Sunday, December 1, 2019

We Must All Be Changed


The bible begins with God Himself in the beginning at the center and command of all creation that is in process of initiation, therefore in an opening statement of God's self declaration, which comes with jubilant announcement 'let there be light' and since it is God who is the preexisting glory in light speaking to announce this light, there must be a specific light He is announcing by His Spirit and glory as the creator of all things with His spoken light, the light of Himself, being disclosed in declaration in the center and preexisting with Himself to govern over all that He, Himself is creating.

So we see that, in His declaration of "word" in "light", He also creates a line of distinction in boundary around this particular light of His own glory and word spoken. To make a boundary between the spoken light of His own majestic sovereignty in self evidence and the created darkness.

So, before His announcement of the same, we know nothing else but God alone, whether in darkness, or in light, for indeed all that can be known is only known of Him, and by Him and for Him, and all things are not only fully known by Him but also fully announced, declared, spoken and defined by Him.

Perhaps, let's take a moment to reflect upon our own earliest memory, and acknowledge that each of us were so formed in likeness, as an expression of God's self evident truth, our unresolved substance taking shape in the center of the water of our own mother's womb, and were therein wrapped in flesh, tethered to the body of our mother who preexisted us, in communion with but in sovereignty of unique body of new creation as separate at the beginning from the body of our mother by another created formless mass as an functioning organ called the placenta, in this way we all received breath through the lungs of our mother, and as we began to take shape and form of substance in the majesty of God's delineation, we came to full term and were birthed into the world, to breathe from our own lungs for the first time.

But did we at that time understand our own identity? No, not even yet, who our father and mother are, though we came to being formed from the void in shapeless substance, made and formed in likeness to Christ Himself, and becoming fully manifest in the body He created for us, male or female as He created us, so we discovered our own identity first from our family, and then more closely through our own recognition that we were created in His likeness.

In another way that is very unique to Adam alone, God made Himself known in sovereignty over him, in conversation, knowledge, and revelation of love in the light of Christ. God even declared the whole gospel to him, and clothed him with His own righteousness before blessing him to be fruitful and multiply to raise up his children in God's nurture, admonition and promise to deliver him from death.

They were called at the time, the son's of God, Abel, Seth, and Enoch, and they stand in great confirmation of the gospel according to Adam, to the preservation of all humanity in the nature of procreation by the grace that came to Noah, as the first measure of God's gospel to the whole world that then was. The first measure of leaven from heaven.

Because I will treat this more deliberately elsewhere. Suffice to say the witness of God's gospel to deliver us from death that was spoken to Adam, and then made manifest in Enoch for example, that being the first measure, and all that happened subsequently leading up to and including Elijah, who never died as a second example, and his mantle of double anointing that fell upon Elisha, being the 2nd measure of God's gospel of promise to deliver us from death, in global effect. Let's move on from the 2nd measure of leaven from heaven, to the third and final measure, the very bread of God that came down from heaven in the blessed and holy body of Jesus Christ, the eternal and Immortal Lord, Himself in His own flesh!


The book of John begins in such a fashion as to encapsulate all that is previously known of God from the beginning and His word of light, from the beginning, up to and as is being revealed through the Spirit and body of Christ alone Immortal. In the third measure of God's gospel towards the ending of all death.

It is hereby and forever more, that we know the identity of the specific Gen 1:3 light, as made now manifest, and from the beginning and by the word of God, in proclamation, we know Jesus Christ has been uniquely clothed in human flesh and made manifest, not only to them who had been expecting Him to come into the world, but also to all humanity through the self evident truth of His appearing in the flesh, according to His particular testimony and witness being made manifest among them and being more perfectly disclosed to all of us who believe by the gift of His Spirit. Paul the Apostle asserts it is God the Father who commanded the birth of Jesus Christ!

So that today, we may embrace a more sure word of prophecy, that is the same prophecy and Spirit and testimony as that in these last days, has been revealed as uniquely vested in Jesus Christ alone, as God Himself gave testimony and witness from the beginning, and by whose Spirit all the prophets declared and the Apostles gave eyewitness testimony that this has occurred, after being born into the world by a virgin, Jesus Christ was manifest in Israel for all the years of his brevity in mortality, until he was crucified, and raised up from the dead, to conquer death in His own body, and to proclaim the same over an whole generation, along with everyone already ascended with Him when He did, and in the subsequent generations have ascended and are ascending in all comprising together that great and ever increasing cloud of witnesses as referenced in Hebrews 12!!

This is the scope of what Peter was referring to in 2 Peter 1 when he says, "we would do well to pay attention to, until the day star that is the anointing in Spirit and revelation begins to shine in our own hearts to the same declaration of truth from the beginning that God who alone is good, has rescued us from death by translating us into the Kingdom and glory of His dearly and ever beloved Son Himself immortal in body, making intercession for us.

And not this only, but He will further at a preordained moment and in the twinkling of the eye, proclaim a universal expression of immortality, at the "change" in the which we "must all be changed", both us, and of the rest as having already died. The twinkling of the eye, as of the zeal and His delight in performance of that promise of God in finality. In which Christ performs the ending all death as the Father had promised from the beginning. Rev 21:5 "See"

Behold, I show you a mystery, we will not all sleep, (die in the body), but we shall "all be changed", both those in heaven, and us on earth. In a moment in the twinkling of an eye, that glorious moment which God has longed for, from the beginning, and is being revealed through Christ, His promise, blessed promise to end all death, will at that time be made complete!!!

1 Cor 15:51 Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, for the trumpet will sound, and the (already) dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we "shall be changed". (together with them)

In verse 52 it is made clear that those that have already ascended will be 'raised incorruptible' having already died, making the distinction between the two groups, in clarification and "we (who are alive and remain) will be changed", that is we who are alive and remain to that moment, having never died at all. So that the phrase contains both of those who have died, needing resurrection and those who are being changed in the moment are fully representative of the "must all be changed" from verse 51.

The certainty of the moment in description is further expounded as the full performance on the quoted prophecy, throughout other scriptures and specially Hosea 13:14.

The Apostle says, at this time, in 1 Cor 15:54 at the universal shout and command of Christ, it will be fulfilled.

Amen, Father thank You for such an exceedingly great and powerful promise to end all death, all together, and bring us into a new heaven and new earth environment where there is no more tears no more death, and no more sorrow, but only righteousness and peace with You and one another joined with Christ in the body of immortality forever and ever.  Help us to comfort one another with these words, in the example of Christ and all the Apostles. Amen!

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