Verse 5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
Just as Peter was instructed as a young man by Jesus Himself and rebuked to the face for making assumptions and presumptions in a singularly carnal affection, about Christ's mission and preordination to be seated by way of the cross, death, and resurrection in heaven for His messianic Kingdom, Matt 16:23, so also he in his old age, after giving a lifetime of witness to the resurrection of Jesus and being filled with His promised Spirit after watching Him ascended immortal to where He is now, encourages us not to be as "they" were in a "willing ignorance" of His plan to change the universal state of humanity and the present environment created for the sustain of the mortal body, into an greater body and environment that does not yet appear in superior and universal expression of the body immortal. 1 John 3:2
From the beginning as revealed to Enoch the 7th man from Adam, by his own likeness to Christ in nearness to the Father, who himself is preserved forever with out dying, and maintained by Christ's sacrificial offering, so remains in that great cloud of witnesses, Hebrews 12, as gathered to Him without retaining anymore necessity of death in the body.
So also by the same word as it was disclosed to Noah, it was laid upon him God's grace and blessing of deferment by the same word, as an example to all the rest in a type, so that in his own expression of grace for partnership in building the Ark, the present heavens and earth was, and is still, preserved as it was created from the beginning and maintained throughout that day, for the reason of deterrence to humanity, while making obvious the temporal sustain was a deferment in demonstration of the greater imposition of manifest final judgement as reserved against the wicked before the day of immortality, when all that we see now as enduring from the beginning, will be swallowed up by His blessed promise to immortality in universal expression. We will not all die, but we will all be changed.
The "willingness" to remain ignorant of the prophecy of Enoch, and truth of Christ as first given to the Apostles in the self expressed witness of God in the testimony of Christ, 2 Tim 1:10, springs up from the flesh and a carnal desire for the present environment necessary for the proliferation of humanity in the present state of mortality, to continue forever.
The point Peter is making, is that it is widely apparent by proper perspective and responsible deliberation, and from an sincere interest in God's concerns with promise, that in the days of Noah only a type of universal destruction of the ungodly was observed, while demonstrating a preservation of the natural state of humanity in the originally created environment.
And in that day an exercise in partnership by God's grace, counsel, instruction, and provision, was afforded to Noah and his family alone, without destruction to the same environment and atmosphere as first created by God to sustain human beings in procreation, also to Peter's point, without disturbing or annulling that word that was first prophesied, and passed down to Noah by Enoch.
And that word of grace which Noah received, was to set that appointed universal expression of destruction "along with the earth" that had been revealed to his ancestor Enoch, Gen 6:13 in deferment until the Lord would come in His own body to initiate and take final command over it.
So that as in the case of Noah, and is presently being observed, the same heavens and earth environment is being preserved in hope, by Christ Immortal and through His present Kingdom, so that there is a continuation of humanity being sustained by His majesty, the present heavens and earth are remained in the first estate of creation to this day as it was, and in the same state as it was, when it was created in the beginning.
2 Tim 1:10 (Jesus Christ) has brought life and (the promise to) immortality to light through the gospel:
We can look at the Matt 16:23 moment when Peter was so entrenched in his carnal understanding that he withstood Jesus to the face, and declared such an aggressive opposition, to all that Jesus was teaching them in the moment to prepare them for His crucifixion, death and resurrection, when he said, in so many words, "that will never happen to you".
He was steeped in his assumptions and presumptions according to his own understanding of the scriptures, as to how the Messiah once appearing would be endured forever, and how it would be that Christ would express His Kingdom, so in his attempt to reconcile the scriptures by his own understanding, he was failing to understand God's plan to seat Christ Immortal in heaven in order to save the greatest numbers of people possible from the beginning of creation to the end of the present heavens and earth foreclosing the first estate of all creation, in preference of the preordained and eternal greater estate of universal command to immortality.
The scriptures as disclosed to Peter by Jesus after His resurrection, reveal that He must suffer and be resurrected to become the author of immortality over the rest.
To understand why Peter, is so emphatic, we must understand his own journey from his youthful and yet uninformed zeal, to his aged revelation and obedience to Christ alone Immortal in His body exalted to His preordained seat of power and glory over all creation, in the New Jerusalem and eternal City not built by human ingenuity.
2 Peter 1:16-21
Glorious Father in the face of Jesus Christ Immortal, bright shining as the sun, in the City of Your delight, high above all principalities and powers and authorities placed under Your feet, be gracious and compassionate to all who read this post, make Yourself known in the greater understanding and expression of Your Kingdom and glory streaming down from heaven by the gift of Your Holy Spirit, help us oh Lord, give us clarity and peace through understanding the price that You paid for us by Your own blood shed for us, seal and mark us for salvation.
For You alone fulfilled forever that demand upon a man once to die, therefore Enoch and Elijah are preserved in Your presence in the same state of preservation in the heavens around Your throne, as all who have gone before us, until You make a universal and glorious command of immortality over all the rest, both those that are in heaven and those remained on earth to that day, for we know not all of us who are alive and remain faithful will die, but all of us, both those in heaven and those remained to that day on earth, will be changed into Your likeness in universal expression, even the ungodly will be resurrected to stand before You in the body of immortality, and say that You are Lord, to acknowledge Your righteousness and glory before going to the place You have prepared for the wicked and unbelieving, fill us with the confirmation of our salvation and the blessed hope of being engaged with You, for placement in the new heavens and new earth wherein there is no more sorrow, no more tears, and no more unrighteousness at all forever, and ever! Amen!!!
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