in administration of His powers ordained in balance among us, by our constitution, for maturation of every individual in model and inspiration of partnership with Him and one another, in self government.

According to our sacred documents of creation, and articles of incorporation to sovereignty in Nationality, we are pledged to defend, and extend this specific equality to one another, while also safeguarding our own, in sacred trust with God's care in preference and interest for each of us above our own invented interests, because, in honor of His superintending providence, and powers over life and death, we pledge our oaths of allegiance to one another as one people. This kind of pledge to allegiance surpasses all other forms of allegiance and forced imposition of governmental ideations which have proved throughout history incapable of producing a "more perfect union", such as the one we aspire to.

Every citizen having been natural born into it, or naturalized to it, should learn to regard our "more perfect union" as a God cultivated context for us to voluntarily enjoin one another, with respect and acknowledgement of His Glory over every one of us, for the least amount of compulsion on the individual as is absolutely necessary to insure our greater peace and greater good over all.

This means America is not created in neutrality concerning the truth of God, nor created in an imagined secular "cleansing", from the truth of God's singular and unique identity, as some assert, to avoid any compulsion to acknowledge God for who He declares Himself to be in the order of all creation.

God ever lives, communicating His living opinion and exercising a superintending power to be discovered through prayerful supplications, in every moment of our instant need, and as Benjamin Franklin addressed our first President George Washington, when participating in the formation of our Nation, and by that part recorded in writing here, he affirms his belief in the God of the "sacred writings" referring to the Bible, who hears, and responds to the prayers of those who believe in Him and pledge to Him their sacred trust.

He sources from the Bible and states "I firmly believe this" as he quotes from Psalm 127 and specifically from the words of Jesus in Matt 10:29.

"I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? (Matt 10:29 reference added.)

We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that “except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it.” (Referencing Psalm 127) 

I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. 

And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments be Human Wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest.

I therefore beg leave to move, that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of the City be requested to officiate in that service.."

Which motion was adopted and facilitated for our earliest conventions of Government and as the words of Jesus are in example here, for those who object by saying not all them where believers in the same truths of Christ, it can be proven that the majority of them were, however it would only take two, or three, for the Lord says where ever two or three of you who believe in Me, are gathered in My name, I will be there in the midst of you. ~ Matt 18:20

Our framers were not merely Deist having no particular knowledge of the true and living God, as though they subscribed their own lives, and posterity to an "unknown" static or absent power or worse an "inactive" superintendent, over the faithful exercise of our powers as ordained by Him, and as though they did not know the God before whom, they called upon for His immediate providence in subscription and validation "of this truth- that God governs in the affairs of men" and presides over the oaths they, and all in subsequent generations make as they pledge their allegiance to one another, and to the flag that came to represent our Federal Union, as was held in sanctity for representing our pledges, oaths, and affirmations in the solicitation of God's oversight as we make them one to another.

They believed in the superintending powers, of the true and living God who assigns specific identity to His beloved Son, as well as to every person from the first one created, to all who ever will be formed by His providence in the womb of a woman.

This is widely affirmed by their own prayers and written acknowledgements to the virtues of Christianity, as the only true understanding and expression of faith in the One God who created Adam, and formed Christ in the womb of a virgin woman, this one God and one truth in preeminence, is the focal basis for our existence in formation of National identity.

There is one God to whom we are subscribed to at our foundations, the most high God who created all human beings.

Our National record and history is based in this truth, and this is the true source of our allegiance.

Therefore, America cannot be sustained in union, apart from faith in God, as this only is the basis of our identity as one people. We can not long maintain the greater sense of our National peace under the burden of any concerted internal effort to remove from our public trust and teachings, the One God, to whom we have subscribed to for superintendence over our oaths, affirmations and pledges, both to Him and to one another.

Those who have departed faith, or dishonored their oath of elected or appointed office for service in the public trust, stand in violation to our mutual and public trust as Nationally pledged to the one true and living God, and are breaking the holy bonds of sacred trust with us who are yet fully pledged to a mutual allegiance, on this basis above all others. Those who no longer ascribe to our sacred trust in God, will ultimately end in demonstration of an open enmity against our mutual pledges, and tear at the very fabric of our constitutional trust, dishonor our representative flag, and further obstruct and undermine our "more perfect union".

Without regard to our origin in faith with God, for those who deny this truth, they must then rely upon reverse engineering our constitution, and changing our historical record, in destruction to our monuments of progress, to create their own identity politics in 'self invented truths' by which our Nation is factioned in lesser parties of union, and based on other imaginations of the which our framers were very careful to preclude.

George Washington in his farewell address, offered the following admonition.

"The unity of government which constitutes you one people is also now dear to you. It is justly so, for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquility at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very liberty which you so highly prize. 

But as it is easy to foresee that, from different causes and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth; as this is the point in your political fortress against which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and insidiously) directed, it is of infinite moment that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national union to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the palladium of your political safety and prosperity; watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety; discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion that it can in any event be abandoned; and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts.

For this you have every inducement of sympathy and interest. Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations. 

With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles. You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together; the independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint counsels, and joint efforts of common dangers, sufferings, and successes."

So, in any concerted effort to fundamentally change American Government, it is readily understood, that first and foremost, our very foundation in Christianity, must somehow be rendered void, (Like how Balaam the false prophet, taught the enemies of Israel, how to undermine their "more perfect union" with God and one another. Numbers 23:23, Rev 2:14) by distraction away from the God who had formed them into one people, by value and honor of His sacred influence in their inception and our own, this is now upon us as a strong assertion that our past sins of momentary departures from this sacred truth, are binding upon us, and our present troubles are systemic, rather than an endemic departure from the "self evident truths" and "inalienable rights" from which all healing and prescriptions for liberty in the pursuit of happiness in tranquility of blessing from God, has flowed down to us, even in troubled times past, and is being engendered to now again flow down freely to America from heaven through the faithful prayers and supplications, and policies of many, including our present President, Vice President, and many in his Executive Cabinet, many of our representative Legislative branch and many being appointed to our Judicial branch. Though as at our inception God will do it, for the two or three who gather in His name, for a greater impartation of His Glory over the three branches of our Government formed in model from, His consummate powers as depicted by the "sacred writings".... of Isaiah 33:22.

We have experienced a certain level of degradations to our greater peace by departures from that which is the true basis of our "more perfect union" in mutual pledges of oaths, and affirmations in faith to the same God, who is the only wise God, and source of all that is truly good. And, because some have attempted to remove all that is worshiped as God from among us, we are suffering the beggarly effects of large and imposing segregations, in inferior unions, by race, creed, or false religion, for obstruction of true justice by proliferation of divisive rhetoric against our most noble foundations, and everlasting aspirations as One Nation under God!

The vanity of those who do not actually contribute to our "more perfect union" is apparent by their assertions that they have a right to occupy here within our own borders, whether they are inclined to place in second priority their allegiance to nationality by race, creed, or foreign birthed religion in contradiction to Christianity, or by any other inventions of ideations not conducive to our peace with God.

Illegal aliens are now given to believe they have an imaginary "right" to occupy, by the confusions of our own leaders, and proponents of their own social justice campaigns in identity politics, and widely removed from the greater body of our sacred trust, considering themselves more important than the corporate identity of our pledges in institutions to one nation under God, by a misrepresentative body of people who have crept in unawares to leadership in our Capital, and thereafter, or secretly never intended to keep them before, forsaken the pledges they made to get elected, and they are despising the oath to God for accountability to our "more perfect union".

God deliver us from unreasonable and wicked people crept into high places for their own advancements, who hope to overrule the nature of our foundations in constitution, by reverse engineered ideals in falsity, being forced upon the rest in the hypocrisy of their own inventions, rather than the mutual, common, and proven truths we hold to as self evident.

This is a period of transition to a 'new breed' of leaders who keep to their promise and pledges to properly represent "we the people" who believe in the providence of God for our bordered land of inheritance in accountability towards God, may He increase the numbers of people who rightly believe in Him throughout the Nation, Amen. ~ Deut 32:8

It is in respect to these self evident truths that all who are sworn in, and/or affirmed to any public office created by our constitution for any term or appointment, pledge an oath to the same, for serving the public trust in God, that "we the people" who believe the same, and as Citizens do pledge and secure to one another the same, for embracing legal immigrants to the same, in focal trust and pledge to allegiance in "more perfect union" with us, to One God over all.

As we did historically, let us presently strive to employ by our mutual pledge of allegiance to God as creator of all, in the same Spirit and inspiration of our National identity, call out in faith to the only true sovereign capable of creating a greater peace, in union between all of US, and preserve our Nation in the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth in obvious and self evident expression.

Our foundation and mutually subscribed to Republican form of Government, was, and is, founded in the tenacity of our faith towards one God as the benefactor of our "inalienable rights" and it is only in our conscriptions to God who alone is the object of our union, rather than race, creed, or lesser religious persuasion, as being capable of holding US together as One Nation and one people of America.

This faith in our commonality of union, under God, is a precursor, and foundation to faith in Jesus Christ, because as our framers were well versed in understanding and expression of Christianity, they well understood the truth that one who believes in God as creator and enjoins Him for approbations in good works, will come to know that Jesus Christ is His only begotten and ever beloved Son, given for salvation of the soul in conversion, and not only accepted, but relied upon the counsel of the Church to disciple the Nation.
Hebrews 11:6 - John 14:1

And yet, if they never do, some of our citizens come to this greater understanding and expression of Christianity that is, "we the people" who do, are demanded upon by our knowledge of the truth to continue to persuade all, by retaining of our "inalienable rights" as given from God, to maintain our Government in faithfulness to God and our foundations in the public expression of the Truth of One God as creator of all, in self evident expression and by our greater allegiance to one another in "more perfect union". Electing faithful men and women to public office as appointed representatives of the same.

Christianity is not forced, but voluntary, however our pledge to one another in "more perfect union" of peace in civil government is mandatory as Citizens by virtue of our constitutional law, and institutions of public trust to One God as as the object of our greater union, for the preservation of Truth in self evident expression.

The protection against legislation of false or forced religion is reserved in the 1st Amendment, but also reserved is the free and public expression of Christianity.

(Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, OR prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.)

So herein is reserved an expectation of preeminence in Christianity because in this expression of faith alone there is no contradiction nor variance with our constituted Government, nor is there anything which would disturb our peace nor injure our "more perfect union" in faith with the Creator of All Humanity, found in the true expression of Christianity which is in subscription to the same God!

And in these Truths held as self evident, and by greater understanding or expression of His Kingdom in the midst of US, there is a salient protection to our God given ordination of Nationality in faith with God, and demonstrated a predisposition to the faith of Jesus Christ without conflict to any of our founding principles or "inalienable rights" so that this faith in one God as creator is more fully engaged, by coming further from faith in a common creator to the more specific and greater revelation of Jesus Christ seated immortal in Kingdom not only over our Nation but indeed in our witness of the blessings found in the peace of Christ alone, to proclaim the same prescription to all Nations.

So in this case the legislation of our law as created in trust with a common creator God, and if we continue in allegiance to Him, with our maintained legislations, and as also confirmed by Christ, (Matt 5:18) our constituted law, is entirely enforceable through the authority God gives to men in formation of governments (Rom 13), and that is expressly enforced upon any one present within our sovereignly created borders, to create a greater peace and safety for our citizens, and the peaceful and lawful visitors within. Christianity secures in civil government, a peace which suffers no harm, to any person, except as necessary to restrain any form of violence, or insurrection against our mutual peace.

It is never more shocking to me, but when Christians do not understand this, because whoever has by voluntary affirmation accepted an identity in allegiance to Christ in "self evident truth" as a believer in Christ, as what I am presenting here, with greater understanding and expression of Christ in Kingdom in progression from their belief in God as a creator, and thereby have also come to partnership with Him through Christ His elected Son, as savior, and Lord, and are given to be taught of Him, may also serve His will, in influence of His ordained political powers, as elected or appointed representatives of believers in America, Executive, Legislative, or Judicial! 1 Cor 6:3

Christians, if they are so willing as to follow on to know the Lord, have passed from an basic knowledge of God as creator of all, to the superior knowledge, and revelation of Jesus Christ as His only begotten and ever beloved Son, who alone was born into the world, in the express image of God and now enthroned in heaven Immortal in His body imparting gifts to men and women after His own heart!

But have we now instead become so beggarly, as to give our National precepts and concepts created in union with Christ and by His inspiration, away to those who demand a separation of Church and State in their imagination that America could long survive at all without Christians in leadership.

God forbid such a thing, in America. Be jealous over the Nation bearing Your name in this generation oh Lord God almighty, Immortal in Your resurrected body, send members of Your Church into civil Government to serve Your will and desire among the people! Amen! Amen!

We are preserved and saved by our pledge of allegiance to the sacred truth by our own corporate, unified and ratified declarations from our inception as a Nation.

We are pledged in union by the truths we have set forth as verifiable by all, The whole truth and nothing but the Truth, so help US, GOD!

This demands upon us in our generation a greater understanding and expression of Christianity in Civil Government, there is no necessity of change to our constitution, but rather to better understand it and walk it out with reverence towards Jesus Christ as Lord! Amen!

~ Psalm 33:12

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