Since my early days of Bible reading, I was mystified, by the simplicity of John the baptist's message to people coming for spiritual advisement, Luke 3:10 and they hear him say, to each group of the culture, as citizens, be kind to one another and provide for one another as well as you have the capacity, and to the city administrators he said, don't overtax the people, and to the peace officers he said, don't abuse your authority, treat people fairly and judicially as you exercise your governmental and representative corporately conferred power.
As people from every sphere of the culture, were coming to him for baptism and counsel, his advisement was in likeness to a single verse we are all familiar with, Micah 6:8.
Which in short says, He has shown you every person, what is good, and what else does He require of you than to do justice, to love mercy and walk in humility with reverence towards God, as the sole creator and eternal justice in sovereign over each of you in equality of His beneficial judgement and mercy over every person as He creates us, in the image of Christ, male or female as He creates us.
Treat each other with mutual respect in the same truths as are self evident and easily understood as common to all.
In America as with Israel, the foundation of this earthly government rests upon the people who believe and put their trust in God, to demonstrate of the greatest level of liberty as afforded to the people with the greatest sense and responsibility to God's sovereignty as our mutual creator, and only wise eternal and available benefactor.
As the transition of John's ministry takes place, we must realize that the whole of God's anointing upon the National identity of Israel is conferred from John who was filled with the Holy Spirit in His mother's womb, I think at the same moment Mary conceived Christ, as a virgin!
For in that moment it is given in the Bible for us to understand that this holy moment of His "overshadowing" and infilling is the only recorded moment of manifestation of the Angel's proclamation over Mary, as he explained to her, when she asked him, how this would happen!
"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost "shall come upon thee", and the power of the Highest "shall overshadow thee": therefore also that holy thing which (you will conceive and) "shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." ~ Luke 1:35
So that when Elisabeth who was six months pregnant, with John in her belly and Mary arrived to visit them, together they were all moved and inspired to utter such glorious conversation as is verified and identified between them in the very manifest witness of Christ in them, declaring things they had never before uttered and indeed could not reasonably do without the veracity of His presence and power falling up them, each of the three, right there, and right then.
God's presence and power making Elisabeth, together with Mary, eye witnesses of the Holy conception, in a manifestation of the word of God confirmed in their presence as given by Gabriel the Angel and messenger of God!
So that whenever the Holy Spirit that was residing within John the baptist from his mother's womb would inform him in like experience as he had been informed of Him, and that he would observe as falling without measure upon a man and thereafter rest upon Him forever, there would be the confirmation from heaven and the initiation of the Messiah to set up and advance His Kingdom as Christ manifest in the flesh.
John had been greatly informed of the same as he experienced at the baptism of Jesus, throughout his whole life, that he would prepare the way for the entrance of the Lord into His glorious ministry and everlasting Kingdom, and that thereafter the same Holy Spirit which he had received in His mother's womb was poured upon Jesus without measure and irreversibly eternally upon Jesus alone, as God's uniquely formed Son, his own ministry would begin to decline for displacement by God's greater glory in the manifest witness of Jesus as the eternal Christ.
So that this one man who came down from heaven in God's express image, has died on the cross and been raised up to eternal glory because it was not possible for death to maintain any grip upon Him, so that even now as He ascended in the sight of at least 120 witnesses, He is dwelling presently enthroned and in the body of His immortality, to draw the greatest number possible into the manifest expression of His Kingdom from heaven, before folding up the current heaven and earth, "like a garment" that has fulfilled it's purpose for the day of salvation, and displaced by the greater glory of His final mission to end all death completely, and usher in the Kingdom of His Father in universal expression of Immortality over all the rest! ~ 1 Cor 15:26-28
It has taken multiplied generations by Christ's leadership from heaven to produce another culture and National identity constructed and constituted in allegiance with God, at the foundation, to the glory of Christ through faith and pledges to the same truths as self evident.
What shall we answer Him, if we have neglected such a great opportunity to advance an increase of the government of Christ on earth as He is ordering it from heaven in our Nation set in trust with Christ and modeled after His sovereignty as the God appointed, Judge, Lawgiver, and King of Kings with ourselves being His representatives on earth?
~ Isaiah 33:22, Hebrews 10:29
Luke 19:13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.
The truth is that Christ has given, or invested a full measure (ten servants) (ten pounds) of understanding and expression in His Kingdom by giving gifts to every believer severally as He is willing to do calling each into partnership with His sovereignty, for a full expression among the people who love Him and honor Him as Lord, and it is in the greater and more invested leaders that are demanded of and upon a proper performance of judgement and mercy to bear mature fruit to Him that remains, to His coming.
Christians need to come to the greater understanding and expression of His Kingdom in America, understanding that through the constitution of America, the same God is sovereign over the Church as is over the Nation, through mutual pledges and through oaths to God to "hold to the same truths as self evident".
Let us pray together:
Holy Father who introduced Your only begotten Son into the world at the proper time, for the salvation of the greatest number of people possible without violation of any person's free will.
You are God, and You inspired America in the greatest possible liberties, through faithful solicitations to voluntary self governmental expression for the preservation of life, liberty and happiness in advancing our own families in "more perfect union" yielding an increase to Your gospel in the present Kingdom of Christ Immortal in heaven, to all Nations on earth remained.
Be gracious and kind to us, in helping us as a Church to see the beauty of Your ordinations over our government, and our responsibility to participate at whatever level we can to influence the greatest number of people to believe in Your grace to build us up in a most holy and common faith.
Deliver us in this hour from an increasing loss of life, through abortions, and the #CoronaVirus!
Put an end to abortion through our faithfulness to partnership with You in same and self evident truth that You create us in our mother's womb, and give us the body as You prepare for us, either male or female as You prescribe for us, and help us to ordain the same in our legislation for defense of every person as You are building up our population of natural born citizens, from every nationality and origin as being joined to us also by legal immigration, and having pledged to the same truths as we ourselves embrace as one people and one family under the sovereignty of Your majesty over us, in the name of Jesus Amen!
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