Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Flashes of Lightning and Sounds of Thunder from ONE THRONE.

Revised~ 1/9/2018
I am working on making my blog and posts to become more conversational, but for now let me just get this out, I am learning more ways to organize my thoughts and finding new ways to express the encounters, I am having with the revelational aspect of my prayerful study in the Word with the internal Word guiding me. ;-)

I thank God for this! So let me begin this short blog with my prayer of thanksgiving on topic:
Beautiful God I thank you for the wonderful and mind boggling expression of Your love in one body uniquely formed in the womb of the virgin Mary, in the which You walked among us in risk to mortal death to conquer the necessity of death for the perfecting the saints. Yes even as Paul the Apostle said, in 1 Cor 15:51, it's not the obvious truths about death and the preordained commandment of Christ to resurrection that is so mysterious because after all He is the Son of God, but as he shares in his zeal for US to come into the same maturity of expression as sons and daughters of God through the Spirit of Christ in us, the very power that raised Him from the dead dwelling in US, "I now show you a mystery", we will not all die the death, but rather those of US who are alive and remain to the foreordained ENDING OF DEATH ALL TOGETHER, WILL NEVER DIE IN OUR MORTAL BODIES AT ALL, IN FACT IN THE MOMENT WE WILL BE CHANGED INTO HIS LIKENESS, this is the consummation and the joining of the bride to the bridegroom while THE POWER OF GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY PRESIDES OVER OUR JOINING TOGETHER WITH HIM!! THIS IS CALLED THE CONSUMMATION Amen!
Open the eyes of our understanding Mighty God, give us ears to hear what YOUR EVERLASTING SPIRIT IS SAYING!!! AMEN!

HERE ARE TWO contexts but ONE THRONE for your consideration and prayerful Bible Study: 1) Jesus is Immortal in intercession NOW, as revealed to and preached by the Apostolic message of the Church, He is seated on the Mercy Seat until the CONSUMMATION OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, who are preserved alive and remaining, in sustainments of mortality until His Appearing.

HIS APPEARING IS THE REDEMPTION OF THE BODY TO IMMORTALITY IN GOD'S ORIGINAL INTENTION FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM, OF WHOM, IMMEDIATELY AT THE TIME OF HIS GLORIOUS COMMAND FROM HEAVEN WILL NEVER BE SEPARATED FROM THEIR MORTAL BODIES AT ALL, BUT RATHER WILL BE CHANGED IN THE MOMENT AND TWINKLING OF THE EYE CLOTHED UPON WITH THE BODY OF IMMORTALITY IN LIKENESS TO HIS OWN GLORIOUS BODY AS IT IS NOW. ~ Acts 3:21, 1 Cor 15:52 A separation of the wheat from among the chaff is currently in progress by CHRIST in HIS MERCY SEAT, by virtue of separation of the soul from the body at the time of death and because, the soul is either being gathered to the security of heaven to await His command to immortality, or dispatched to further displacement away from Him, by the temporal containment in hell for all who have refused His MERCY!
2) Thereafter will be finalized before the same Throne, Christ having come out of His place of intercession on the Mercy Seat, by securing the righteous to salvation and change to immortality, initiates the final Judgement whereby every person ever born or created, will be resurrected from death, hell and the grave, to a body of immortality, EVERYONE ever born and having died up to and including in the consummation, will be resurrected to the pre appointed order for each to stand before Almighty God in reference to the Great White Throne in a resurrected and immortal body. John 5:28

For certainly as long as another person is capable of being born into the world during the sustainment of humanity in the body of mortality, there could be no final judgement at the Great White Throne. CLARIFICATIONS FOR DELIBERATION: In other words where there is no more environment remaining for the body of mortality to thereafter survive, because of the universal command to immortality, the people who do not believe must therefore be killed by absence of survivable environment in full scale as was witnessed in part by the flood in the which the environment of breath as first given to Adam for life of the mortal body was removed from all but Noah and 8 souls. And this was for the temporal sustain of humanity in mortality until the appearing of Jesus Christ for salvation and demonstration of His power to sustain mortal humanity in the same case of preservation as afforded to Noah, while He Himself is ruling and reigning in the body of immortality, with the power to command the same over the rest at His return from heaven. Since there is no secondary commandment of Christ for the righteous to immortality as announced by Apostolic doctrine, nor yet throughout the whole bible unless manufactured by human concerns as opposite to God's designs and concerns as demonstrated through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

So then we should embrace that if all the present heaven and earth which is necessary to sustain mortality is dissolved as Peter describes in 2 Peter 3:10 and the people who are not changed are rather killed in that disposition must be secondarily resurrected to final judgement. Revelation 20:11 Since, the first resurrection of which Jesus Himself contends that HE HIMSELF PRESENTLY IS, (John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I AM the resurrection, and the life:) results in the believers who are alive and remaining on earth to His appearing, being changed to immortality along with all those who will have already joined to HIM IN HEAVEN during the prolong of mortality, a secondary resurrection, is not necessary nor even spoken of pertaining to the case of the redeemed, having all been changed together into His likeness in the same moment of His pronouncement to consummation whether in heaven or on the earth yet to ascend. 2 Peter 3:10-18 So that the consummation of marriage of mortal believers to Jesus in the change to immortality is also the restitution of all things related to mortality since they will never be separated from the body by death.

As Paul says, mortality is swallowed up completely by the command to immortality and those already in heaven will be changed as well as those who are alive and remaining on earth to that point will be changed, the rest who have been previously separated to hell, and in that progress of the consummation separated from the mortal body in death, need to be secondarily resurrected to final judgement. 1 Cor 15:52-54 Rev 20:11 Summary in overview: 1) Right hand of power NOW, (judgement deferred by Christ in HIS Mercy Seat) in voluntary solicitation by intercession, and solicitation of voluntary love returned! 2) Absolute sovereignty in JUDGEMENT THEN at the END (of the deferment by Christ coming off the Mercy Seat)! If you perceive the difference in the two contexts around the SAME THRONE, you can understand, and rightly divide, or parse out the truth in all the scriptures. ~ 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 Consider, which context do you suppose the One Throne is being spoken of in the text of Matt 25:31-46? Which period of Kingdom can be identified by the context of activity in judgement and purpose in this reference? Is it of Christ on His Mercy Seat in heaven attracting and separating believers in harvest from among the wicked to Himself, or of God revealed in the sovereignty of His Immortality executing judgement against the wicked by their death and resurrection to His Judgement Seat, if you can tell? 1 Cor 15:24-26 Yes and Amen to the New Creation Nationality in Jesus Christ for Kingdom, and to the Israel of God forever after in the New Heaven and New Earth where there is only righteousness with Him in the body of Immortality!!! Amen!!!

Gal 6:16  And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and      
               upon the Israel of God!

1.) Every believer presently existing as born into the mortal body, will either die in temporal separation
from the mortal body and ascend immediately to heaven where the Immortal Body of Jesus Christ is,
or be changed to immortality at His universal appearing to all, as HE commands an ending to all mortality, this is our blessed hope, as believers, to wit; the redemption of the body to IMMORTALITY.
Romans 8:23

2.) Those who have died in despite of, or in contempt of Christ on His Mercy Seat, (in a Psalm 2 rage) will be secondarily resurrected to the Great White Throne of Judgement! Amen!

Note: Mortality is the universal command to death of the body as continued in procreation from Adam, IMMORTALITY is the universal command, and resurrection of every living soul, ever created or born into the world, as clothed upon with an indestructible Body in likeness to Jesus Christ first born initiator and commander of Immortality, in His own Glorious body, for final disposition before His Throne of Majesty in Sovereignty!

1 comment:

  1. Here is a great clue, ~ There is only one people and Nationality in the resurrection and change to immortality, in finality of family in Christ, called the Israel of God.
