It is God's intention in origination to dwell with the redeemed of humanity, in the universal expression of Immortality, through the transition and end of Christ's Kingdom from heaven, Him first Immortal, then all the rest at His appearing!
The City has walls, and gates and there is not allowed any unrighteousness at all to enter, for it has been cleansed from all opposition to God, by the ascendance of the Lamb Immortal in Body.
Paul, was born again, out of season compared to the 12, because they were taught of the Lord in the brief period of His mortality, as well as schooled for 40 days in the revelation of His resurrection, and thereafter commissioned among the 120 by His empowering Holy Spirit poured out from heaven, 10 days after they witnessed Jesus ascend in the body of His Immortality.
Paul was entertained by visitation to heaven, and taught there of the Lord who alone is Immortal in body, and thereby commissioned for Apostleship, then also affirmed and confirmed by the rest.
(The revelation of the intention of God to fulfill His promise by the resurrection power of Immortality given to Jesus alone.) Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed, unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit...(Is ready to be fully declared in the message of the gospel through the Church)
...when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
That in the (present) dispensation of the fullness of times (both of Israel's by His appearing and exaltation of them with Him to Heaven) (and a time given subsequent to it, by the sustainment of mortality in co existence with immortality vested in Him alone, for the redemption of all people, at the end of which) He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven (Those already ascended to preservation with Him who alone is Immortal) and which are on earth (The remaining Church on the ground in Priesthood and Governmental Ambassadorship to all Nations); even in Him: (All of the "Israel of God", at the change to Immortality.)
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Let's review their foundation and message at the apex in realization of the Jewish Promise of Messiah by the appearance of Jesus Christ in the flesh, to understand our share of inheritance in the gospel to the same "blessed hope" in the command of immortality overall, ready to come.
Christ divided that mountain of His pre incarnate leadership, as was before delegated by His Holy Spirit to the prophets and Kings of Israel, standing on it in His own body with His own feet and setting up His majestic Kingdom and Power by His own lips and in Person, confirming it by the Power of His own resurrection to Immortality, and so separated unto Himself a people from among them which He called by a new name. Matt 16:18 His Church.
Christ divided that mountain of His pre incarnate leadership, as was before delegated by His Holy Spirit to the prophets and Kings of Israel, standing on it in His own body with His own feet and setting up His majestic Kingdom and Power by His own lips and in Person, confirming it by the Power of His own resurrection to Immortality, and so separated unto Himself a people from among them which He called by a new name. Matt 16:18 His Church.
For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh
For as Paul says they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge in Romans 10:2, since they are disputing against Jesus as Christ, Paul could wish it were as simple as himself being wrong and them being right. However, the truth of Jesus Christ, is the absolute sovereignty and election of the Father, it is not a matter of personal opinion, and the numbers of Israel saved up to and in Paul's generation is now settled in the smaller first fruit harvest of everyone before and of that generation in transition.
We know the larger number of multitudes innumerable, representing "all of Israel" is still in progress by a greater harvest ordained in the adding into that number of all those, that have gone before.
At the certain points of John's visitation to heaven interacting with those who had previous to his visit, been deceased and ascended in soul were numbered, and during his own lifetime a rod was given to him to measure and number them, and they are recorded and numbered.
Revelation 11:1
And I will cause you to pass under the rod, (Of His Immortal Leadership) and I will bring you into the bond of the (eternal) covenant. (The Holy Blood of Jesus Christ)
As for the division, He stood on that mountain with His own feet and gazed at the situation with His own eyes.
As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures (which speak not only of His suffering, but His ascension to heaven in Immortality), nor the power of God (which was demonstrated by Noah and is fully effectuated by Jesus Christ, by His sovereign command of Immortality over all yet to come.)
Whoever, having heard the gospel, and thereafter opposing Jesus as Christ manifest in the flesh, and now Immortal in His Kingdom from heaven, by disputing against the Apostolic doctrine and through persecutions, or ignorance of the Church, are left in desolation without salvation or remedy at all to die in their sin, and they experience at their death, both a separation from the body of their mortality according to the sovereign command of God over all flesh from the beginning, and also a further separation from Jesus Christ Immortal in Person, since His first appearing, resurrection and ascension from among them.
For them, it is already revealed, they have not gained entrance to that Glorious and Eternal City of Jesus Christ Immortal in Kingdom, and they are immediately aware at death, of their worsened state of separation from all that is called good to a place reserved in separation from it, bound by their choices in unbelief, to all that is called evil.
And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
And especially whoever they are that were, and are from that time forward remanded to remain there in hell, by Jesus Christ, since discovering, by His domination over death, hell and the grave, in His visitation there among them and departure from death, hell and the grave, and subsequent resurrection in His own body, ascending to Kingdom in Immortality, they are become fully aware that they must necessarily remain in that preliminary displacement away from the body, and further away from Jesus Christ to await a confirmed and appointed resurrection at His command, to stand before God face to face at His Throne of Judgement in a body of immortality afforded to all who were ever created or born into a first nature body in likeness to Adam, by the command of Jesus Christ yet to come.
Right now, and in contradistinction, to the lost, the believer in Jesus Christ does not pass into a state of separation further away from Christ at the death of the mortal body, but is rather gathered directly to Him, immediately safe and secured in His Immortal presence of Person, during the temporal period of separation from the body, in the fellowship, comforts and partnership with His advancement of Kingdom over the rest who are alive and remain to His appearing awaiting the command to Immortality over all.
Just as Paul, himself expected to be, and as each one of us who believe long to be. Paul, is ever secured awaiting the body of his own immortality with all the saints in accordance with our blessed hope of immortality in body.
Paul is ruling and reigning with Christ in Person and face to face, among the great cloud of witnesses ascended, and joined to Jesus where He is, gathered with all believers counted from the past, and at present increasing innumerable, being gathered to Him after death by the ascension of the soul, as quoted below to the company and assembly of His Holy Mountain, (Church still clothed in the dust of mortality) and comprising the myriads of messengers, and the spirits of just men made perfect and to God the judge of all. Until the body Immortal is commanded over all.
But, ye came to Mount Zion,(Church still clothed in dust of mortality) and to a city of the living God, to the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of messengers,
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to the company and assembly of the first-born in heaven enrolled, and to God the judge of all, and to spirits of righteous men made perfect,
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
THE ERROR: It is interesting to note the remaining Jewish Orthodoxy, or more closely all of those who say, Jesus is not my Messiah, can maintain no other expectation, than that of a man naturally born from the lineage of David, (sourced from Adam in mortality) to be enthroned on the earth, for a self made, deceptive fulfillment choosing for themselves another Messiah after their own ideology in corporate heritage of first nature nationality.
Matt 22:29 ~ "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God."
THE TRUTH: According to the scriptures they had already received in declaration and model of the Messianic Kingdom in God's testimony about Christ, God presented His beloved Son born from a virgin, to the death on a cross and by His resurrection and power to establish His Kingdom as MESSIAH IMMORTAL, in the building up and increasing expansion of the corporate and national identity Paul the Apostle refers to in Gal 6:16, as the "Israel of God" exalted to heaven, by pronouncing a new name to incorporate all the nations into one new corporate body on the earth, called the "Church" according to the prophecy in Isaiah 62:2 and so revealed in Matt 16:18, named by Jesus "The Lord", with His own mouth. And to finally command immortality over all at the ending of all things mortal.
And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness (Isaiah 49:6), and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD (Jesus Christ Messiah) shall name. (Church)
And he said, It is a light thing that You should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel (To the command of Immortality): I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou may be my salvation unto the "end of the earth" (To the commanding of Immortality over all).
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
God does not abandon the names He Himself has prescribed in Promise for the gathering of His people, but rather owns them in meaning and fulfillment and has completely given them to the administration of His only begotten and ever beloved, now Immortal Son. ie. (The title of Israel belongs to Him in promise of Nationalization by His Kingdom over all the nations Isaiah 49:6, and Jerusalem as ascribed to the New and Eternal City which He Himself, IS BUILDING and is the Eternal seat of His Power in Immortality. Gal 4:26)
But those husbandmen (Lease holders of His Kingdom in mortality) said among themselves, This is the heir; (in weakness of human flesh) come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours. (We will now own it collectively, and establish our own king from our own number that we will select over it.)
It was in their blindness and by this error of self preservation and earthly agenda, that they killed Jesus, supposing to inherit according to their error, His Title of Messianic authority and assume power to incorporate their own kingdom on the earth, while as yet in the state of their mortality.
Peter was rebuked for asserting the same.
But He turned and told Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me because "you’re not thinking about God’s concerns, but man’s.”
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Take Up Your Cross | ||
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me, (to Immortality)
For Jesus identifies this as the motive among them, for refusing to acknowledge Him in His own person as Christ the only begotten Son of the ever living uncreated Father God, of whom the "whole" family in heaven and earth is named by the headship of Jesus Christ.
The Israel of God in heaven and the Church on the ground serving under His leadership to the commandment of Immortality over all, is the "whole family."
For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the "whole family" in heaven and earth is named.
He prophesied against those in "the error" in the brief period of His mortality and removed their governmental seat of influence after His resurrection to Immortality and ascension to Messianic Kingdom in the Throne of His Father, at AD 70.
So that Jesus, by confronting Satan on the earth while yet in the state of His mortality and during the brevity of His own mortality, overpowered him and bound him up in his false theology, Jesus inherited "all" of that which had at the first been given to Adam in dominion, by His birth in Mary and "all" of which had been spoken to the Jewish Race by the promise of God in His inheritance as of the only begotten Son of God, by the power of His Holy Spirit.
By the Power of Jesus' double inheritance and resurrection to Immortality, and subsequent ascension, He removed Satan's influence of accusation against all of humanity in the Throne Room of Heaven and disbarred him from a seat of religious and governmental power on earth.
The binding of Satan, ie. Mark 3:27, Luke 10:18, by which Jesus displaced the dominion of darkness, and removed him from influence in the throne room forever by His ascension, began immediately by His ministry on earth. He also disbarred him from any representative seat of power on earth, that so remains on earth, until as an appointed time, when Satan is loosed again, to deceive the nations, for a brief and limited time as prescribed by the Father for the glorification of the Church, and the Majesty of His command to end all mortality and lesser dominions completely.
Mark 13:20 That period is limited for sake of those of us who are alive and remain, that we might be changed to immortality at His appearing, without ever dying at all, according to His promise and our "blessed" hope. The blessedness of our hope in immortality, is proofed by Christ firstborn, Himself, Immortal in body as our bridegroom King and redeemer now Glorified.
During that moment as God allows, Jesus so ravished by the fully matured and faithful bride that He comes out of His place of intercession with all the saints and Angels in the consummation of marriage, all things in heaven and earth and under the earth are thereafter brought into complete restitution to the Glory of God Almighty who created all of it, from humanity in mortality as demonstrated by Adam, to humanity in Immortality by the fore ordained trumpet and command of Christ to the final state of IMMORTALITY.
This was ever His intention from His first Gen 1:3 proclamation "Let there be Light" and by which He reserved a seed for Christ, His beloved and only begotten Son, in the womb of Eve while she was yet a virgin, Gen 3:15, and performed it in the womb of the virgin Mary, by His Holy Spirit.
Just as there is a temporal witness by death, of a commanded separation between good and evil, light and darkness, by separation to hell or ascension to heaven, there remains a more permanent solution of separation that is yet to come, after the body immortal is granted to all.
Then God said to Noah, “I have decided (before the foundation of the earth) to put an end to every creature (mortal human being), for the earth is filled with wickedness because of them; therefore I am going to destroy them "along with the earth". (And the very habitation that sustains them, but for your present and common grace of sustainment in mortality, build an ark of safety for yourself and your family)
2 Peter 3:10
The Jewish Orthodoxy do well to reject the ideology of two separate Reigns of Messiah, now also forwarded by a humanistic and sympathetic outlook for another period preeminence for the corporate Jewish heritage in the flesh, as described by many who do not understand old testament prophecies as they are now revealed by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to Immortality.
I say they do well in that aspect of their assertions, because they accurately believe when The Messiah comes he initiates his Messianic Kingdom from that time forward without interruption to usher in the Kingdom of God among men, which is spoken of by God throughout the scriptures in reference to and concerning a pronouncement of Immortality over all. Albeit they demand it on the earth in the natural procession of humanity in mortality.
This also is a reason by which they must continue to deny that Jesus is Christ, having killed Him so they could crown a king of their own assertion in nationality over the whole Earth.
So their king could in "the error" of their theology thereafter and forever by a genealogy of inheritance generation to generation in natural progression sit in a Throne ordered on the earth in their midst, for perpetual generations in the form of their corporate leadership over all the other nations in a sustained dynasty over mortality as supposed by them in their covenant with death.
Isaiah 28:14-18
For you said, “We have cut a deal with Death,
and we have made an agreement with Sheol;
when the overwhelming scourge passes through,
it will not touch us,
because we have made falsehood our refuge
and have hidden behind treachery.” (Killing the Author of Life from among them.) as quoted by Jesus above Mark 12:7... let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours.
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believes (in the covenant of everlasting life and blessed hope of immortality to come) shall not make haste ( but shall rest in the assurance of His command to Immortality).
Peter says, they are willingly ignorant of the truth, and suppose that the present state of heaven and earth will continue without end.
The proof of "the error" is given by Peter's Prophetic Testimony in 2 Peter 3 as sourced from Gen 6:13, giving for verification the temporal preservation of the present heaven and earth during the flood, in witness of that part of His revelation to Noah, that there was also remaining an appointed end surpassing the grace afforded him, which would include a destruction not only of all mortality, but as it is clearly stated and reveals as also a demarcation of a performance time remaining ahead in distinction from that time, the words are included, "along with the earth."
Then God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to every creature, for the earth is filled with wickedness because of them; therefore I am going to destroy them "along with the earth".
So that, as Peter asserts the reign of Christ once begun by His ascension to heaven is continuous as the scriptures describe and declares from His first appearing, He thereafter remains in Kingdom and Power, by thousand year days in Immortality during a temporally sustained issue of mortality "as in the days of Noah" for as many days and however long God will ordain for the greatest number of people possible to be voluntarily included into His Kingdom, before ending mortality all together "along with the earth", including the present environment of heaven and earth for the total ending of death.
Mortality cannot be Biblically maintained past the return of Christ, because while people must be born in nature to be born again by faith in Christ, there is no further necessity of procreation after the state of Immortality is commanded over all, and a final number must necessarily be set as in the days of Noah, to command an appointed end of natural birth and death over all.
It is clear by the doctrine of the Apostles, the numbers of Israel saved in the first dispensation of Christ pre incarnate have already been settled, and they who are preserved of them are already gathered to Jesus Christ Immortal in body, awaiting the rest of us, out of every mix of first nature nationality, during the increase of the not yet completed number throughout all generations to the end, into His Kingdom.
The Kingdom of Christ is in the voluntary solicitation of allegiance to Him in all that is good, during the sustain of all creation in procreation of mortality, the Kingdom of God, running concurrently but is not yet, in the fullness of restitution and manifestation until our Blessed Hope is realized in the change to the bodies of our Immortality in likeness to His own Glorious Body.
After which there remains no longer any separations of any other national identity at all, but only the Israel of God in Immortality, nor is there any more necessity of dominion at all, nor is there any more a capacity for sin or unrighteousness at all, for all who have gained entrance there have overcome even as He overcame, and been clothed upon with Immortality in likeness to His own Immortal body.
1 Cor 15:50
The great white throne of judgement whereby the numbers of all men who are ever created or born in nature must be totally accounted of in person and before God, from beginning to end, necessitates not only a discontinuance of natural birth but another body immortal to be afforded each, and there can be no great white throne judgement until the increase of numbers are put to an appointed end.
By the ending of mortality all together.
As Jesus reveals, they marry and are given in marriage to the last moment when there is an end of which no mortal human being can escape nor delay because of God's sovereignty over all His creation, as it was in the days of Noah. Psalm 29:10
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein (only) righteousness dwells (remains).
Nevertheless we look for a new heaven and new earth, wherein there is only righteousness, this is a line of distinction between the present heaven and earth environment situated for temporal sustain of mortality, where the tares are raised up together with the wheat. And also is a proof that there can be no more a mixture sustained of the same after Christ commands a swallowing up of mortality by immortality.
Our blessed hope is the promised change to Immortality, and to be re-joined face to face with Jesus Christ and to those who are being reserved with Him already gathered to Him in their persons, in the City where He dwells now and there is no one unrighteous gathered, nor allowed to be there at all, from the time of Jesus ascension, no not now, nor forward forever. Amen!
This verse below depicts the truth that, God's declaration and promise to dwell among us, and when He makes His dwelling among humanity, has always been in reference to our immortality in body, after the trumpet and command of Christ from heaven for the consummation.
The last enemy as Paul declares is death itself all together, which means God the Father only ever dwells with humanity after the change to Immortality, and Jesus has returned His one and only sustained Messianic Kingdom in intercession back to His Father and our God, to preside over the wedding and consummation.
1 Cor 15
This debunks an ideology that there could be a partial sustain of mortality after this present period of His Kingdom and Messianic Reign from heaven ends.
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He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Death will no longer exist;
grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer,
because the previous things have passed away.
So, if when Christ comes back people are still living and dying in mortality, then a 2nd Kingdom of Messiah would necessarily occur, which as I said above even the Orthodox of Jewish mindset rejects because the scriptures do not support that, and He then, must take on a previously discarded issue of law and governmental enforcement by force of violence as is the present case for any government exercised on earth where mortality and potential for sin, is involved.
You might well imagine at that point He could have before His death, or even especially after His resurrection accomplished a violent takeover of the earth. But even if He may have considered such a thing, not His will, but God's be done. Amen!
Consider as the case is, the Lamb of God completely rejected that proposition for the final time in the Garden. Matt 4:10, Matt 16:23, Matt 26:44
Also, where would they go who die in that period, in separation from the natural body, as necessitated by death, you might well say that hell and the grave continue to exist by issue of death's extension, so that the living soul in separation from the body might descend below, but what could possibly be above Him, as a haven for the righteousness absent from their mortal body, during a secondary reign of Christ Immortal on the present earth after His reign from heaven for voluntary allegiance and then performed again, by force of power upon earth, so what of the believers who die in that period, should they ever be given to a lesser estate separated from Christ in Person after having served with Him, would they only then have an expectation of waiting in a worsened condition in hell, why would they need be ever separated from Jesus Christ whom they dearly love, once having been rejoined to Him face to face and in Person at His coming, or joined to Him by natural birth in His presence during that period?
And how would they be gathered again to Christ, immediately at their death as Paul asserts is the case for all who die in the Lord, and whereby would they be changed to Immortality in body because of an absence in dysfunctional logic of His already given shout and command from heaven, which as the scriptures describe swallows up mortality all together in a sovereign exercise of God's gift through Christ?
This is a confusion of old testament scriptures in imagination of inform, coupled with an earthbound theology of "the error" perpetuated by the very lie, that Jesus is not THE CHRIST, Ruling and reigning on God's Throne as the only Messiah of Israel in the Body of His IMMORTALITY during the ONLY REIGN OF CHRIST THE MESSIAH IMMORTAL ever intended and or described by GOD THE FATHER from beginning to end.
For as Paul said, when that which is hoped for is present, there is no necessity to hope for it, but rather it is accounted as fully possessed in verity and witness, such is the case when Immortality is commanded over all by Christ from heaven, and there remains thereafter a full performance of His promise of a new heaven and new earth where thereafter there is no more sin or unrighteousness nor necessity of the previously commanded death at all.
(In contradistinction to "The Error" of their ideology, and according to all the prophecies as Peter gives a proper interpretation, above in Acts 3:21, Christ sits enthroned Immortal, in heaven to initiate a transition of all humanity to a final state of Immortality for God's Kingdom and dwelling among them in a new heaven and new earth where there is "only" righteousness.)
Speaking of which again the Matt 22:29 quote of Jesus directly applies, for all who fail to recognize the truth in the scriptures of Who He Is, and therefore fail to receive the power of God's Spirit in partnership with Him, now, through calling upon His name, in respect to the truth of His power to command a body of immortality over all, so that apart from partnership in first the resurrection of Jesus Christ to Immortality with Him in Kingdom Power and Authority now, will also fail to enter into The Kingdom of God the Father dwelling in the body of their Immortality whereby He makes every eye to see and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is in fact Lord, before consigning them who hate Him, to everlasting fire in the body of their commanded Immortality.
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures (which speak not only of His suffering, but His ascension to Immortality and enthronement in Heaven), nor the power of God (which was demonstrated by Noah's preservation and is effectuated by the pronouncement of Jesus Christ, to the final destruction of all that is presently temporally maintained by Him, swallowing it up by a command of Immortality over all when the heavens and the earth will flee away from His Glorious Face.)
NOTE: A person once being born again, by a true faith in Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection, begins immediately to fellowship with the Kingdom of God by receipt of the seal of His Holy Spirit in a "blessed hope" of Immortality ie. the redemption of the body, yet to come.
The Jewish Orthodoxy correctly perceive, that once Messiah comes, He rules in continuation until the Kingdom of God dwelling among human beings is established, and this disproves an expectation created by the old testament scriptures of an two part Messianic Reign, ie. one from heaven and another subsequent to it on the earth while mortality is maintained in proliferation.
The scriptures do not describe 2 Messianic Reigns, nor do any of the Apostles teach this.
The challenge for me and everyone who reads this is to rely upon the Spirit of Jesus Christ abiding within us to so teach us, and open the "eyes of our understanding" as we wade through the vast sea of men's opinions, both of those we respect and honor, and of all others, to hold to a defense of the Gospel as we are receiving it from Jesus Christ Immortal in heaven.
Make sure that you do not reject the One who speaks. For if they did not escape when they rejected Him who warned them on earth, even less will we if we turn away from Him who warns us from heaven.
The Apostles confirm what we can verify in the truth of that historic event of Jesus birth and death on the cross, and by gazing with faith, empowered by the Spirit into that which is in progress now, we can see Jesus Christ exalted into the very Throne of God in heaven first born to Immortality of all the rest, ready to command immortality over all, at His appearing to all.
We receive the testimony of the prophecies announcing a single Messianic Reign, who having at once appeared in the flesh of His own uniquely formed body by virgin birth, being identified by the name of Jesus as given from the mouth of an angel to Joseph, Matt 1:21.
Who after His death and resurrection has transitioned by the first resurrection as given by many eye witness accounts, to the inheritance of all God's authority, Kingdom and Power in Immortality, as the appointed Christ of God, and is transitioning humanity to the foreordained Kingdom of God's delight to dwell among humanity in Immortality, by reason of Jesus own resurrection and power harvesting in voluntary love from among the rest of all mortality, until the end of all things mortal.
Hebrews 12:27 Also exemplifies the use of the word shaken as the process by which the end is achieved as pre appointed, and determined to be, the removal and discontinuity of the temporal creation and all things to do with it, first in heaven by His ascension cleansing it of all opposition, and then of folding up the heaven and earth like an old garment at His return.
The Bible prayerfully studied overall in the Light of Jesus Christ resurrected and Immortal ruling in the Throne of His Father, will dispute a current theology among any people that Jesus will yet set up a Kingdom for Messianic reign on the present earth in the context of mortality maintained in co existence with a 'partial implementation' of immortality.
For if that were true, there yet needs be another shout from heaven and/or a discontinuation of mortality by some other indefinite description.
The belief for a partial resurrection or "partial implementation" of immortality aside from Christ's own unique and powerful resurrection first to Immortality alone, in contradistinction to the rest at His command from heaven, is rebuffed throughout the testimony of the prophets and the witness of the Apostles.
That some will be maintained in mortality after the shout and command of Christ from Heaven is hereby found to be in confusion and the result of "The Error".
A conflict reveals as between the truth of Jesus as "THE Resurrection and The Life" ruling first in Immortality singularly in His own body, being biblically referenced as the first resurrection, with the descriptions of the saints that are ruling and reigning with Him, the Israel of God ascended and established in heaven now having ascended from previous generations, and ruling over the nations with Him, while as yet the rest of humanity is maintained in mortality for sake of a greater harvest among all nations, who are yet surviving with divisions and borders and constructs of constitutions etc. for a little while.
All are disposed to His judgements while they are temporally maintained by divisions and borders in the nature of our mortality, and being set up and torn down according to the truth of His Kingdom in majesty over all, and in this throughout the generations His Glory and God Head is being displayed.
For we can certainly ascertain that severability of nations will not be maintained in situation when the "Kingdom of God" is finally ordained among humanity, thereby we know that descriptors of segregated nations, only pertains, and is tolerated during the situation of Messianic Kingdom before Immortality is commanded over all.
For both of those of us, who have believed and gone before, and we who now remain on the ground through a partnership of faith are in joint participation of His Messianic Kingdom now, by the first and singular resurrection of Jesus alone, we are seated by faith with them who are already gathered to Him in person, while He patiently awaits the full disposition of the great harvest in progress.
For at that time of end to the great harvest, the remainder of His beloved bride, will be gathered to Him by the change, and all the remainder of mortality will be swallowed up by immortality and the present temporal environment will pass away.
Because, of an escalation of that form of "The Error" that may occur with repetition of teaching, and a delegation into the future of these spiritual and factual truths, perpetuated by the confusions grown from that lie that Jesus is not the Christ of God, The Messiah, and that He must set up a Kingdom on the present earth and mortal environment to fulfill the old testament prophecies.
Many will begin to deny the very Lord, Christ and Messiah Immortal who came to save and deliver from death to resurrection and immortality as exampled by His own.
While there are two resurrections biblically described, there is only one return of Jesus Christ bodily from heaven. And all the other descriptions of His Kingdom as Christ and the Kingdom of God in Immortality, must be reconciled within the two resurrections as biblically described, I am asserting that they are resolved in Apostolic Doctrine, first of His own, and another as issued from His shout and command from heaven over the rest.
The bible says it does not yet appear in the constructs of our mortal bodies and environments as we can perceive in nature, what we shall be like, in other words there is not an accurate earthly reference or gauge of comparison to evaluate or compare to the state and habitation prepared for us to come, in the Altogether Glorious and Immortal environ fit for our future with Him in Immortality.
We know of the Eternal City, and may be encountered at present by visitation to and from, but of the new habitation environment of heaven and earth we are not yet with certainty fully informed.
Jesus alone in immortality is the only anchor, rock and reference we have, for we are only given to know that when He appears, we will be changed into likeness with Him and given a body immortal in likeness to His glorious body as it is now.
Beloved, we are God's children now (by confirmation of HIS HOLY SPIRIT); it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
(For we do not presently see Him with the eyes of our nature in mortality, as He presently is, but with the "eyes of our understanding" and by "vision of revelation" either by Angelic Visitation and/or a catching up to Him where He is, in the body of our Spirit.)(As Paul said, he could not tell whether he was in the body, or out of the body, but he was given an indisputable verity of the truth of his visitation up to the exalted environment of God's Throne Room, to presence with Jesus Christ Immortal in body, and was taught by Him, that was also being confirmed daily throughout his life thereafter, by the Power of God's Holy Spirit working with him, and through him.) |
It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.
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I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
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And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)
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How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. (Possibly of the same caliber and voicing of the seven Thunders of which John heard.)
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Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.
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For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool; for I will say the truth: but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me.
Most people who I have heard try to account for all the "end time" scriptures in a theology of two reigns of Messiah, first one from heaven in assertion of Christian witness, and then one more in the sustainment of the present heaven and earth environment while Jesus Christ Immortal, walks into another temple built by human hands on the earth, for sake of the Jewish Ideology, and assumes a violent takeover of the rest of nations, to bring them into subservience, by force of His power, end up getting confused about what happens after His second reign on earth, in trying to offer a Biblical explanation for and accounting for the ending of mortality all together.
For remember in "The Error" there is no ending of mortality.
For those who are alive and remain to the end of a designated second reign of Messiah have no such biblical agency for a shout and change, to immortality, but only the characterization of a battle in earthly fashion for domination over every other nation risen against the natural city of Jerusalem and all the people except those in the city first made immortal by "partial implementation" at His return, must be killed outside the city.
(Which is at it's end, the same result as an initial pronouncement of destructions from Heaven without necessity of a violent takeover, but rather as a sovereign act of God as in the "days of Noah" and the ambassadors of Christ to the nations are Immortalized as they are recalled to be enjoined into the City of New Jerusalem.)
For it seems as if they were dispatched as ambassadors all over the earth being made immortal as Jesus is, by "partial implementation of immortality" to make peace on earth in the context of mortality for 1000 years, then being immortal why would they have a necessity to be recalled suddenly to flee back into Jerusalem in the global battle raging again after Jesus made worldwide peace for the 1000 years?
Does Satan seem to have such a great power, as to unsettle even the Immortal?
Or rather does he merely deceive the nations for a moment, just before Jesus pronounces Immortality over all?
We have the dilemma of two cities with the same name, and in two very polar opposite situations of expression.
Let's say the earth is revolving and the New Jerusalem is stationary set in the heaven of heavens, how shall it then be thought of to begin spinning inside the environment and atmosphere of the earth, being as large as it is in comparison? To arrive over head of the earthly Jerusalem and settle down on it, or even track with it from above. For if it comes to hover over it, it must needs be set in the same velocity of motion, or it will only be over it one revolution per day. As much as any other city on earth might rotate under it.
(Speaking of which the earthly environment must absolutely be sustained for anyone to survive in continuation of mortality as it is descending from heaven. So it must needs come carefully down into the atmosphere matching speed with earthly Jerusalem.)
Or let's assume you believe the earth is flat, well then the descension of the heavenly City to superimpose the earthly City is less complicated, just straight down from heaven, however the fact is no mortal human can possibly enter it, nor even come near to it, as it was also demonstrated in Moses day, when the Glory of Christ settled down upon the mountain of Moses' encounter, inside the atmosphere of the earthly environment.
So, if the heavenly Jerusalem comes down to the present earth where there remains unrighteousness, and it precludes any mortal man from entrance to it, since it has walls and gates by which it is safeguarded from any one unrighteous entering into it, then what has been gained more than is presently existing, by it's visibility or nearness to the earth?
Generally, there is a confusion by demand of too many resurrections to substantiate a partial implementation of Immortality over anyone else but Christ alone during His messianic reign, and also a failure to describe a biblical necessity for it, more relevant than proving again to the Jewish Race, the "special leaders" who refused at first to say "blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord", rather than as He did, accept and affirm the voices of the one's who did say it, recieving them into everlasting consolations to the commandment of immortality over all.
To be sure, He will demand it from all at the resurrection to immortality, and I perceive, that is enough for Him.
If it were better to increase the numbers of His beloved believers by a violent take over, He would have done it immediately, at His appearing, and more especially immediately after His resurrection, for He could certainly have marched on the ground into their midst with the armies of heaven from that time forward or anytime thereafter that He might have chosen, for He is the only wise God.
So again, if after Christ arrives there is still a gulf of separation between mortality and immortality then nothing on earth has changed at all, and there demands another change to immortality than the one pronounced at His appearing.
He is The Resurrection and The Life Eternal, both the First and the Last.
And if the new Jerusalem comes down to settle on the present earth, why would there necessitate a march by Jesus on foot, He could just remain seated in His City while it settles down on earth, while all the mere mortal, Nations try to break in and or destroy it from their midst in mass rebellion with nuclear warheads.
But, rather if the New Jerusalem is descending as a stationary and set platform of God's Throne and Power would it not the nearer it comes to the spinning atmosphere of the earth, disrupt and tear the sky with flames of fire?
For if Christ returns, and yet the environment remains the same, then yes there is only a partial command of immortality. Where then is the biblical description of another instance for ending all the rest of mortality? If you say the 2nd resurrection then where is the biblical account for instance of their death, so if people are dying both of the saved and unsaved, where can they then ascend to awaiting as they do now the body of their subsequent immortality, or when and where is their change to immortality of those who survive the 1000 year period as believing in Christ and serving Him while yet in the state of their mortality?
Because, if the one shout and command of Christ that the Apostles describe is not the one that ends all mortality, then there must be another that does, so that the one that happened in partial implementation only, at Jesus final appearing, demands yet another at the end of that earthly reign in which there is no biblical description nor account.
And if people are being born in nature during that period then they must necessarily be killed to take part in the assumed and subsequent resurrection.
In short there is no other biblical representation of an universal ending of all mortality, other than the trumpet and shout command of Christ, as described by all the Apostles, in all their epistles.
Most proponents rely also upon the seemingly unfulfilled texts dealing with the natural age of human beings during the period of Messianic Reign, of which we really have no idea yet, whether the lifespan of human beings while yet in their mortality may achieve to, in God's predetermined administration of Jesus Christ Immortal from heaven.
It is as Peter said, "some things are hard to be understood".
And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
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As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
So that what is entirely clear, is this, if anyone miss the present grace and outpouring of His Holy Spirit, during His reign from heaven, there remains no further opportunity of salvation, and there remains no necessity, as any suppose that God desires nor needs be to perform by further obligation as imagined to the Jewish people that they can have another time of preeminence and priesthood on earth, by the carnal enforcement of His Kingdom, other than at present granted in likeness to other political bodies to establish boundaries while they are retained in mortality, and during the remain, they are compelled to seek the Lord, and recognize that only the National constructions, that honor Jesus Christ as Lord truly have an expectation to be sustained with blessing.
Psalm 33:12
The promise of Israel's exaltation is currently realized by the ever increasing cloud of witnesses where all of them are currently gathered in celebration, and the advancing Kingdom of Jesus Christ Messiah in Immortality alone, over all mortality until there is no more mortality at all.
The scriptures in the Book Of Revelation describe the Millennial reign as a period where the nations are yet embraced in the nature of mortality while Jesus Christ reigns alone in Immortality from heaven with the cloud of witnesses as His ministry team, and the Church as His Ambassadors to the Nations on the ground.
It should be clear to every believer in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that an expectation of a messianic reign in earthly nature by a descendant of David, is presently only embraced, by those who do not have the eyes of their understanding illumined to see JESUS, for who He is, and where He is, and as He is Immortal in body in the Messianic Kingdom on a Throne prepared for Him by His Father and our Mighty God.
Isn't it a false Jewish expectation of their own design for another messiah, that a man will be born in direct lineage through normal means of procreation, descended from David. And that this man will build the 3rd and final temple and initiate a rule in religious and governmental kingdom of peace over the entire world by institution of animal sacrifice in replication of the Mosaic covenant?
If the Messianic Jews do not seem to boldly affirm the Immortal Jesus on a throne in heaven as the sufficient qualifier of His singular Messianic reign as prophesied by the scriptures, but rather tolerate a teaching that He will set up a throne on the earth at some point in our present environment, isn't this a hinderance to the message of salvation to the Jewish people and a disservice to the Grace and afford of Mercy through the beneficent Majesty of Jesus Christ immortal in Person?
Paul says very clearly flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of God among men. This is reserved for the body of Immortality alone.
I tell you this, brethren: flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
This two part Messianic Reign theology is point by point disputed by every witness of the Apostles who maintain that when He BREAKS OPEN the present heaven, the present heaven and earth will be displaced and mortality will be swallowed up completely by IMMORTALITY.
The Millennial Kingdom of Christ from heaven will have at that time fully ushered in the Kingdom of God among men in the promised immortality of body by finally conquering the last enemy of Christ, which is death in the body.
Peter begins in the book of Acts with a statement to the effect that there is a specific and defined period for Christ's reign from heaven which all the prophets affirmed from the world's begin until God get's everything He ever wanted from beginning to end, meaning The Kingdom of God dwelling together with humanity in Immortality revealed as God the Father's first desire and Jesus Christ's final accomplishment.
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began
For while Jesus reigns alone in Immortality from heaven, the great harvest from generation to generation is ripe and in full on progress, when He has finished the great harvest of all humanity, the present heavens and earth will be folded up like a garment.
When Christ Jesus, ends all mortality, then God makes His dwelling in the midst of all the changed and resurrected in a new heaven and new earth where there is only righteousness, this narration of "no unrighteousness" alone disputes the remainder of anyone sustained in a mortal body for as Paul says, flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, for that Kingdom is only fully realized by the Immortal in Body. What else is our blessed Hope?
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. |
While there is in our day, little understanding of this reality as near as I can tell now, nor have I read of explanations in this wise, besides in the scriptures, nor have I yet, heard men speak of it with any resonant clarity, even in the Church, it remains to explain much of the scripture in regard to the reason, Messianic Kingdom is structured biblically with a beginning and an ending, Ie. designated as Millennial and has a conclusive and yet foreordained design of God, both for a preliminary implementation of immortality in Him alone, and a full implementation of completion at His command alone.
That also explains why it would necessarily produce that end of all time as we know it, and have observed it, in our current state of mortality.
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