Let's just get right to the point here at the beginning, the biggest problem with current theologies and argumentation in the Church, around the "great tribulation" period, and for MOST INTERPRETATIONS that demand Jesus set up a throne on earth in context of humanity as presently sustained in procreation of mortality in body after the seed of Adam, greatly presumes upon God, for the continuation of procreation in the body of mortality for an additional thousand years after the only return of Christ in second and final appearing as listed in the whole of the Bible.
The Bible speaks of His first appearing for salvation, and His second appearing for consummation of our "blessed hope", which is the universal clothing upon with bodies of Immortality in likeness to His own glorious eternal and immortal body.
And by the assurance of all of the Apostles, this happens AT HIS SECOND AND FINAL APPEARING.
At what other time does anyone suppose that it is given then, that may be appointed for His command to swallow up ALL mortality period, other than at that time that He comes off His mercy seat and enters again bodily into the present earthly environment with ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of saints and angels that are presently in His surround as "contained" in the heaven of heavens, the third heaven as Peter powerfully asserts in Acts 3:21?
Can't we see clearly with the "eyes of our understanding" as set forth in the Bible and throughout all ages, that it is in this glorious moment of truth at God's sovereign predestination of final disposition, (by a trumpet blast, shout and command, from heaven, the order issues and the commandment is made to put an end to all death all together and completely and all at once in that moment) so that likewise the instance thereby also demands at His appearing to save those who are alive and remain from ever dying, when the present and visible heavens will be rolled up like a scroll, and the earth and the elements there of are melted away with a fervent heat?
Likewise the key issue being, there can be no more new persons being created and born into a body that is from it's origination in lineage by Adam, that can in any wise any longer be sustained in subjection to death in the future or that any person of that order in creation of natural body, can somehow survive that moment without the intervention of Christ Himself in person of power, glory and consummation for rejoin of His beloved Bride in body remained to body immortal?
Because if He comes without conquering death in universal expression and without interruption of the present heavens and earth environment, then when and how could all those things as that which is clearly set forth and narrated throughout the Bible and described with certain clarity by all the prophets and Apostles, as the moment of destruction to all the wicked, actually happen?
And when thereafter then, would be the opportunity and occasion of biblical description, when He will do all of that which all the prophets and Apostles testified will happen at His appearing to all?
How, and at what time thereafter, will He close out the existence of the present heavens and earth in preference of a new heaven and earth where as the Bible clearly narrates there is no more death, nor sorrow, nor tears of groaning which are only present in the body of mortality as verified in lineage of procreation from the created order and seed of Adam?
The sorrows of suffering we all clearly know and presently experience in this present groaning, because of sin and mortal death in the body.
Therefore we can easily validate and understand the truth of which is presently existing in troubles and woes are all associated in part and parcel with the body of mortality and the present environment necessary to sustain the same, as existing from the beginning, wherein sin and death by mortality of the natural birthed body is still existing.
However none of these things as they presently exist can be remained to exist at all, in the greater body of immortality!
This is the promise of the Father from the beginning, that we will be changed and clothed upon with a greater body in likeness to the body of glory that Jesus Himself is clothed upon with at present.
So this is NOW! Our "blessed" hope, and more sure word of prophecy retained and witnessed in the glory of Jesus bodily resurrected and exalted to the third heaven 'contained', as God declares it to us, by His Holy Spirit, so that we who are alive and remain to that moment of His command will be changed into His likeness in body, without ever dying in separation from our body at all.
The biblical description of which is the vanquishing of death all together, and is found in throughout the bible, but most clearly here in Paul's condensation of the whole truth of it in one chapter, in his first letter to the Corinthians chapter 15!
The biblical description of which is the vanquishing of death all together, and is found in throughout the bible, but most clearly here in Paul's condensation of the whole truth of it in one chapter, in his first letter to the Corinthians chapter 15!
The desire to know (or seem to know) more details about the situation on the ground preceding the moment of our transition to IMMORTALITY, along with much supposition about what Jesus will do thereafter, creates a general, but understandable misunderstanding of prophecy and the power of God as exercised universally and in sovereign over all creation.
So just as the present environment of heaven and earth which at first is created for the initiation of every eternal and living soul by proliferation of the body of mortality through Adam is universal and ongoing by the sovereignty of God with a predetermined end, so also but greater than, is the context for what happens at the return of Jesus Christ the author of life in the beginning and the finisher and closure of all things created by His universal command to IMMORTALITY,!
So just as the present environment of heaven and earth which at first is created for the initiation of every eternal and living soul by proliferation of the body of mortality through Adam is universal and ongoing by the sovereignty of God with a predetermined end, so also but greater than, is the context for what happens at the return of Jesus Christ the author of life in the beginning and the finisher and closure of all things created by His universal command to IMMORTALITY,!
And just as all things as they are have been in continuity from the beginning, so also that which is ever enduring in greater permanence forever after, is performed in a universal gloriously sustained forever and ever after irreversible change, the Alpha and Omega, beginner and finisher of God's plan to finally separate and protect the just from the unjust as the primary issue from the beginning, and all humanity will be especially foreclosed upon at the change to immortality in the singular unprecedented and irreversible universal command by Christ.
The predetermined just (those that are in heaven having already passed under the review board of Christ on His mercy seat and being gathered "secretly raptured" to Him now, and those who are alive in mortal body having taken refuge in Christ and remained alive faithful to His appearing and are changed in the moment and instant to immortality) will be the FULL number of those dwelling together with Jesus Christ in immortality in the new heaven and new earth where there is ONLY righteousness.
These are the saved and redeemed of all humanity while the final disposition of death to all the rest of mortal humanity is accomplished, and they are also, resurrected to immortality to be disposed to the great white throne of Judgement once the present heaven and earth has passed (fled) away.
These are the saved and redeemed of all humanity while the final disposition of death to all the rest of mortal humanity is accomplished, and they are also, resurrected to immortality to be disposed to the great white throne of Judgement once the present heaven and earth has passed (fled) away.
Now, this is no doubt, mysterious in the finality, which requires an understanding of the difference God makes for the faithful, both at the death of His saints, and the change to immortality in that moment of destruction for the rest, for the whole environment in that day is in likeness to the three Hebrew children upon whom the furnace had no ill effect whatsoever.
In the case of the end of all mortality, as was in that case of microcosm, the mortal body can not survive it, and no one who was thrown into it by the King had ever before survived it, however, even though the furnace was at an intensity level 7 times hotter than necessary to consume the mortal body, (on a universal scale all the elements would also melt) they who were afforded the presence of Jesus Christ, were not in the slightest harmed at all, not one hair of their heads was harmed, nor indeed could they possibly be harmed at all, in the safety of His very presence by His joining them there in the instance and in the midst of the flaming furnace, for He is the Author and Sustainer of all human life whether in the body or absent from the body, and more especially in the change to clothing upon by the body immortal in likeness to His own Glorious Body.
The "secret rapture" as so many perceive of from the biblical language they ponder, is of those being caught up to the safety and power of His immortal presence, AS IS presently occurring through death of the first nature body as living souls are separated from the body, the righteous ascending from among the unrighteous, by the procession of all passing before the MERCY SEAT of Christ IMMORTAL, so that it is in fact while AS YET unseen to the natural eye, currently occurring and in continuation throughout the remainder of humanity, to the moment of universal and corporate change to immortality at His command WHICH IS UNIVERSAL AND VISIBLE TO ALL.
In other words the main thing to grasp is that, until that moment of Jesus' command to immortality we are subject to death along with all the rest, but are immediately caught up to the New Jerusalem where He is, at the death of our first nature body. And how precious in the "sight" of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15
So, we who believe and are saved by faith, in receipt and seal of His Holy Spirit, now, are being secured to HIM every individual at the instance of death to the body, gathered by ascent to Him in secret and Spirit, and until our blessed hope is fulfilled by the open and universally commanded ascension and momentary instant change to immortality of those of us who are alive in the body of our first nature and remain to His appearing, then we are changed all together universally in visibility and open display to all, at His command to immortality.
The preservation of Christ is deliverance from death and destruction of the body in two ways, first while mortality is temporally sustained "as in the days of Noah", we are gathered to Jesus, every living soul is gathered to Him immediately if we die and are separated from the body, and secondly we are clothed upon immediately with our body immortal at the change for those yet alive and remaining to His shout and command over all.
So that in the generation of His Return we will never die bodily by any degree of separation from the body at all, by death, as we are rejoined to the LORD in immortality of body in likeness to His own glorious body in that moment called the consummation and the restitution of all things.
So that in the generation of His Return we will never die bodily by any degree of separation from the body at all, by death, as we are rejoined to the LORD in immortality of body in likeness to His own glorious body in that moment called the consummation and the restitution of all things.
The Lord has made Israel and the Church ONE corporate body, both of those who are in heaven already and we who are pledged to HIM in the Church on the ground.
Hebrews 12:22-25 (everyone who has died in the Faith of Christ both before His appearing and especially after, is already with Him now in eternal living person awaiting the pronouncement of immortality which cannot be afforded without everyone of us.)
The three Hebrew children were preserved in the furnace of flame because the pre incarnate CHRIST joined them in the flame and preserved them as a witness of our own preservations when the global event as described by 2 Peter 3:10-13 is initiated by the trumpet and shout command of Jesus to universal immortality.
The rest of natural bodies will be burned up, (Isaiah 66:24) and JESUS will give back His millennial Kingdom to the Father for great white throne judgment and to establish the New heaven and New earth for the righteous alone.
There is no more mortality at all, forever after.
The judgment of God over all humanity resurrected occurs and only the righteous inherit the NEW heaven and New earth for dwelling together with Jesus.
There is no more death, no more tears no more sorrow, for the wheat has been fully harvested from all humanity.
This event is compared to the days of Noah, because only the saved in Christ will survive it by change to immortality in that moment of joyful gathering to CHRIST, joined to Him forever in immortality of body in likeness to His own glorious body.
The restitution of Acts 3:21 means God has gotten everyone and everything He wanted from the beginning when He created Adam, through the gift and glorious command of Jesus Christ to IMMORTALITY.
Trying to answer the question of when this will occur using other markers than the shout and command of Jesus to immortality is to put the cart before the horse.
In other words all the event markers can only make sense within the constructs of MESSIAH IN KINGDOM as the BEGINNING OF IMMORTALITY BY CHRIST ALONE IN KINGDOM and THE END of all mortality BY THE FINAL COMMAND OF CHRIST IN KINGDOM to end all necessity of dominion, where there is no more unrighteousness at all there is no more necessity of dominion at all.
Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
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1 Cor 15:25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. |
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
A theology that divides among the people prematurely or establishes a division again between the jew and gentile which the Lord has removed forever is error.
The only true line of distinction for salvation from begin to end is between believers in Christ and unbelievers in antichrist.
Both in the old testament and the new.
The big blocks OF TRUTH should be at the foundation of our faith.
1 Jesus is the Christ and messiah spoken of by all the prophets of the Jewish heritage and has exalted them together with Himself. To rule and reign with Him over the residue of humanity during a shortened and limited sustain of humanity in mortality.
Heb 12:22-25
Heb 12:22-25
2 He Himself in the body He was born with which was formed by the Spirit of God, in the womb of the virgin Mary, was made immortal through His resurrection to the same body, firstborn from the dead.
He is ruling and reigning over the residue of humanity on the Throne of His choice, from the City not built with human hands in Messianic reign to transition all humanity to Immortality. For the purpose of finally separating between the righteous to dwell in the NEW heaven and earth, and the unrighteous to be disposed to the eternal lake of fire in the second body of their resurrection.
3 Death is the final enemy TO BE vanquished by His messianic Kingdom, 1 Cor 15:26 to fully transition the Kingdom of all creation, Back to the Father called the restitution, for dwelling with the saved of humanity together with Jesus in IMMORTALITY called also the consummation of marriage. Rev 21:5
If the lens of immortality as God's goal for us from the beginning, is perceived, it is easier to find the Way, the TRUTH and the LIFE at the core of all prophecy so we can live, LOVE and endure, in our blessed HOPE by being in Him and He in us through communion with His Holy Spirit, so that whether by ascension after death or at the commanded change of our bodies to immortality we will also continue to be with Him forever.
We have such a blessed HOPE by partnership in Jesus' resurrection, now, for being rejoined to HIM in the mutuality of IMMORTALITY for dwelling together in the Kingdom of God with HIM, ~ In the NEW heaven and NEW earth, where there is no longer any evil among us at all having been completely separated from us by eternal judgement, there is only righteousness FOREVER! AMEN! AMEN! 1 Thessalonians 4:18 AMEN!
God open the eyes of our understanding. Amen. :-)
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