Saturday, August 4, 2018

How did Balaam become a false Prophet, by telling the truth?

Preamble: Don't be mislead nor displaced from your land of inheritance, calling, and election to salvation, by any "false prophet" like Balaam, giving permissions to your sinful flesh, or support to any self invented ideologies, thereby denying the power of God to fully persuade, empower and deliver you from all bondage in sin, to rejoicing in the truth within His household of faith, and among His people in National allegiance with His Kingdom as being ordained from heaven in the body of His Immortality ~ Psalm 33:12

So, first and foremost we don't have to guess about whether Balaam is a "false prophet" or not, it is God, who identifies him as a false prophet, after having at once given him the TRUTH to tell, (which is the first requirement for reference as a prophet), and then also further giving him an understanding of God's desire, purpose and requirements to form a National identity of priesthood among His people in more perfect union with Himself, (read the following verse giving special attention to that part that reflects God's ultimate goal to secure His people in communion with Himself through the manifestation of Jesus Christ among them).

Numbers 23:23, ~ Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: (that is the redeemed among them, counted, and maintained in faithful communion with Christ) according to this time, (from God's declaration forward to the fullness) it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, (look, behold, and consider) What hath God wrought!!! (By the Appearing of Jesus Christ in the flesh, crucified, resurrected and exalted IMMORTAL in His glorious body!)
Note: This fullness of time for Israel, is a reference as though they were pregnant with the message of Christ throughout the generations until His appearing and that happened through the foreordination of their nation in trust with His Spirit, so at the manifestation and appearing of Jesus in the flesh, all Nations would be given opportunity to come into His eternal covenant and it is through Jesus Christ, we have the same word of God, by the same Spirit more strongly confirmed, by His appearing, death and resurrection to the inheritance of God's power, both in heaven in Immortality, and on earth through the influence of His Holy Spirit is for the salvation of the Nations remained on earth, while all of them who preceded us, are gathered to Him now and already in His presence where He is. ~ Hebrews 12:22,23

Jesus gives us the reason for His evaluation and judgement in declaring Balaam a "false prophet" because that after Balaam, had been informed of the TRUTH by God Himself, and was commanded to tell the truth of God's devotion to His peculiar people, to form the witness of Christ in them, and he was also given to an understanding, for opportunity to support God's will for them, and having also discovered the truth of God's judgements against sexual immorality among them, and God's particular policy over His people, he however, aligned himself with the enemies of Christ by sharing that information in such a way as to embolden the enemies of God's purpose to establish a people pledged in National identity of allegiance to Himself, by teaching the enemies of God and of Christ to solicit and otherwise pervert the people to engage in gross sin.

In this way to divide them away from, and set them in opposition against God's desire to dwell among them in Spirit and Truth, and against His good and holy purpose to make manifest His redemption, and deliverance in salvation by the goodness of His will, as expressed towards them, and for us who also have come to believe in Christ, this is for us who believe as well as for them, our blessed hope of salvation in the redemption of our bodies in the preordained command to universal expression of immortality in likeness to Jesus Himself, yet to come.

This man Balaam, though he told the truth he heard of God, and learned of God's Judgement against sin, himself has become a clear definement of a "false prophet" from first mention in Duet 13:1-3 to Revelation 2:14 because he separated and divided God's people away from the sincerity of true devotion to the One true and living God in "more perfect union" by the witness of Christ who dwelt among them by His Spirit and was the source of their commonality and corporate union in the obedience of faith, hope, and love eternal.

Balaam ended up helping and contributing to the expectation and vision of the enemies of Christ to divide the people away from becoming one nation under God's leadership, by dissimulation to subjection and domination by foreign cultures of ideologies in opposition to God's destiny, dream and design for them to inherit in His goodness through allegiance with Jesus Christ.

Let's examine how Jesus delivered Peter from "false prophecy", and witness His firm rebuke, identifying the source of Peter's forecast (prophecy) in content, as an opposition by Satan against Jesus not only for his faithful conversation in adherence to all that is truth in prophecy, but also in attempt to hinder Him from performing it to the fullness of God's expression in love and redemption, by His own death on the cross, and resurrection to the initiation of our blessed hope in Immortality as joined together with them in one new corporate identity of greater understanding and expression in Christianity!

We know by the Lord Himself that this well meaning statement of Peter against the truth of Christ in proclamation and demonstration, was the product of a solicitation by Satan to divide away and spoil his internal comprehensions OF THE SELF EVIDENT TRUTH OF CHRIST, by exploitation of Peter's vulnerability, to a soulish devotion, and by a misinterpretation of the scriptures in agreement with Satan, in presentation of false ideology, which results in a strong delusion of misrepresentation of the same Christ throughout all scriptures, bodily in the person of Jesus, in singular election from among all humanity to the Glory of being born into the world as the only begotten Son of God, the Christ who God prophesied of in TRUTH from before the foundations of the world, in Gen 1:3, as the spoken word, and face of God, 2 Cor 4:6, manifest in the flesh of Jesus Christ exalted immortal and pouring out His Spirit on all who call upon Him, believing in Him for salvation. Hebrews 13:8

The ministry of Jesus Christ vested in the fullness of God's powers of Self Evident Truth, as He IS, enthroned Immortal, above all authorities kingdoms and earthly dominions, is so set, to pour out His Spirit in preordination for implementation of His powers by His own indestructible life, and body, and to preserve us as He did for Peter, declaring self evident truth to our face, so that all who continue to call upon His name with sincerity of allegiance in more perfect union, will be delivered from all internal divisions and or inventions of humanity in opposition to God and Christ in whom we place our sacred trust.

For we can plainly understand from Jesus later word of explanation to him, that Satan had requested to "sift" him, and use him as fuel for his own persuasion of carnal lust for temporal satisfactions in power and dominion by a strong delusion against God, and His Christ. (in a Psalm 2 rage, in contempt of His Holy Seat and Court in Heaven)

Jesus said, "I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail", (Luke 22:32) and He would subsequently reveal that even though Satan had asked for Peter in this way... when he was yet vulnerable to delusion and while he did not yet understand, Jesus was foreordained to pass through the cross to conquer death, in His own body, and by His sincere allegiance to the truth and prevailing justice of God's sovereignty over Him, He would be resurrected! After, which He remained to commune bodily with the Peter and all the disciples, to confirm His resurrection "by many infallible proofs", for 40 days, before He ascended to His preordained seat of power in heaven, and then after He did, He released over them 10 days later, an outpouring and infilling the 120, in a common and corporate experience of His faithfulness, He poured out the power of His Spirit, upon them and to remain within them, to serve together with Him, an advance of His Kingdom and peace, (Isaiah 9:7) during the period of His Kingdom, Immortal, from heaven, in God's blessing by mercy and favor, in good will towards humanity, from His exalted Throne, not built by human ingenuity, until the forecasted end of all mortality. Amen!

False prophecy gives strength and support to God's enemies, and has the final end in result as all that is conceived and imagined within the heart of the wicked enemies of Christ in a greater Psalm 2:1-3 rage against His good and faithful leadership.

This is cause to massive hindrance and destructions even within the boundaries of sovereign borders which God affords to protect His people with, we see historically the especially gross damage caused to that fledgling national identity in the priesthood to (Jesus) Christ, by perverting them away from the sincerity of the gospel message they had received and been born into, which would strengthen their "more perfect" union with God and with one another. We know that God's jealousy over them was centered in His zeal to fulfil His promise to make manifest Jesus Christ in them in His own uniquely formed body for the pouring out of His Spirit after once and for all, validating His name and self evident truth, in Jesus Christ, to all people for proliferation of greater promise, in His word made more sure, for theirs and our own blessed hope of salvation in the universal command to immortality.

Numbers Chapters 22-24 may be developed through prayerful meditations for premise in clarity of historical evidence,  and witness through current impartation of revelation from heaven.

We behold Jesus Christ on the cross with arms open wide, saying Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing, in their strong delusion, as they rage to remove Him from their presence and off the face of the earth.

We see His faithfulness in a promise of eternal hope and everlasting salvation to all of them who had believed in Him throughout their generations as He pulled all men and nations into His benevolent chest.

The Singular Spirit of God who had incorporated them into a National Identity of hope in Christ had ordained them for blessing, as He was revealing to Balaam, and to the hostile nations!

He set them apart from all other national inceptions by a sovereign and blessed hope of expectation in blessing to the maturation of His message in and through them, for He is the Lord of Lord's and King of King's over all Nations especially of those who believe. Psalm 33:12

As an extended explanation for why I may reach back and include the name of Jesus who is Christ eternal, and now Immortal, in the above synopsis of historical significance for precepts, and to give more clarity by using it within the historical context for current revelation in language and context for application in this day and hour which we live in, I offer the remainder of explanation below.

I first readily acknowledge that in that particular time His particular name and unique and specific identity of HOLY PERSON separate and holy among men by His virgin birth, was not yet known to the whole of humanity, but He was worshipped in the Spirit through the ordination of Israel to model His Kingdom Godhead and Power in their corporate gathering around Him as He anointed them for exclusive service to Himself alone for example of Godly Government as inspired of Him in their precepts and commandments by the gift of His Spirit in corporate communion among them, and expressly through the prophets. (The testimony of Jesus, is the Spirit of Prophecy)
Rev 19:10, Heb 13:8

So, even though Jesus was not born yet, He had been prophesied to come as Christ the Light of God in the flesh, from before the foundation of the world by God Himself in Gen 1:3 before Adam was created in His image.

So that thereafter to let all people into an potential for understanding throughout subsequent generations that God had revealed an holy egg was reserved for Christ in the womb of the virgin Eve in Gen 3:15, unmolested by human interjection after she had been formed from the side of Adam in holiness, and before she was joined in marriage for procreation with Adam in Gen 4:1.

So this is the declaration of God that Jesus name and inheritance as His only begotten Son is originating from God as His very Gen 1:3 WORD manifest in the flesh, for the grafting into Himself the opportunity of sonship as afforded to all of humanity, not only as a jewish man who was crucified, but more importantly the representative of all humanity as the resurrected "son of man" this a surpassing and blessed hope and status upgrade for new birth by faith in His Holy Spirit breathed seed of promise being engrafted into our own hearts, far surpassing the created being and creature status all of us inherited from Adam in subjection to death, to a new creature in expectation of new body immortal through the power given to Jesus Christ to bring everything into conformity with His glorious will, and everlasting promise. Phil 3:21

Please follow along as I get back on topic, just one more reference to explain why I can use the particular name of this man Jesus, in this way, we may also consider what Paul the Apostle confirms in 1 Co 10:4 ...(that they, Israel in the flesh before Christ's appearing in the flesh) did all drink the Same Spiritual drink: for they drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them (historically coming after them in the manifestation of His own person in the flesh): and that Rock was and (IS and IS to come) Jesus Christ.

I needed to say all that first because:

I am going to talk about the threat that leaders like Balak the King of Moab who are seated in temporal domain and sphere of influence in the base authority given to Adam, and who by abuse of even that limited authority pose as, obstructive, in threats against persons who are nationalized by faith in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ having been given by Him, the Same Spirit of prophecy for building up the Church to the effectual maturity in priesthood to influence and lead all Nations to the peace of God through ordainments of Christianity in Civil Governments!

We who are translated into the Kingdom of God's beloved Son, have become citizens of the New Jerusalem and ambassadors of the government of Christ from heaven as ordained on earth to disciple all nations, in the declaration of His persuasion of opinions in goodness and exercise of His politic in powers given to human Governments!

I say this first for sake of the Church and the Nation of America, as pledged to God from the foundation of our inception as a Nation, and as it is at present, God's will to depose and displace those who do not represent Him well from the greater positions of leadership and influence among us, in seats established by our constitutional mandate of oath to God and to the "more perfect union" of the people as one Nation under God. (Those who depart from this truth, distract the people to segregations and lesser groups in confusions of self invented ideations)

It can be difficult to extract clarity in discernment between anointed, and approved (civil leaders) by the true prophets (in the priesthood testimony and household of Christ).

However by using the example of Balaam who is, tempted and drawn aside from the whole counsel of God, to his own ends as a false prophet, using the truth he learned of God, to a terrible misappropriation, in likeness to our current social justice warriors, who conflate and confuse proper lines of distinction for reasonable conversation in true examination for the truth, the whole, truth, and nothing but the truth. And there is a truth that is universal, and preeminent in the conversation of God, towards all human beings.

I am comparing the divide between those who have a good and holy advisement to the vote for presenting as desirable representatives as Godly leaders, (sanctity of life, and marriage) and of those who at the very least begin in pledge to wholesome policy, in opposition to those that are otherwise openly pledged and are making themselves an open object of scorn in our culture right now.

God is helping us, to raise up from among us a new breed of leader, who pledges to God, and to us, and keeps working to perform on these sacred pledges in oath to God, to help us ascribe glory once again to the God, who superintends our National identity in allegiance to Him, and maintains us in self evident truths, and inalienable rights as coming from Him to every individual who believes in Him to the fullness of His blessing in our mutual exercise of self government.

 To extract relevant and current helps to all people, first we are given to know Balaam did receive the perfection of inform from God Himself, and so God revealing for His own purpose and His jealousy over His national priesthood of believers in Christ and for the purpose of issuing in His sovereignty eternal Judgement against, those who hinder and obstruct, and otherwise malign His anointed, and do His priesthood in the testimony and Spirit of Prophecy any harm, and this Judgement and command from heaven, (Psalm 105:15) is against the false prophets who inspire and conspire with those who hate, or fail to honor Christ or His representatives, with the final goal and result to distracting His people from a blessed hope, by accentuating and fueling divisions inspired by hatred, creating a general atmosphere of hopelessness, and finally inciting bodily harms by untruthful, accusational, unfounded, and unreasonable rhetoric, against those who actually desire peace, to the incitement and false empowerments to whole people groups to violence of more destructions.

The truth, and lawful exercise, by the faithful and loyal to God, will ultimately prevail, but there is grief and loss in the moment, like at Benghazi.

False prophets are polished and posed to say what is right and true, but they do not perform it in allegiance to His Spirit in a Truthful expression of Christ through pursuit of greater understanding of His current opinion and influence of Kingdom, which results over all in the empowerment of His enemies, and of those who oppose any reference to all that is called God and good, and Jesus Christ in preeminence both in heaven, AND ON EARTH.

Something that also needs to be said, at this point is, God used Balaam even against his inner conflict of self motivations to inform the leaders that then existed of His predetermined will to advance the Nationality of Christianity He was forming around the beauty of His beloved Son, preordained to be exalted to heaven Immortal as the sole inheritor of All authority in heaven and on earth for the advancements of National constructions and constitutions in faith with Him.

Okay all that being said, now let's look at the moment of crisis and regional confrontation against the true word of the Lord as was given to Balaam notwithstanding his own inner conflictions, to announce to all the leaders of governments hostile and foreign to the inform and blessing of more perfect union with Christ, using Numbers 24:11.

Balaam is engaged of constant temptation and potential pressures of threat to his natural support and subsistence in his own region. So, first by his own reluctance to break ties completely with his former friends and regional support base, to join the great thing God is showing him about the nationality of Christianity in immature formation, and by his reluctance to fully conform to Christ in calling and election, Balaam, is truly brought to a hard place between the Rock and the leaders in surround of his own geography who hate God's people!

All that while he is in opportunity of consideration for his own part, having received, this word of the Lord's jealousy over His peculiar people, as he was not only given, but commanded to speak to the surrounding nations and people groups, on behalf of that unique calling and election, to "more perfect union" of His people gathered in His sight, and before Him night and day.

Why does Balaam refuse to engage in the inheritance from heaven he might be otherwise afforded through faithful allegiance to the fledgling Christian Government he is made aware of by God?

He was even solicited to observe it from every angle in it's then current progress, the whole answer, is not readily at hand for casual grasp, for they, "the people who believe and inherit His promise", may well have received him had he pledged his allegiance to God, and to them, if he was willing to assimilate to their sacred culture, as a willing immigrant into their preordained inheritance of blessed hope and promise by the glorious and un-created God, through the appearing of Jesus Christ!

It is helpful though as we ponder this, to observe the example of increasing pressure against him by the unruly kings who had befriended him and made room for him among themselves as long as he joined them in their obstruction against the mantle of ordination being afforded to the fledgling nationality set in priesthood by the Spirit of Christ dwelling in the midst of them.

Looking only at the historical text narrative as it is recorded in the book of Numbers, leaves us without further inform as to the details of his terrible turning from the amazement of God's vision, towards embracing instead a malicious advisement to the obvious enemies against the Nation of the Lord's delight, after the days that he gives an honest report to the nations, that only a National inheritance in trust with Christ, will be truly blessed and exalted above all other foundations of government for national identity in constitution. And that there would be no limitation to their increase.

However, moving on to the the unruly regional leaders who requested Balaam's advisements who were also set in temporal possession of lands, assets and resources, were decidedly caught in the vanity of their appointed exercise in some area of spiritual and/or political influence, whether representing in the so called sphere of religion or out in the general governmental structure of the world. 

We see that, their solicitation and subscription is not for the truth of God, but rather to find substantiation for their own vision in invention and imagination.

So let's wait, wait with that, the situation of the regional leaders, and not get too far off the target of situational pressures that contribute to Balaam's perversion to move from the knowledge of the truth, to becoming a false prophet in the perspective, and purview of the Lord.

We can see the offer, for his procurement, and the threat by the rage of his solicitor, trying to find a weapon that can be formed against the increasing numbers being added to the National devotion to Christ, and that plays a tune to his own vanity of being recognized in his own region, and the local honor and sourcing of his temporal needs in support, while promptly putting to the death his vision, for a greater participation in possible acceptation of greater calling and election among God's people.

He caved to the pressures, and forsook his possible allegiance to the truth, and strong persuasion of Christ on behalf of the greater good in purpose of blessing for His people formed in allegiance of circle around Him in "more perfect union", he became the prime example of false prophecy throughout all generations.

The regional leaders did not survive the transition to the manifestation of Godly Government in greater understanding and expression, and their demand upon the false prophet in their delusion, is all history now, and they themselves along with the false prophet they procured are burning in hell, reserved for a worse punishment (Heb 10:29) in the body of immortality when they are commanded to give an account before the eternal throne of the Lamb in the resurrection. Rev 20:14,14

This strong delusion, that somehow Christ in His purpose and zeal, to advance His Kingdom on earth as being ordained from heaven, during this temporal period of increase, for thousands of years, (Isaiah 9:7) can be ignored, or displaced, results sometimes unwittingly in an uninformed leader by using his prowess and powers of influence in temporal as an overseer of his small entrustment in temporal authority and sphere of influence, and by his intentional or unintentional intimidation and fearful threat of displacement, may unlawfully dominate those he is pledged to God to care for, and others in the field of his vision, and he will issue threats to those who pursue the true word of the Lord in the greater cause and purpose of Christ over all.

He will yield to his own vain pursuits in favor of his own temporal position to continue in the imagination of his own greatness in domination by putting to death the persons of God, or perverting them away from an accurate inspiration of vision on behalf of Christ in His own Person and Glory over all!

That is what is clearly seen in Numbers 24:11

We can see this strategy of Satan, to divide by (sifting) them internally to impart to them in fuel of their own ideation of (harvest) a vision, in error, as also being used against Peter the disciple of Jesus, who while yet in his vulnerability and susceptibility to false ideation, as he was being watched over and prepared for Apostleship ready to be imparted by a greater infilling of God's Spirit and testimony, after the resurrection through 40 days of instruction and subsequent witness of the ascension of Jesus Christ, when Satan asked for permission to "sift", or divide him internally, and feed upon him like a vulture to consume him in soulish affections and false justice pursuits from a perspective diverted from the preeminence of Jesus Christ in focus and theology.

Reference, Matt 16:23, Luke 22:31, 32
In Peter's case, again, Jesus prayed for him that his faith in God's love, calling and election over him would not fail, but rather he would be completely persuaded and convinced internally to Christ's vision purpose and calling over him!

Now little Children Beloved of God and of Christ our King Immortal, keep yourselves from inventions of humanity in opposition to the Lord!

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