Friday, August 16, 2019

The Gospel of God in the Garden

In the beginning the Spirit of God began to reveal the truth of His predetermination to manifest Himself as our savior, in His testimony and revelation of Christ, even in His treatment and declaration to Adam and Eve, through His word, and action taken to clothe them in His own righteousness of preserving them from the instance of death demanded by their sin, clothing them by the skin of Lamb slain, for initiation in verification of covenant by the spoken witness of His glory in their presence, to bless them out of the Garden.

In a wonderful example of true humility, as He endured the contradiction of sin against Himself, He was revealing Himself to them, to solicit from them a voluntarily allegiance to His love, for it was then, after He had created them in His own image, and let them roam about throughout the Garden, that he began to both express His love, and declare His promise of redemption, to solicit their love and devotion in returning to Him, by giving them a robe of righteousness, to deliver them from the instance of death demanded by their sin, for after this, he had set them in freedom and liberty to choose, life and intimacy with Himself, voluntarily, to therefore send them out with a blessing to overcome and rule over their latency to sin while as yet enduring in the hope He had given them as a signature of deliverance from the temporal body as consigned to death, to the promise of an greater and enduring body like as to Christ's own body, which He would reveal through the manifestation of Christ in the seed reserved by Himself in the womb of Eve while as yet she was a virgin, so in this way He made Himself known to them by His Spirit and testimony in example of truth.

Romans 8:20 For the creature was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but of the One who subjected them to it, in hope. 21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. In this way the Apostle Paul signifies the redemption of the body to immortality as the original intention and purpose of the Father from the beginning, and in first Corinthians 15:26 declares it to be the final accomplishment of Christ's Kingdom from heaven, at the ending of all death in universal and glorious finality of God's original intention through the revelation of Jesus Christ, in final expression at the end of His thousand year days of reigning from being seated in the throne of His Father in heaven. 
Psalm 110:1,2 (Verse 2 signifying Mount Zion of Hebrews 12:22,23)

Because He is sovereign as our creator, and also faithful as a true Father to win our hearts back to Himself, it is He who has subjected us to the risk of death, in the Garden, and yet also provided His witness of opportunity of return to Him in voluntary, in the Garden, by an open declaration, and demonstration of that form of salvation provided by Him, so that He predestined for us in expectation of His hope for our voluntary love returned to Him alone as God, a witness not only as a faithful creator, but more, a savior to Father us, through His self evident truth and faithfulness as was ready to be made manifest at the appropriate time, as He did, and formed Christ in Mary's womb, in the same fashion of body in the frailty and weakness of human flesh, as us, while demonstrating His victory over death, by which He is now raised up to immortality, and exalted to that throne as built by God for Him as a beacon of hope, blessed hope for all who turn to Him and believe to the saving of the soul and the redemption of the body to immortality.

This revelation of salvation, and His gospel conversation as He was having it with them, took place in the garden, and He had specifically prepared the Garden to encounter them for this very purpose to show them all the trees He Himself had planted in the Garden, and to give them an understanding that they could at an appointed time eat from the tree of life, as He would make this available for them, signifying the body of immortality reserved in Christ for them, and for all of us.
1 Cor 15:22

For in the designated place of His encounter with them, in origination, He included the demonstration of the Lamb that was slain, and imparted to them not only a prophetic witness of their promised salvation in the clothing upon with the body of immortality, but an immediate example of their salvation by deliverance from the destruction of the body in immediate death by the robe of His righteousness by which He clothed them in covenant with Himself.

This conveyed them to a period of His patience in time as given to them for admonition and blessing in multiplication for solicitations to the blessing of His favor, over them and over their children which would be born to them, to solicit them also, and empower them to choose good over evil, for domination over the present heavens and earth by overcoming their sin. God's continued reason with Cain in his conscience is an example of this truth, though he became obstinately the first cursed of humanity.
Gen 4:7

 Abel was raised up in the truth, Seth was brought up in the same, and in the seventh generation, Enoch was produced through receiving and retaining the same testimony and Spirit of Prophecy, to proclaim the glory and righteousness of God in the revelation of His intention to deliver His beloved of humanity into the greater estate of immortality in the total absence, or necessity of death, hell and the grave, by His preordained provision for repentance and relational maturation in the Glory of His loving kindness, tender mercies, and everlasting favor, upon all who are translated from darkness to the light and Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
(The Lake of fire is reserved for final disposition of death, hell, and the grave, and those consigned to it, by the final judgement in the immortal body called the second death. Revelation 21:8 )

So "Enoch walked with God, and was not", because God received him into the glory of likeness to Christ, and preserved him without ever dying, as an eternal witness, reserved to be clothed upon with all the rest, at the promised fulfillment of our blessed hope, and at that moment being clothed upon with the body of Immortality at the universal shout and command at the end of Christ's Kingdom from heaven.
1 Cor 15:26

He made declaration over them of the mysteries of His plan, He showed them everything that was in the Garden, as He had prepared for this purpose to make declaration to them, and He demonstrated to them, the glory of His redemption clothing them in the skin of the Lamb that had been slain for them, in witness of His plan to clothe them with a new body of immortality at the end. So as Jesus declared in a place, this was the first of three measures of meal, by which God would leaven the whole lump of creation. Amen.

Father as I pray now for every reader, let Your glory be released upon each one to the effectual revelation of the truth, the gospel that You Yourself have spoken from the beginning and now demonstrated to all of humanity in these latter days, by the manifestation and revelation of Jesus Christ in self evident expression of Your person in one body, so that in the record of historical truth, mingled with present truth, and by blessed communion with You in eternal truth, by Your holy Spirit given to every person reading and believing, as may have the opportunity to commune with You in an open and prayerful spontaneous conversation, to understand the testimony and gospel of Jesus Christ, calling upon the Lord Jesus, as the only name You have given by which every human being must acknowledge for salvation sake. Let each receive a witness of Your glory and love for them as they call out to You.

Be glorified in making Yourself known in an increasing way, by the washing over and regeneration that comes through Your word of hope implanted in each heart, so that salvation will spring up from this holy grounding. In Jesus Name amen!

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