When they say they love Christ, and yet, they dishonor the gender by which they were formed in the womb as declared and witnessed by Him, and by us!
What do we say as the bearers of truth through likeness and allegiance to Jesus Christ being given the same Spirit of truth in eternal revelation? Christ is the truth, in the Spirit and in the Body.
We are obligated to God, for standing in strong affirmation of the truth, the obvious and self evident truth, in like Spirit and bodily expression of allegiance to the same self evident truths as made obvious to all humanity by God, and to Himself in self evidence through His testimony in the formation of Christ bodily!
The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth is given and witnessed by God from the beginning and more strongly confirmed by making Himself manifest to many witnesses through the gift of His Spirit and body of truth in superior expression of Jesus glorious body in resurrection to immortality, standing eternal in the heavens!
One thing first and foremost, to dishonor the first estate of their own creation, is in direct opposition, and defiance against Christ, we know therefore that they are believing a lie, and are fallen under a strong delusion who practice and proliferate same sex attraction and attempt to normalize that behavior in our culture to excess in abuse of freedom and liberties, exacerbated to lawlessness.
In the body of the person where there is no absolute truth, there is absolutely no truth.
We know the truth, because Christ is truth, and became manifest in the earth by His own formation as the Express male image of the Father, raised now and forever in Immortal body.
He did this to validate both men and women as bearers of His image in the truth of allegiance to Him, by receiving His word of truth and gift of His Spirit and testimony for salvation, in deliverance from all lies, confusions, and inventions in destruction, created by agreements with death.
And although, there is no variance between Male or Female in the resurrection, because there is no longer necessity, nor capacity for reproduction as was the case necessary for the genesis of humanity in the body of mortality, and immortality will swallow up all mortality at the final command of Christ! ~ 1 Cor 15:26
It remains true, that as long as mortality exists, there is a necessity of obedience to the gender God gives each person He forms in obvious declaration and self evident truth by His creating them Male or Female.
Yes from the moment of conception every person is created and called forth in that body of gender identity that God gives them.
If anyone loves God they work out their salvation in partnership with Him in reconciliation to this foundation, in basic and fundamental truth!
In case anyone is confused the rest of us are obligated to declare obvious, and self evident truth over them and to them, in advancing the will of God to bring them near, through the obedience of opportunity in the gift of God, as demonstrated and now declared from heaven by Jesus Christ.
It is difficult in close family relationship, to hold to this truth, when people we love, are so confused and pulling us apart from our own foundations, and that which we know to be truth, unchangeable truth.
Jesus is a man, declared to become so, from the beginning, God spoke about Him in the garden as being reserved in Eve's womb while as yet she was a virgin, so we see the truth verified as God formed Him in Mary's womb, and being fashioned as a man, He became obedient to the nature of His relationship to God, as His only begotten Son.
This actually validates God's expression of blessing over both genders, in unique calling and election, Male and Female for the specific calling of each into a "more perfect union" with Himself through joyful obedience in likeness to Christ and His ordination over our families and for our salvation!
The most basic truth every human being must first acknowledge and even grapple with, is that our gender is not a choice given to us for making our own distinction, but rather a sovereignty of determination as declared and created by God, and made obvious to all by the body God gives each of us as He forms us in our mother's womb.
It is imperative that parents, must strongly impart this truth to their own children, and maintain their allegiance to this truth, whether the children remain or depart from us.
In the small instance of organic confusion, one gender should be chosen by the parents through purposeful and prayerful honor of God's desire that they live in this life as is only possible, as one gender or the other, for all of their natural life, at the earliest stage a surgical intervention could be made, to establish them in one gender or the other.
May God strengthen and establish the families of America in absolute truth of His sovereignty over us, being created, and obedient to His Spirit, in the image He has designed for each of us, in "more perfect union" with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, as one people, one family, and one glorious national identity created, and sustained by allegiance to Him.
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