Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Government on earth as it is in Heaven

I think generally, we don't understand how important it is to God's purpose, for the Church to struggle on behalf of Christ's Kingdom to use the influence of His political power on earth during the progress of mortality in temporal sustain, until God gets everything He ever intended and expected from creation by the manifest love of Jesus Christ.

God created all things in corporeal by the wisdom and Light of His preordination for Christ to come into the world in His own Person, because it is through Him, He predestined the gift and opportunity for salvation, and confirmed it, by the initiation of our blessed hope in immortality, through Him, in the manifest and unique power of His own resurrection from the dead!

God has spoken this truth, in witness from the beginning, and confirmed it in His own Glorious body when Jesus was resurrected from the dead, and ascended to where He is presently contained Immortal in His own glorious body in heaven, (Acts 3:21) until the completion of His command to immortality over all the rest.
(Biblically referenced from that time forward as "the great harvest", in progress throughout the generations succeeding in "first fruit harvest" as being gathered to Christ in heaven in the specific generation of the Apostles, and looking forward together with us, in each successive generation, to the "consummation" of sovereign and universal commandment for all mortality to be swallowed up by immortality at the end, according to 1 Cor 15:26.) 

There will be nothing discovered by all of humanity that will amount to anything greater than this to the end. Amen!

When Jesus Christ resurrected and Immortal in His current body, imparted mission (Matt 28:18,19)  to the Church, He also informed us, He does possess absolute Sovereignty in the political realm (on earth BY HIS SPIRIT) as well as absolute Sovereignty in the spiritual or heavenly realm, (in HIS IMMORTAL BODY seated in God's Throne) and this IS the means by which He yields the (Isaiah 9:7) zeal of God's current increase to Christ's current Kingdom, as the One in whom the Godhead dwells bodily in Immortality, so the natural things created, speak of the supernatural things eternal. Rom 1:20Col 2:9

We the people of faith in one God, should understand He solicits our full support to form governmental constructs and policies in allegiance with what can plainly be known of God by the Spirit of Christ, for this is what yields to Him, (Through Governmental Constitutions) the bordered fields of harvest for His effectual administration on earth, as He is ordaining it from heaven for calling the Nations into a peace of "more perfect union" with one another and with Him who is invisible (caught up to heaven) and tangibly seated Immortal in heaven dwelling in the City and Throne God built for Him, and for us, to inherit a share in His promise and Glory!

As Abraham Lincoln says, of "we the people" who believe in America, "We know that only the Nations whose God, is the Lord (Jesus Christ) are truly blessed", he bases his faithful statement on Psalm 33:12.

When the righteous are in leadership, the Light of Christ shines on the just and on the unjust with equal opportunity, in other words everyone receives a blessed and ordered political peace for the time that is afforded by it, for discovery in the propagation of "self evident truths", and of voluntary solicitations to the gospel by the Church in "peaceable gathering" and for the proper influence of Civil Government in "more perfect union" with one another and with God.

1 AmendmentCongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of (particular denomination of) religion, or prohibiting (by demanded secularity) the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people "peaceably to assemble" (in biblical authority of Matt 18:20), and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Church grows up as God's family and household of Jesus Christ, and Governmental Nationality grows out of the Church through honor of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ as expressed in political policy through Christians in Civil Government.

We are thereby safely contained and sustained during our short period of mortality through a blessed environment of governmental model and example of Christ's political powers delegated to the National construction by constitutions, and institutions in pledged allegiance to Him.

America is set in likeness to the example of Israel's incorporation by the Spirit of God, to form a nationality within which to identify, and give birth to Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, in sovereign election and calling, and to give witness of the benefits in model of His Kingdom in hope of salvation to immortality as He promised to Abraham! Hebrews 11:10

God commanded judgement between good and evil, through the legislation given to Moses, and this is an example of boundaries, and borders, given to them within which to cultivate devotion to the love of Christ in the generosity of God.

By constitution of the law of Moses, an consecrated narrow field of sovereignty was given to them, for salvation to spring up from in greater understanding and expression of faithful pledge to Christ by opportunity of communion as one people under God's authority and commanded blessing by their union to Him and to one another as brothers and sisters.

While Governmental and corporate legislation alone, may not afford change to the heart, it is a standard of boundaries for maintaining a mutual good towards one another under the superintendence of God, and a necessary context of protection in sustainment for the righteous to grow up, and mature within, as they are being set apart from the destructions of the wicked who break faith with Christ and with one another, as they also break the law, proving themselves lawless in hypocrisy, and enemies to all that is good, concerning love towards God and one another.

All of them who were made righteous through faith in Christ and maintained under obedience to the law, in the generations before Jesus appeared in the flesh, are now numbered, and separated to God, both from the witness of historical record, and by manifestation of beautiful ascendance to heaven with Christ when He Himself ascended from the grave, and took all of them up with Him, to form that great cloud of witnesses around His throne. Matt 27:52Hebrews 12:22-25 

So from that time forward and now at the present all people are given to consider, and understand the nature of their own first birth in identity that corresponds with Adam, as a foundation of commonality for new birth by believing and receiving the Spirit and witness of Jesus Christ!

Jesus is called the second man Adam, for new creation is the new command of the LORD, identified by the name God gives Him as the sole Gen 1:3, descendant from God, (Psalm 118:26, Matt 21:9) He alone is Christ now exalted to heaven in Immortal Body!
1Cor 15:47

Note: God revealed His plan for the new birth in Christ, in command of immortality, through His Word and Light, pledged to formation in the womb of a virgin, from Gen 3:15, saying it, before Eve was given to Adam in marriage! And He also proclaimed the same in more specific revelation, through the lips of Isaiah the prophet in Isaiah 7:14.

Herein is found the truth and necessity for new birth, Jesus during the time and maturation of His ministry was instructing the first National identity in model of pledged allegiance to His sacred trust!

To build a foundation of National identity, that would recognize Him in His own person, for who He is as the only begotten Son of God, having come into the world to give life more abundantly to every person who comes to embrace a greater understanding and expression in image of God, by translation into the Kingdom of His Beloved Son!

The nationality in first nature trust with God is the foundation for the greater understanding and expression of Christ in New birth, the first nature and model of nationality even in legislation of trust in God, is not sufficient to produce the salvation of the individual, to redemption in immortality, but rather can only preserve the corporate body in political peace, for an extended opportunity to press on to the second birth by breath and promise of the Father through the outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon all flesh, through calling upon the name of Jesus.

This salvation was predestined by God, for any person born into the world equal in procreation by Adam, and made possible for voluntary acceptation by recognizing Jesus as God's uniquely begotten Son, calling upon His name and following on to believe and know that God has raised Him from the dead.
John 3, Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9

So isn't it apparently and historically true, that all men are only given by natural birth an opportunity of specific time afforded to consider conscience towards God, in a common grace, to choose good over evil, and for those who turn away from evil to choose the good, God affords the greater grace in the impartation of His gift by Christ through calling upon the name of Jesus.

The founding fathers of America, were well aware of the former example and historic case of Israel, as the first God ordained Nationalized trust in Christ. They formed America in the same Light and model, in expectation of a homeland for the Church for the proliferation of the greater revelation and faith of Jesus Christ, exalted Immortal as a light to all Nations. Isaiah 49:6

America's founders well understood, in their own generation, that it is God who creates us equal, and through faith in Jesus Christ, imparts a more perfect union to those who pledge allegiance to one another in trust with Him, and thereby gives the power to create a peculiar national identity for priesthood and Godly exercise of political power, yesterday, today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

Just as in historic Israel the opportunity for salvation was afforded to every individual through Godly constructions and conduct accentuated and affirmed of certain anointed individuals and faithful governmental leaders, who were exemplified by maintaining allegiance to the Spirit of Christ, and their nation prospered and was protected and entirely blessed, at what times, they did so, by honoring God in a priestly and prophetic community within their own borders, it was their focus of attention upon the expectation of Christ who would come in His own person and revelation of His particular name in their future as represented by all the prophets, including and especially King David that sustained them in the substance of their hope. So it is for us, as we embrace a more sure word of prophecy that Christ will come again.
Psalm 27:4, Psalm 110

The primary mission of every governmental leader both then and now is to sustain and defend all the registered citizens within the borders of their allocations and boundaries as issued from God, without disruption to the greater purpose of God in proliferation of the (Priesthood ie. Church) within the borders of their political defense. Therefore it is true that all nations are judged by their response to the Church and only those nations that believe Jesus Christ is the Lord are truly blessed.
Psalm 33:12, Duet 32:8

Our framers sought to understand the tenant requirements of Israel's National pledge and established boundaries through consecrations to Christ pre incarnate, in order to form the same union made "more perfect" in governmental constructions holding to the same truths as self evident under the blessedness of one God as creator of all and reverence for the Church in believing Christ Jesus is presently ruling and reigning over all humanity in His own flesh, who is, as they understood also verifiable by "self evident truths" in historical documentation, of Christ's birth, and resurrection as the eternal and immortal Lord, over all of humanity.

The greatest leaders throughout our history and "two or more" among America's founders correctly perceived and agreed, God blesses National constructions and representative political powers in allegiance to and honor of One God who created all, and Jesus Christ as His only begotten, ever beloved and resurrected Son. Matthew 18:20

Confidence that He alone provides National success through political powers common to all who believe in Him and ordained from heaven, is the main subject of our founding documents.

It is Him alone, to whom we have pledged our National Trust and received a confirmation of our sustenance in sovereignty.

The Church is pledged to represent Jesus Christ as ambassadors and labor for a harvest of souls to Him, in every field and in all environments of every place on earth internationally. There is no compulsion by the Church to disrupt national boundaries and/or otherwise destroy ancient markers of peaceful governments but rather to fully support and encourage their good success through voluntary pledges to felicity in the faith and revelation of Christ, as may be demonstrated to them, by our continued efforts, as modeled in America as a "missions base" for the Global Church.

We may do so, if we can continue to win souls to the Lord from generation to generation, and solicit voluntary obedience to Christ among our own families and households, within the constructed context of our common faith in One God over our Nation to a "more perfect union" in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Leading them as Jesus led His own disciples from a foundation of Hebrews 11:6, to a 'more perfect' understanding and expression of His sovereignty in calling and election revealed in John 14-17.

The Church therefore is no threat to any national sovereignty, but rather a witness of God's promise for increased national felicity in the greater understanding and expression of Christ to those who are willing to voluntarily yield to His good purposes for each of them.

The House of Prayer in every place (Mal 1:11) is the stronghold of Christ in priesthood representing the Jerusalem that is above. Nations though they may rise and fall, are only maintained in perpetuity when properly responsive to the priesthood of the Church to become likewise a stronghold of His political power.

National governments in allegiance with Christ are the servants of His political power in the preservation of all humanity in mortality, both of the saved and the potentially saved within their borders through His patience in effectual intercession and as long as it is bearing fruit.

Those who say, let each the Church and the Government play in their own separate fields, are widely ignorant of the very fact that neither will have a field of play at all, without the mutual preservation of the other, and it is Almighty God who commands a felicity for each, especially so, in any nation formed in His trust and also for those at least maintained in an absence, of directed and intentional hostility towards the ever beloved and enduring Church and bridal community of Christ.

In other words as long as they are not Anti Christ in their policy.

This truth is witnessed by the sustainment of preservation and intervention in the affairs of the Godless government of Babylon, only so long as they were engaged by influence of God, in the friendship and intercession of Daniel's presence there (Christ believer, in model of the Church influencing Civil Government).

How much more, a Nation pledged to God, will be preserved by responding in peaceful friendship to the praying Church within.

For every national identity will be judged of God, by it's response to the Church, for we see plainly when at last there was a total disregard for God by the depravity of Nebuchadnezzar's grandson, it resulted in his sudden death and the end of the temporal reign of his grandfather's sphere of government and the realms previously ruled in oversight by his grandfather were divided and given to other leaders with less political power and influence over all, and less esteem among the rest of the nations.

If any Nation be abandoned to it's own ways, or especially bereft of Godliness through abhorrence of faith in Christ and His appointed intercessions through the presence of the Church, they will suffer increasing destructions, and continual desolations. Any people pledged to the same stubborn opposition and/or constrained therein will eventually perish from the face of the earth.

A mandate from heaven of destruction against the ungodly is especially true and specifically escalated against whatever form of government that specifically targets the Church and sets themselves in opposition to all that is called God. (by humanistic inventions, mandates and demands to secularism)

Of course the members of the Church will be preserved in ascendance whether by death in persecutions or by the change at His appearing. However as long as we have breath, we hold to the 'self evident truths' of Jesus Christ in fulfilling of God's desire and determination for the greatest numbers possible in harvest, to salvation in the universal expression of immortality, both in the stronghold of a Godly National heritage in Christianity and our faithful witness of Light to the other Nations longing to behold His glory!

The national government of America is like the temporal construction of the ark built by Noah it can only preserve humanity in the first born created state of Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, through the felicity of peace within our sacred borders and healthy boundaries.

America is founded in partnership with the Immortal Christ, through pledges of allegiance to God, and receipt of the gift of Christ's powers (Isaiah 33:22) being divided among us in three equal branches of one new kind of Governmental expression in hope and aspiration of "more perfect union" with God and one with one another.

Noah, as a witness for Christ, did so, by constructing the ark, to sustain mortal humanity in a common Grace to the future appearing of Jesus Christ in the person of His own uniquely formed flesh, in the body and womb of the Virgin Mary, by the Spirit and Power of the only wise and invisible creator of all humanity, The Lord, The Lord God Almighty. Psalm 29:10

The witness for salvation in Christ alone that Noah himself received flowed down from his family members in the lineage and witness of Enoch, and in his own calling out to God, he was afforded an opportunity of grace, against the commanded and pending destruction of the ungodly, by fire, that had been prophesied by Enoch, but since the Lord had not yet been born into the world, that destruction was being revealed in deferment by the flood, so Noah found grace to build a construction in partnership with God's counsel in truth, to build a conveyance that lifted him and his family above the circle of the earth resting upon the waters which took the breath away from the rest of humanity, while reserving the prophecy of Enoch as also dictated by 2 Peter 3:7 to the generation at the end.

In this consideration, God made a difference between Enoch who He took without ever experiencing the death of the body and Noah who was saved from the global deluge, showing that the framework or ark of safety built by Noah, was not the direct agency of His preservation of sovereignty in supernatural expression alone as in the case of Enoch, but rather a temporal but necessary sustain of the continuation of humanity in the first state of mortality, in procreation, for increase of numbers, to the revelation of Jesus Christ born of a virgin in unique identity of Sonship, preordained and elect in His person capable of resurrection and exaltation to secure and prove immortality and make manifest to all the blessed hope of redemption in the body, for those pledged to His betrothal, at the command to universal expression of immortality preordained to come.

The ark was a Godly empowerment of construction, like the law of Moses, as I am comparing to human governments, even as when constructed, constituted and ratified by Christians, the Godly Government represents in focus merely the agency of a common grace sustainment of mortality in temporal, to the revelation of Christ specific in personal salvation through the proliferation of the Church by the Gift of God's Spirit given through calling upon the name of Jesus.

It may be clear to see, the government provides a mechanism for the witness of Christ's political power, however the Church is the very subject of His cohabitation and extreme object of His jealousy as His beloved bride among the nations.

This being true, then we can appreciate the necessity by which human governments exist, for sake of Christ's expectation of increase to His government through the proliferation of the Church and release of reciprocal blessing for sustainment of the government in particular, by the faithful labors of intercessory activity, and witness of response to discipleship by the Church.

I say activity because prayer and inform from heaven must be communicated to the effectual priesthood of governmental leaders, both by selection in election and most notably by surround of counsel as near as they will continually embrace it.

Martyrs are important to God and to the Church, they are precious and beloved in His oversight.

His primary desire though, (Psalm 105:15) in the sending forth of His messengers is the building up of the Church and to reveal His political arm of deliverance over the children converted to Him through the proclamation of truth by affecting the responsibility of governments to both hear His voice from heaven, and honor His desire to provide defense for them, His people on the ground.

By creating a safe and moral baseline of Godly legislation, in partnership with Christ, through the proper construction and exercise of political governments, God gives the increase to the potential of our labors in the love and patience of Jesus Christ as messaged by the Church, for adding greater numbers in agreement with His blessing, and to engender deeper affections towards one another in sacred trust, with the peace of Christ that exceeds all other forms of union.

The primary mission of governments is to preserve the lives of it's own citizens in peaceful community of mutual felicity, against all threats foreign or domestic to that form of peace they may enjoy through voluntary and mutual pledges, to their own common good, and deliverance from violence, especially as focused against one another.

As Jesus said, and Abraham Lincoln himself quoted when trying to gather the Nation against racial disparity, "a house (family, or Nation) divided against itself, cannot stand".

This is the commandment of the Lord, especially of those that believe, ie. The Church, to make intercession for them. The Church is no threat, to any nationality, in particular, but to the ungodly in any form of self willed and obstinate expression of self invented ideology.


Mighty God, I pray let your word run swiftly and be glorified throughout America, and indeed, all the Nations remained in temporal boundary by Your will and eternal Godhead superintending over all creation! For You alone are seated above all principalities powers and dominions on earth, in the Immortal body of Your own design for administrations of Your beauty in transcendent, Glory forever and ever, even so come Lord Jesus Come, in the fullness of Your expression at the appointed time, and preserve us in America, and among the Nations in Your mercy, majesty, and grace until then, in "occupation" of Your supernatural administration in the truth, the self evident truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, here we are God to "occupy" in partnership as the body of Your Church in influence of Civil Government to healthy preservation of LIFE, liberty, and pursuit of happiness in blessed hope of immortality, until You come, and command the preordained universal expression of immortality over all creation.

The 1 Cor 15:26 end. Amen! Amen!

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