The Kingdom of Christ and His present reign Immortal from the throne God preordained for Him to be established in as a seat for His glory, in contradistinction to all other human beings, and for voluntary solicitation, in the eternal City of God's delight, in preeminence over all that God has created, cannot be offset to another age, the subject matter or person who attempts to, is in error.
There is only one period and not another, when there is an expression of immortality coexisting with the procreation of humanity in the body of subjection to death.
It's called the Kingdom of Christ from heaven and it is now understood and expressed, by the revelation of His glory as He is now, exalted and enthroned immortal in the throne of His mutual choice in agreement with the Father, through His own death and resurrection into the regenerated human birthed body of His immortality, as initiated in the garden of Gethsemane and finished three days after the cross. John 2:19
There are presently existing multiple heavens, and a single earth with one Lord over all, seated in the throne God the Father prepared for Him from before the foundations of the earth.
The fact that He will create a new heaven in singular, and a new earth in mention, validates that the current heavens and the present earth along with the earthly elements, will pass away with a great noise.
I know we don't like to acknowledge this in our flesh.
Gen 6:13, 2 Peter 3, and Jude mentions the prophecy of Enoch concerning the destruction of all flesh, "along with the earth" included in Gen 6:13. However, in Jude 20 He makes a difference, "But you, dear friends," by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life, [in the greater body of immortality].
By His Spirit invested in you, He is confirming a blessed hope for the redemption of the body to immortality, at the universal command to immortality, for those that are alive and remain in the earthly body when He comes down from heaven into our earthly atmosphere Himself bodily immortal for every eye to see.
We are changed at that moment, and will never die in the body and therefore represent the final benefactors of the first resurrection, of the firstborn from the dead, this precedes the simultaneous destruction and necessity of the secondary resurrection of the wicked to final judgment.
Can you see it? An eternal wall of separation is thereby established between the wicked and the righteous in the greater body of universal expression in immortality.
One body of people changed together with all those who have preceded us already, into the glory of His enthronement, changed at that moment into His likeness as the firstborn resurrected from the dead and made immortal in the body, joined bodily at His right hand, and another body of people at His left hand, given in death, to hell and the grave, reserved for destruction and eternal judgment in the 2nd resurrection to immortality in the body. Necessitating the eternal lake of fire in which death, hell, and the grave are cast along with the resurrected wicked bodily.
When the heavens and the earth flee away, there is nothing hidden anymore, no place existing anymore, for the mountains to fall upon them or the earth to cover them.
The revelation of Jesus Christ Immortal, is irreversibly, substantiated in the Jerusalem where He is now, that Jerusalem that is above, and that which the Jerusalem on earth, was modeled after, and lifted up with Him high above all cities remained on earth, and therefore which overlays and eclipses the current heavens and the earth.
Luke 21:33 - "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
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