Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Reign of Christ the Messiah

Hebrews 4:12 For the WORD of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

When Christ came and first appeared in the flesh, He is the WORD from the beginning made flesh, the prophetic promise of the Father spoken of in Gen 1:3 actually came in the form of human body for the sake of God's desire to dwell with humanity in immortality. The WORD of God, which was again revealed in the conversation of God to Satan in the Garden at the time when he had subverted in usurpation of the authority God had given humanity in leadership and dominion over the earth by enticing Adam to sinful use of his dominion, in opposition to the WORD of God. 

God prophesied by His WORD, of LIGHT, that it would be the seed of the woman Gen 3:15 who would challenge Satan, and bruise the head of Satan beginning an end to his sinful usurpation at His appearing, this was revealed to Isaiah in discovery and he prophesied by the same WORD that a virgin would conceive. Isaiah 7:14, Quoted for verity of Jesus Christ in Matt 1:23.

When Jesus came, we see in Him the WORD become flesh, the holy seed given through the woman who would bruise Satan in his head and at the same time, He would be bruised on His heel as Satan grasped for His inheritance yet and even after His exaltation to Kingdom and Messianic reign from Heaven as the first immortal man.

The place of authority that Jesus exercised on behalf of God and humanity in the rightful inheritance of immortality through Him, bruised the head or capacity of leadership by Satan's influence on the earth, and the power and dominion exercised through the confusion introduced by Satan was broken. Satan also lost his capacity to affect an continued accusation against humanity in heaven, since he is parading as a messenger of light, he is depicted like a flash of lightening which while strikingly bright, is quite suddenly dissipated in a moment as opposed to the Light eternal. Luke 10:18

Jesus accomplished this, bruising of Satan's head, beginning through the the exercise of His authority in partnership and reverence for God the Father on earth, and by suffering the crucifixion and paying in full by the cost of the cross the judgement of God in pronouncement of death against the nature of sinful flesh. In the justice of Jesus' resurrection bodily to immortality, He ascended to inhabit the Throne of God with His Father, displacing the accusation against us in heaven, and demonstrating His authority even over the earth by destruction of the 2nd witness temple that had become a seat for Satan on the earth in AD 70. Revelation 2:9, 2:13, 3:9

In the beginning introduced by the will of God, for the Glory of Christ in immortality, He and His Father in the communion of their Holy Spirit, engaged a possibility that had never before existed even among the angels in the initiation of the created order of humanity in their own image. This occasioned also an opportunity of defection to the angels, and by granting autonomy to the body of flesh in choice of will, He subjected humanity to the vanity of departure from the Eternal Uncreated Glory of God to a lower place created. This subjection to vanity in the body of flesh was made with an expectation of love returned in redemption through the cross for humanity alone, and not the angels, through the appearing of Jesus Christ. Romans 8:20

Because the breath of God creates an eternal living soul, there must necessarily be a temporal disposition of the living soul after death of the body which was at first pronounced by God in the Garden of encounter which is the first witness penalty against sin, ie. death of the body. 

That the death was of the body only, is apparent in the continuing conversation of intercession God makes with Adam by clothing him with animal skin through bloodshed. The same truth is most clearly also indicated with Cain. When after having affirmed His delight over Abel's offering, God begins to counsel and entreat Cane, both for his probable acceptation of God by offering as Abel did, and also for the sake of preserving Abel from his further potential murder by Cane. Gen 4:6,7

By the result of which we may conclude that all men are given an internal expression of His voice in counsel and leadership as long as they retain Him in their conscience, Romans 1:28, 1 Tim 4:2

We see that the animal sacrifice was offered as a temporal clothing upon for extenuation of the body in delay of death, to the preservation of habitation for the living soul in the temporal body for a period of expectation in hope of repentance and love returned. The ultimate redemption is in the body of immortality through Jesus Christ. He offered by His own bloodshed and preservation of His own first nature body, to clothe every living soul finally with a body in immortality, this was in the forecasted view of the Father.

So for the temporal containment of the ever living soul after separation from the body of death which as we see is destroyed within a short period by decomposition, and the temporal disposition of angels who had left their first estate, hell was created. And hell exists as long as mortality endures.   

Hell is created for the disobedient and non responsive to representation by Christ who have willfully remained in their sin to the time of death. Those that are therein contained are retained in silence of their capacity to inform the rest. For God desires His witness to communicate among the living.

For the sake of Jesus Christ as the first clothed in immortality, a safety and security of every living soul who has called upon His name with sincerity of life long effort, is presently preserved in heaven after the death of the body. Gathered to Him, summoned as the rain to His very presence and eternal love.

It is there He is presently ruling and reigning in absolute and irreversible power and authority and kingdom and dominion of immortality and calling out the disposition of every living soul after the death of the temporal body, whether to be contained in hell or ascended to heaven. Luke 16:22,23, Hebrews 12:22,23

The whole issue of faith and hope in salvation is immortality in the body. For as all die bodily in Adam, all are raised bodily in Jesus Christ. And the present witness of that truth rests in One immortal man who is ascended to heaven on our behalf and is presently reigning even over death of the body as we have witnessed many raised from the dead, we should realize a rejoining of the living soul again to a mortal body is not the resurrection. Jesus Christ in Kingdom is administrating the disposition of every living soul in temporal containment, when separated from the body for the momentary and temporal period death is yet engaged over all. 

For there is also a judgement and disposition that remains for every living soul in the body of immortality, both the just and the unjust at the closure of death, hell and the grave. 

Another creation is determined for that body of immortal composition called, the new heaven and new earth, and the lake of fire, of which it is spoken of, those who are thrown into are thrown into bodily, they must have necessarily been resurrected to immortality to have a body into which their living soul which had previously been disposed at death of the body in temporal had now been given by resurrection. Now we know there is no other body for the dead, unless that they are resurrected in a body of immortality as universally as they were engaged in a body of death in likeness to Adam from the beginning.
1 Cor 15:22

The enemy of God's loving faithfulness and hope in the creation of Adam who had at first distracted him away from God will also finally be placed in that Lake of Fire. Revelation 20, Amen!

Ezekiel 37:12 There will be a new heaven and new earth for dwelling in the promised land in immortality around the Kingdom of Jesus Christ called the Israel of God.

May the Lord who reigns from heaven open the eyes of your understanding today in the revelation of Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul and the redemption of your body in immortality. 
Ephesians 1:16-23, 1 Peter 3:13.

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