Friday, June 3, 2016

We live in a Democratic Theocracy of Republic in America, revised 6/4/16

We, the Church are a voluntary and heart pledged Theocracy, under the headship of Jesus Christ resurrected and immortal in Kingdom, we are a people gathered into formation as the corporate body of Christ by His Spirit and legislated by His WORD and Government, above all others. We are set in the place of intercession with Christ in heaven and priesthood on earth for the influence of God especially on behalf of every believer and also to the lessor governments formed and constructed by men in His image.

We ascribe in America, to the necessity of a governmental construct and Federal Union as outlined in our constitutional documents. A free government formed for the general welfare of all, and created in a more perfect union by mutual consent remarkably different from the basis of other worldly governmental models.

That formation has endured thus far as a hybrid Theocratic and Democratic Republic in preference over all others, made great through calling upon God to create allegiance among us through equality and unfettered freedoms of liberty within moral constraints embraced heretofore by all.

The precepts of the Nation were formed, through the prayerful and faithful construction of the constitution.

By honoring God as the creator and ultimate grantor of every person's sovereignty in our bill of rights we have developed and embraced the kind of liberty all men have ever sought for themselves and their nations, with equal justice for all to enjoy with one another within the defensive boundaries of our territories.

To provoke also and promote in the rest of the world through our felicity with Christ the same aspirations of goodness that we have enjoyed since our formation. While we embrace no Religious compulsion, we understand the necessity of appeal to God on behalf of all, to engender and satisfy the public trust and maintain our Federal Union.

In the embracement and recognition of the truth that all men belong first to God before we pledge ourselves to one another in union, equal rights are sought and defended for all, so each can develop and grow in a faithful pursuit of the freedom God allows, this is the cultural soil we provide and thereby embrace and ordain in an peaceable environment of the public trust.
"In God we Trust".
Psalm 33:12

To turn a blind eye on the other hand to that which is obviously false in Religion and or becoming an imposing force of a Religious or non Religious nature in our midst is counter intuitive to the faithful union we hold and cherish in our constructs. 

A forceful demand of non Religion is as powerful an imposition against our Federal Union as with any other belief foreign to our constructions.

Therefore, we must certainly be maintained in a faith like that which we may all recognize as the kind of truth that is worthy of the effort and bloodshed required for the more perfect union which we seek and affirm for all. 

The dream of America is expressed in that faith which our fathers held and the founders defended in the constructs of our constitution, and has become the closest economy of heaven on earth as can be witnessed among all nationalities in the present administration of Christ from heaven. 

Through a hybrid governmental union of embracement in influence from the Church we believe in America as the home of the brave, and land of the free, by which we receive not only the courage that comes from faith in God, but also an enduring hope for a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness is maintained by the Kingdom of God in the resurrection of our fallen heroes, this truth yields the blessed hope by which our current soldiers and Christian families find the unparalleled strength and display the remarkable heroism as all the other Nations have witnessed so far since our arising, America is a young Nation built in honor of Jesus Christ, and friendship with historic Israel. 

Since our founders maintained such a blessed hope and aspiration as this, we must understand the lens they looked through to embrace and sustain the success they enjoyed and passed on to us, unless we foolishly depart from the living God they approached on our behalf. 

If we honor those who hold these truths to be self evident, then we can be successful and embrace together a mutually invested country worth living and dying for in continuous sustainment from generation to generation.

That faith which is freely expressed within our constructs lends to the expression of individual, and/or corporately designed religious groups by independent non threatening and peaceful organizations as long as they are non threatening and peaceful to our Federal Union. 

Any Religion that desires to impose upon the National Welfare and/or change the construct of our constitution is a usurper to our union, and a destruction to our National good, and should be rigorously routed out and defended against by all means. 

The main difference between the Christian pursuit of religion and all others is in the issue of influence by solicitation of free will, and reason, rather than by the compulsive use of force which ends in involuntary servitude. 

Defensive force may be used within the constructs of Christianity when demanded upon for the preservation of life and liberty, both in our own homes, and for our families. 

We thereby extend as well the peace we enjoy in our homeland to the peace of people and nations we love, and who depend on us as allies. Our judicial use of defensive and decisive force is held and modeled in contradistinction against than the provocative violations of violence against others for selfish and soulish advantage alone as in despotism.

A forceful demand of non Religion is as powerful an imposition against our Federal Union as with any other belief foreign to our constructions.

The Republic of America is formed in a faithful constitution which derives at it's foundation a moral code sourced from the creator of all humanity, and the mutual consent and participation of every citizen, in this way the democracy finds a firm foundational and federal structure within which to exercise freedom and liberty for all, without imposition, except of that which is most necessary for our National good and as solicited by our mutual consent of conscience toward all that is esteemed as the highest goodness of God.

Our form of government honors God in this way, so we can value the sovereignty of every individual as belonging to God before we belong to one another, as in our hybrid federation of union.

This common evaluation and subscription provides a union without threatening our individual constructs of religious or non religious preference in life style and perspective. It presupposes an exercise of the enforcement of laws common to all through the voluntary mutuality of the citizenship, in other words only those laws which are approved for the good of all, in the defense of individual conscience, whether to God, or to the will of the individual alone which is also allowed, except in the infringement of the same of one against the other. So that the mutually respective law is in agreement to the liberty as granted by God, and is good for all.

We ascribe to no other form of law than that which we are mutually bound to by our constructs in the light of the God our framers sought, when we begin to create laws which are not held by all to be true in that regard, we will not maintain the felicity and patriotism that we once enjoyed, indeed we cannot, for the law will be then recognized and held to be unjust and foreign to the God who created all things, under whom we have pledged our primary allegiance to and second to one another, and because of which truth we are enabled to embrace one another in a National fortitude of indivisibility.

We perceive and ascribe to the law that it must be just over all and in accord with the ethics of creation, the same light of the sun is good to all, rather than to the advantage of one person over another, so that if one is blocking the light of the sun from another, and or casting a shadow over the truth, it is acknowledged to be unjust.

When we track away from truth as revealed by God to all as self evident, we begin to degenerate to a redefinition of truth to such an extreme as we now see in our Nation that precludes and erodes the felicity and union we once enjoyed and hope to sustain.

President Abraham Lincoln framed a general concept of our government of the people by the people in this regard, that a moral and God conscious people has no desire to rule over the liberty of another person to the exception that any persons or groups of persons whose perspective yields harm to the mutual felicity and welfare of the whole Nation must be instantly guarded against.

It was in this regard that he began to see the necessity of the ending of slavery, to preserve the Union in righteousness and exercise of the same truth and freedom as good for all.

Whether a person, or groups of persons are allowed to harm themselves and/or others by their chosen and or demanded freedoms is a matter of deliberate and corporate consideration for possible restraint as deemed necessary by the purview and corporate acknowledgement of one truth that bonds us together as one people under one God.

The subscription to a moral law of no harm to another from private interpretation of freedoms and liberties, seems a fair and just definition of the kind of liberty and justice for all, that the great men who watched over our Nation in the formation, embraced and envisioned, indeed of which they framed protections, in our constitutional statement and structure.

The bill of rights guarantees, whether or not, it was practiced and well served by function in each generation before, the equality and sovereignty of every individual citizen as it was agreed in our founding documents, which is that truth we rely upon to finally win the day in the incidence of any injustice when properly prescribed to.

Our practice should always prescribe to be changed to align with our constitutional ideal which was originated in goodness by men of prayer and fortitude and we have recognized to be good for all, when we perceive any injustice and/or departure from it.

The framers of our Nation were men of prayer and risked their trust towards a God they regarded as sovereign over all humanity and by virtue of their acknowledgement of this One God, He became the source and defender of our constitution.

We became one Nation under One God, and thus we have been made great and have been preserved to this day, our Nation cannot continue in our expected peace of union and/or prevail under any other system of belief, or foreign perception of another god.

A fight and war against Christianity is a destruction to the very fabric of the flag we have come to embrace in a more perfect union.

We assure the unbeliever remains in peace and/or let them depart in ignorance, but we do not suffer the Nation to be destroyed by indifference, Godlessness nor any other persuasion of God than that upon which our constructs depend.

You may not agree nor realize that this is the true basis of the formation of America, nor embrace the God which sustains the Nation in which you have been honored to have been born and/or come into citizenship by legal immigration, but you may not change the foundation which has already been set, without destruction to the fabric of the public trust in which our union and felicity as a Nation thrives.

This is the core of our pledge to allegiance.

To enjoy the true peace that the framers of our Nation endeavored for us to obtain and enjoy together, we must at least desist from opposing all that is called and believed upon as God by demanding a wholly secular Government, and we must aggressively resist the tearing away of that fabric of trust engendered by the same faith of which, we together have been formed in a union of allegiance, and for which cause has been afforded us, to live in a peaceful environment of freedom, liberty and justice for all from the days of our beginning until now.

I would challenge that while it is not strictly demanded that every officer in National service be of the Christian faith, it is most certainly required that they be not hostile to Christianity nor prefer any other Religion above it!

Psalm 14:1 Begins, the fool has said in his heart, there is no God..You certainly arrived on the scene at the least by the benevolence of your mother to carry you full term and God has been believed upon and relied upon for your welfare by others, whether you acknowledge or participate in their faith.

It is nothing more than folly to tear away at the faith of so many, for so long, so you can experiment with your vain pursuits, while you attempt in your hostility to destroy the Nation so many have shed their blood for.

If you don't know that Jesus Christ is resurrected and enthroned immortal at the right hand of His Father on behalf of all, at least pay attention to the kindness afforded you by the faithful care of those who have prayed for you and presently risk their lives in military service, and of those who have already shed their blood for you, in likeness to Jesus in example, because they believe in the God we trust and embrace America as formed through faith in Him in voluntary union for preservation of the Republic, this is the same God which was believed upon by our framers.

Jesus' condensation of law and conduct is the most profound statement ever made by a man, and cannot possibly be improved upon whatsoever.

Love the God who is the creator of all things and the highest God of all others, with all of your heart soul, mind, and strength of effort, and Love each other with the same Love that I have loved you with. ~Jesus

This is the true heritage of America!


  1. I love how you ended your blog with the two commandments! I also enjoyed your summary and the heart of your message Pops! Good read. Thanks. :)
