Sunday, April 23, 2023

Truth in America is the Standard greater than the law.

 Truth is the Standard for all that is reasonable and forthright, accessible and applicable to all things, truth preexisted all things created, ordered and ordained by the mouth of God in Genesis 1:3 before anything was created that was created, and this is referenced in 2 Corinthians 4:6. 

If anyone does not accept the truth, then they themselves will suffer the loss, just as if anyone does not accept the universal truth of breath, as necessarily breathed into their own lungs, they will certainly die. 

When all else fails the truth remains, truth, though no one acknowledges it, truth is still enduring. 

Truth is not subjected to the power of men to manipulate, but rather it is lent to them the free will power to suppress temporarily, even as long as they live on earth they may suppress it, but then, yet and still they must give an account to the abiding and eternal truth. 

When a lie exists, in that case and for that moment, truth may be suppressed, or held in secret, but the liar himself is in temporal existence so that when he passes, his active opposition to the truth by means of deception passes with him, and the truth enduring from generation to generation, will still be discovered and fully known. This is the case for Joe Biden, soon he will pass from this world and give an account before the majesty of God and the Throne of Christ.

Many people understand this and declare about ones who are so engaged, "history" will not treat him well.

Truth is the foundation of reason in America, so we see that the truth is therefore greater than the law or any executive order signed by a man in opposition to the truth. 

We saw an example of this in the Roe v Wade decision, a careful review of the decision reveals even all the proponents of the decision conceded they were relying upon the incapacity of science in that day, to behold the whole process of creation and therefore an opportunity for suppression of the truth which was enclosed within the mother's womb in secret was possible, so they successfully suppressed it, for a number of years, by blurring the lines of "viability" redefining the word to mean whenever the lungs are formed and the God formed human being, is capable of living outside the waters of creation where it is safeguarded and living inside the womb prepared by God for it, until live birth. Every one of us in equal was formed and kept in our mother's womb until birth.

The lungs are the final organs to be formed, because they are not necessary for the child's survival in the womb, the mother's breath is being communicated to the blood stream of the baby through the placenta. 

In fact if lungs were formed too soon, the baby could drown in the water intended to preserve it.

So there was the lie, "the baby is not viable before the formation of the lungs", viable misconstrued only to mean capable of living outside the body of the mother, causing millions of deaths by abortion, where by the instruments of men and the patrons of "doing no harm", shed the life blood from the tiny human beings, while as yet they were viable and being formed in secret, viable within the secret chamber God created for new life! Babies are created to live, rather than suffer death by abortion. 

Just for truth's sake let's read the real definition, of viability concerning biology here together right now:


  1. capable of working successfully; feasible.
    "the proposed investment was economically viable"
    within reach
    within reason
    of use
    well advised
    well thought out
    well grounded
    • BOTANY
      (of a seed or spore) able to germinate.
      "most clones can produce thousands of viable seeds"
      (of a plant, animal, or cell [zygote] ) capable of surviving or living successfully, especially under particular environmental conditions.
      "the largest and most viable population of this endangered vetch"

We see by this definition the baby "zygote" as inserted above within brackets for clarity sake a single cell being included in the official definition as we read it, is viable and capable of living successfully from the moment of conception within the constructs of "environmental conditions" created by God for each new human being created and intended to come into the world, as designed male or female, through live birth in the body.

The truth is greater than the law, SO THAT, any laws designed and created to give any advantage, privilege or special right to any person or groups of persons other than those rights that are endowed by God, MAY FAIL.

We are created equal, and justice must be equal as for one as it is for all. We cannot invent rights for people based on race, color or creed, but that is what the Supreme Court and certain legislators are attempting to do when they confuse the language definition of marriage in application between function of male and female.

God writes His legislation in the heart, and the mouth of man in accord and submission to the Lord, determines, through our representative Congress, the legislation of America.

There is a necessity of breath for oxygenation of the blood to maintain life in the organic body, and the blood is the life of every person created equal in biological form of body as God creates for each from the moment of conception, and God provides the same for every baby within the confines of secret chamber as endowed by God in every woman, through the temporary organ created by God in every instance of pregnancy called the placenta. But some people cannot define a "woman" in our current confusion of LGTBQ+ agenda, vying for superior "right" of expression. 

I say superior because they are attempting to exalt their ideology above the common truths we hold to be self evident, as are also obvious in biology and verifiable by the true science of discovery for universal truths.

The first expression of humility is to accept the body as created, male or female as created by God for each. This is also what Christ modeled, when He said "a body You have prepared for me, to do Your will oh God I have come" into the world in manifestation bodily.

When we think about truth, we must necessarily think about God and what may be learned from Him in the witness of all He has created. First He created the environment that makes a habitation for humanity, then He created human beings in the design that He chose, and chooses in reproduction, through the continued formation of male or female in His own image as He chooses to reflect Himself. 

It needs to be said, that God has chosen the express image of Jesus Christ to more perfectly reflect Himself and maintain the truth in His resurrected and immortal body. We all know that Jesus exists from His own conception in Mary's womb, whether we believe it or not, every day we write down the date there is an acknowledgement of His birth, death, and resurrection. He was formed a body from the moment of conception in likeness to our own, Hebrews 10:5 and He gave Himself for us willingly and voluntarily when He died on the cross, but do we know that He is risen from the dead?

For that we must rely upon the witnesses who ate with Him and drank with Him in His resurrected body, celebrating His inauguration to Kingdom from heaven, before we can follow on to know Him by calling upon His name and receiving the witness within our selves as given by His Holy Spirit to all who call upon His name as the only begotten Son of God full of grace and truth eternal and exalted immutable and immortal to God's throne.

Again for those who acknowledge the truth and believe what is self evident in nature is a reflection of the eternal truths of God, and of Christ, this is good news, but herein exists eternally immutable and unchangeable a constant foreboding, to those who suppress the truth by inventing and choosing a lie.

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word is the truth and manifestation of God, and the truth is the expression of God in the Spirit, and body of Christ. The law is good, when used rightly to defend truth and justice, just as the Constitution is good, when used rightly to defend the truths of God and to deliver the States from any conformity to confusion.

God is truth and every other imagination of God, is an idol of imagination created by human beings in opposition to the truth which He makes self evident about Himself. 

Truth is preserved and God's sovereignty retained, in the God formed body in likeness to our own, of Jesus Christ formed in Mary's womb, an irreversible truth, a verified and self-evident expression of truth.

If any lie and even death was more powerful than God who created all things as they are and maintains all things in perpetuity by His power, then when Jesus died on the cross he would have been helpless to overcome it. And death would have remained victorious over every human being created in the lineage of Adam.

But the truth cannot be overcome by darkness and/or confusion, nor any imagination of the created order. 

Therefore Christ is exalted, and has become the commander of life, and immortality. Death is the final enemy of God and of Christ that will be vanquished completely. 1 Corinthians 15:26

Don't wait until you die for a confirmation of this truth, enjoy life and life more abundantly from this day forward and forever more by setting your affection on the everlasting truth of Him who is, and was, and is to come. We need to come into a more perfect union of governmental expression on earth in allegiance with the everlasting truth of God's ordination from heaven, confirmed in the immortal body of Jesus Christ and communicated to us by His breath and word from heaven. See that you do not refuse Him who speaks from heaven, your life is not your own but a gift from God, honor Him and serve His will and opinion greater than your own, you will never regret it if you do. Hebrews 12:25

Father of glory ever shining in the face of Jesus Christ exalted immortal and enthroned in heaven, open the eyes of our understanding, to behold Your glory, give grace to America, and the people you have formed in your own image and likeness for the advancement of Your Kingdom on earth as You ordain it from heaven. 

Give insight and confirmation to every person who reads this, give grace to believe You for the greater things You have preordained for us to do together as one people created equal, one family through the marriage union, and one Nation through holding to the same truths as You make known about Yourself in all of creation. 

Mighty God deliver us from unreasonable and wicked people who do not honor Your glory over us and your gift of life to us, in the name and Spirit of Jesus Christ, Amen!


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