Friday, June 12, 2020

The Sovereignty of God, The Kingdom of Christ Immortal, and Apostolic Eschatology

We are all undergoing the tensions of increasing pressures in America, and globally among all Nations, and many wonder how can a good God, and a faithful creator, allow things to get so bad on earth, and in America? And with so much confusion, contradiction and chaos, how can we still believe and affirm for ourselves and others that Christ is in fact reigning Now as King?

A general consensus may concede, well, I guess Jesus when He comes, He comes to set up His Throne on earth, and when He does He will then exercise His political power, and straighten all this chaos out, yes we dream of that time when He comes down from heaven and finally puts His throne on the present earth in the same environment as we now observe, and are comfortable and sustained in our mortal bodies with, in the city of Jerusalem, and then it will happen, just like the Jewish people have always expected their messiah to do, He will be seen by all, a physical man on a throne in the city of Jerusalem on earth, and because it is only then that He can be rightly recognized by all, as a political King fulfilling justice on the earth. 

And further, it may be our current perception that the Jewish people must officially recognize the Messiah a thing that in our understanding they have never done, and even Jesus said, they would not see Him again unless they say so, He must hear "them" say that, and see that "they" say it, no matter how many of exponentially greater numbers of others may say it, "they" must say it or it is not enough to compel Him, "blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" meaning He is the only one, with the name given to Him by God, who can bring everything into conformity to God's will, and introduce a global transition to the Kingdom of God, fulfilling what Moses said, that God would raise up a prophet from the midst of them, that must be obeyed and whoever does not obey him will be cut off, forever, that is how God will approve of Him as the Messiah, and He will establish His throne on earth, and only then, when the Jewish leaders say so will He do so.

So, wait, what? 

Didn't all these things already happen as historically verified events, and as they were recorded in the new testament depicting those prophecies fulfilled by the witness and declaration of the Jewish Apostles, noting that even the people at large cried out and celebrated His path into the city with palm branches, then when Jesus actually entered Jerusalem in His natural born body! 

And then didn't the Apostles and thousands of Jewish people who had been witness to the great miracles He was doing, in opportunity to recognize as a whole culture given by God for affirmation of Jesus as God's preordained and promised Messiah, aren't they also the Jews who believed in Him first, the saved of the Jewish people?

Those to whom He was "first" sent, who witnessed His resurrection, to carry forward His gospel into all subsequent generations, His witness and testimony by the promise of the Father in the out pouring of His Holy Spirit upon them as one people and family with us who believe to the end, in formation of a new and greater innumerable number, being incorporated from all former nationality of origin, into one new body as the Church, and do from that time to this, declare His name and testimony as of the only begotten Son of God, crucified, resurrected and ascended immortal into His glorious messianic reign? 

Because they had long awaited the above mentioned expectations in deeply held beliefs as a culture formed through one and the same strong prophetic vein of expectation in Christ, and being informed of the message of the prophets from generation to generation that formed their culture and national identity, they tried to install Him as King on earth, when as was foretold, He was birthed in the womb of Mary, a virgin who conceived through the manifestation of His Holy Spirit, giving life and body to the Holy Seed that was reserved in the woman from the formation of Eve as God spoke of in the garden of His own creation and instance in revelation to Adam and Eve, but He the "Lamb of God" that takes away the sin of the world, refused multiple times their crowd forced and soulish expectation, and He finally refused it in His 3 time groaning of intimate prayer in the hearing of the Apostles, in the Garden of Gethsemane! This is all recorded in the well documented history of the world so much so that the very calendar revolves around His birth, crucifixion, death and Resurrection to Immortality!

Because, if we do.... even after all these greatly verified things, cling to the above narrated former and soulish expectation, what then of the Apostle Paul's statement in Galatians 4:26 that it is actually the New Jerusalem, where Jesus is presently seated in His immortal body on God's Throne, as the truth of which is that glorious thing, that all the prophets foretold would happen, He is in fact seated physically in a throne, in the city that God built not by human ingenuity nor methodology, and He is seated there in that geography of His own intention, that is above all principalities, kingdoms, and dominions on earth, and that it is from this supernaturally defensed geography which no man may enter without His agency and design, and in the particular city Abraham sought, the one that God built, that Paul the Apostle ascribes to the title, our true 'mother' City of heavenly citizenship for new birth and Godly nurture for us all to grow in mature understanding and expression of His Kingdom, both of the Jew and of the Gentile, and of every other breed of humanity as sourced from the beginning when God created Adam in the image, and likeness of Christ, from whom He also formed Eve separating her from his earthly substance, and reserved the seed for Jesus in her womb while as yet she was a virgin and before they had sinned and before their marriage was consummated.

Because, if we do...cling to the above narrated former and soulish expectation. We might even find ourselves fighting against God, as many of "them" did, and miss forever, His plans and purposes for us in seating Christ where He presently is, Immortal in intercession for us, as "they" who clung to the above narrated soulish expectation did, and were cut off forever, as Jesus informed them, "unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sin". John 8:24

And so, many of "them" did die without a savior, in stubborn and willful opposition to the promised Messiah, and there is no one else with any power to make intercession for "them" when they are raised from the dead to give an full account to God, and again, face to face with Jesus, Christ Immortal.

The Sovereignty of God, in life and death, and in the revelation of Christ was made known and demonstrated to Adam and Eve, to and through the witness of Enoch, and then also to Noah, and to all the world that then was, at the time of the flood, so that Noah and his family only, in contradistinction to all others dwelling on the earth in his day, were preserved in the geography of the Ark floating above the circle of the earth, during the witnessed and historic destruction to the rest by the flood, as their very breath as at the first given by God was taken away, but reserved in Noah. 

This happened because God retained and sustained Noah and his family bodily so that, Christ would be born into the world and Exalted as King in the superior body of His Immortality, as the Gen 1:3 word manifest, in testimony, and truth by the eternal Spirit of God who declares Him to be as He is, was, and is to come, and He was preordained to be set in the Throne that God prepared and preordained for Him, and that it is the there, where in geographical location, He is located bodily high above all the heavens and the earth, Psalm  29:10 The Lord, (Jesus Christ) sits enthroned at the flood. ie, His coming was secured through the salvation of one family, by the sovereign election of God, He spoke of the things present, that were not yet, as though they already were.

So what should we do in America to avoid such an imagination of detachment from our particular Constitutional obligation created by pledges and oaths to disciple the Nation, as one people formed in faithful trust with God? 

We should avoid falling into a misplaced understanding that Christ's Present Kingdom is not political, and so does not apply to governments, boundaries and geographies as duly marked out and instituted for a National and sovereign identity by men, through prayers and dedications to truths as may be reasonably expected to be approved of, and maintained in oversight by the superintendence of The only Wise Immortal God!

Galatians 3:15 Paul makes an illustration using the truths that are present among all people, that no one may lawfully change, or set aside even a purely human last will and testament, or contract, once that it has been legally and lawfully ratified. I am using this premise to affirm the Constitution as ratified in sacred trust and contract with God, through prayer and dedications by the bloodshed of our patriots, mingled with Christ's own sacrifice, in faith with the ever living, sovereign uncreated and immutable God, dwelling in the the immortal body of Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, after His resurrection, all authority is granted to Him both in heaven and on the earth, so we should "occupy" in discipleship of the Nations until He comes, what does the word occupy mean if not a political and governmental occupation in geographical exercise of His Kingdom being advanced on earth as He is ordering it, through our allegiance to His Spirit and ordination over us, as He is commanding it from heaven?

Has it ever been true that God did not chasten or rebuke the Nations, both of the particular people who were pledged to Him, and also even of those that are otherwise engaged in an imagination that He does not involve Himself in the affairs of men? We see that He preserved even wicked Babylon for 70 years while His beloved Daniel served in civil governmental occupation, and influence of discipleship to the Politic there as he was assigned a place for representation.

Doesn't Christ also claim and inhabit an inheritance of land on earth equal to our own claims, since He was born among us, in equality to us, and in congruence to God's command for Adam to dominate the geography of the earth in blessing? How can it be ignored also, that God said in effect to Moses, the geography you are standing on is ground that is Holy to Me, and I want you to take your shoes off in humility of reverence for communion with Me in this place?

They say, though, even some among the self confessed members of the Church, so many as do, that there is an supposedly insurmountable object in America, that disannuls the Church from obligation to or participation in, our Civil Government, and they accept that the Church and State should stay each in their own lane, and geography, but what do you say about this?

Aren't they referring to a belief expressed in invented language foreign to the original documents of our Constitution that they call the "Establishment Clause" by those who define it's meaning as no religion allowed.

It's factual that neither that phrase nor the popularly redefined meaning of the 1st Amendment, is used in this way, either from original language in the Constitution nor from the recorded practice of those who first formed our Nation in more perfect union of trust in God. The Constitution was created in order to form a more perfect union of fellowship in voluntary participation of Governmental necessity through a mutual accord in holding to the same truths as self evident. 

However, when the conversation turns today to the same God as they also pledged allegiance through and to, as fully vested in jealousy over our Government, and when we honor Him in prayer, and in an openly pledged regard for His glory participant in presiding over our oaths and pledges, as being held in high regard being the only wise God and ordaining power, that permits of our brotherhood for equality in faithful exercise of governmental function, both of the Church and of the State as superintended by the same God over both, they hold up the "Establishment Clause" in presumptuous demand of atheistic secularism as a preferred invention of government! 

And though it is His merciful benevolence to provide our deeply sought blessing, as it flows down from Him in heaven, both upon the just and upon the unjust, by our founding pledges to Him, how shall we who believe in whole knowledge of His truth ignore His jealous glory over us, and His desire for us to be equally endowed with an inheritance of His created geography, in land that was so purchased for us both by His own bloodshed, and that of the framers who put their trust in Him for themselves and for us as their posterity to occupy until He comes, how then in reverence for these things, and He Himself raised Immortal, could we then by understanding these things both spiritually, and naturally as reasonable people created in equality with the rest, give any consent nor any permission for them to remove us from God's placement among them?

Because they who do not want us to engage in the same inheritance of land as they desire to possess for themselves, even though it is God, who is providing it to all in equality, "they" desire to remove from themselves any conscience, or obligation towards God, so they hold up the "Establishment Clause" in presumptuous demand of atheistic secularism as a preferred invention of government. There is working in them the same deception of reason that was working in those who did not like to honor Christ to His face, as God's beloved Son, but thought as Jesus exposed, "if we kill Him, we can seize upon His inheritance". Mat 21:38
But when the (Representatives in Power) husbandmen saw the Son, (and the Church in one accord) they said among themselves, This is the heir; (and Family of God) come, let us kill him, (and Them) and let us seize on His inheritance. (As imparted from heaven to Him, and to them who love Him, by His Spirit, and natural truth of geography dedicated to God by the covenants made to Him, for the increase of Christ's people, advancing His Kingdom and enjoying an equality of share in His peace.) ~ Isaiah 9:7

Let us here consider that the 1st Amendment actually defends free exercise and public affirmation of a true and basic faith in God as our mutual creator, and so also affirms a public practice of religion, so that the tenor of the whole reading is that the State may not become wholly secularized in a forced demand for preeminence, to exercise a compulsion against the free exercise of religion over the many members of the Church, nor of peaceful gatherings nor to infringe upon a free speech nor of our liberty to preach the gospel as we do know it.

A greater reason affirms, as we can plainly and easily identify to confirm, any government created by the people and for the people, does not have any power that does not proceed from the consent of the people, and we are also "people" that consent in America, to that which revolves around what is mutually ascribed to as being received in rights unalienable as coming down from God. 

They are unalienable because they were and are received from God, and not subject to permissions, nor of inventions of suppression, by men's ideologies in forced imposition upon others, though permissions merely from men, may suffice for some, no true American will be satisfied by an arbitrary servitude, nor loyalty to any ideology as created by men, in opposition to what may freely be known in self evident truth of God's preeminence above all people.

For who would, whoever has ever known truth and freedom, who would ever again consent to be overruled, or dominated by what is reasonably known to be a lie, or by any invention of a man's idea, as being forced upon one another, by any multitude, nor least of which by one single person over another, of supposed or invented thoughts of superiority, when it is fully known there is no superior person, nor are there any greater reason even by any gathered in greater number, but we hold to the self evident truth that all persons are merely of equal stature with one another, and made so by God who created all persons equally in subjection to His own sovereignty over life and death!

So while it is entirely true that we the people as created in equality of nature with one another, may consent voluntarily to ratify a mutual government, and we may do so, with conditions as we may pledge to one another and agree to in mutual consent for our corporate welfare and defense, it is also true as the first amendment validates, we the people have no individual nor corporate power within ourselves as one people in the same created order, to create or disavow, nor deny the Church in it's incorporated gift of existence, nor may we infringe upon the rights as God gives them to one another as equally created in nature, but because the Church is built by Christ alone, and every member added in heavenly citizenship by a superior preexisting, understanding and expression of The Kingdom of  Christ Immortal, as imparted from Him, and through Him every member is fit together as He ordains to be set in the body, and because the people do not possess in themselves as created beings, a capacity to create the Church in the same sense as they may create and structure the Civil government, it must be allowed that the Church, operates in a superior source of ordination in servitude to all, than does all the governments of whatever structure and agreement as created by men, and as such, America is a gift in seal of His own substance in Kingdom and power, in influence and blessing to all Nations by the presence of the Church and Christ Himself in the midst of us, so in mutual fact of reason the Church is comprised of people God has gathered to Christ, for this very purpose without regard of either permission nor hindrance by the lesser form and function of civil governments, nor is the member of the Church limited by the nationality of their birth origin, for it is comprised of all who have believed God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and have followed on to know Christ is the King Immortal, to the saving of the soul, and to the redemption of the body, we believe and move and have our being in God, we are filled with the same Spirit of Christ in fellowship and brotherhood with Him and one another in a more perfect union of gifted equality with Him even more so, than with one another. So we see it is the Church, by it's many members that creates and sustains the Civil government, of America, and not the reverse.

God adds to the Church through the knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ and by the impartation of His Spirit, to such who believe and are being saved in every generation, and from every Nation.

Unbelievers do not have the power nor resource to form other than ordinary and self invented union, as we have observed throughout history, nations and lesser unions may rise and fall while ever remained ignorant of the Lord's designs. 

They can only gather on issues of self concern, or rights invented by themselves, or to please themselves, only by permissions as agreed to confer to one another by the false premise whatever they authorize among themselves is the "law of the land". 

They can however, live among us in peace, if they do not disturb our peace by demanding such "laws" as violate the conscience towards God, and as contradict self evident truths verifiable by observation and true science, nor try to distract us from the greater source of our peace, because, they have seared their own conscience by these self invented things of departure from all that is regarded as God, and so they have not the greater understanding and expression, nor any part with the King of Kings, and Lord of Lord's by which our National identity is, and was, and will ever be preserved as long as the present heaven and earth endure, through Christ in proven resource from heaven!

So in the case of the people of God forming the nation by mutual consent to hold the same truths as self evident, this gives America a new form of national identity, that is capable of gathering the greatest body of people through one consent that God IS, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, as has ever been witnessed throughout all history and in every Nation and Nationality on earth.

It might be appropriate to mention the Apostle Paul's conversation concerning our national identity in Christianity, as he challenges us to observe the goodness and severity of God, towards a people called and known by His name. Romans 11:22 On you who believe, goodness, as long as you remain in faith and continuity of expression in Christ, but on them, the blessed nations that came before you, and fell by God's departure from their help, having first made Himself known to them, severity!

For we see the object of his conversation is as it relates to the first national identity that was formed in representative truth of Christ's Kingdom over them, and for His revealing. So that when they refused to honor Him, they were disbanded, divided, and displaced. May God have mercy on America!

Therefore, it is God alone who is preeminent, and sovereign, and confers National sovereignty over the people of America, gathered in corporate and for the corporate defense of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And it is Christ the Son of God, who forms the Church and is therefore both head of the Church and sovereign over the Nation as pledged to honor Him, as our mutual creator. 

Therefore every elected representative, in America is required to properly represent what we all consent to, as being true of God, and they are thereby demanded upon to swear or affirm an oath to defend the unalienable rights of we the people accurately in American government. These are the truths and rights as we have affirmed as coming from God, in contradistinction to any rights or ideology that can be invented, by ourselves, and for ourselves by sectarianism, or secularism, communism or any other social construct as may be imposed upon us by compulsion rather than voluntary consent. 

For every elected officer does not serve more for his own purpose, than any other, nor for himself alone, but is a representative, for the greater purpose of the whole people, as subscribed to the same truths through mutual and mandatory pledges and by oaths to honor God's glory over us as one nation under God.

Those who purport to demand that no establishment of religion, is the primary function of the 1st Amendment without humbling themselves to discover that it also says, the State will have no power to disavow the Church by creating a forced demand to non religious system of invention by secularism are greatly mistaken, and have no power to intrude upon our proven and historically recorded reason.

Those who imagine their own ideology empowers them in superior to others, forget that there is a God and they will give an account to Him, whether voluntarily in life, or most certainly in death.

Any lesser belief taking preeminence for Governmental compulsion, by persons in assertion that there is no God besides themselves, default to an imagination of superiority even by using a false cloak of neutrality.

Any ideology that fails to affirm our Constitutional trust in holding to the same truths as made self evident and common to all, by God, creates an artificial demand for "separation of Church and State" and the result is the imagination that a secular expression, or imaginary perfection in neutrality, is the only acceptable, and demanded form that our Government must impose by force of legislation upon every citizen, and that is an abomination of State, that neither the framers of our Constitution, nor God Himself has ever, nor will ever endorse throughout all of creation. 

You may not believe in God, but you may not remove God, He is sovereign, and every reasonable human being comes to know that, as one of those "self evident truths" our Constitution advocates and we voluntarily hold to, so while the truth of God, may be resisted and suppressed by a person even for a life time, and though that one does not discover the necessity for making peace with God, in life, they certainly do understand His power in the occasion of their death, and we are all witnesses at the end they fell under submission to God's sovereignty!

Most who imagine no God, imagine also they will never have to give an account to Him, however they should understand by reason of life and death, and by observation of all that has preexisted us, it's unreasonable to conclude that, since we were not given to be in control of our own birth in nature, and we are also created as we are, unable by our own power to resist our own death, we can reasonably conclude, these things are reserved to one God who preexisted all of us. 

So it is also reasonable to affirm as allegiance to our Constitution demands, we are created, and as we presently exist, and we are demanded upon to regard one another in equality, for a common defense of Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness without malice towards one another, and without demanding we consent to things we know are created by the imagination of men, in opposition to our own reason, and knowledge of verifiable truth.

We consent to a mutual government in America, not as subjects to a godless State, but as a free people joined in voluntarily trust to one God who created all of us equally, so that in this context we can consent to an agreement in allegiance to a more perfect consensual union.

There is no representative position created by the constitution that yields a demanded separation of any person away from their true faith in God, nor should any law be created that lends to a disparity between the self evident truths of our Constitution and a reasonable practice of faith in God, the opposite is true, wherein the same statement that demands no compulsory to religion, also guarantees no mandatory separation from the same, as in the text it is clearly stated the government will not prohibit the free exercise of expression in faith towards God, and every officer of appointed representative position, is demanded upon to take an oath, or pledge an affirmation to uphold the same.

No person who has believed in Christ for salvation can readily exchange the gift He gives for life, liberty and justice, for an imaginary State of pronounced perfection by secularism, or an imagined superiority of other perspective, even to one as being purported to neutrality, and rendered by another human being who was created in the likeness to each of us with no more authority to rule over us, nor dominate us, than we can reasonably consent to afford them.  

We who believe in God, believe also in Christ who has died and been resurrected in example, and proof of God's eternal justice, for advancing life, in more abundance, with everlasting and blessed hope in His promise to end all death all together at one moment at the end, so whether we die, or remain until He comes, we cling to the truth of His preordained birth, death on the cross, and resurrection to glory! 

So that even though we are also remained in subjection to death, during His reign from heaven, as are the rest, we have an eternal and abiding faith, hope, and love confirmed by His Spirit given to us, that we are beloved in Christ, and He is preparing a place for each of us, He gives us life, and blessed hope in witness of His own resurrection, so that we would believe, just as the justice of God prevailed in His own resurrection, so He will provide for us an immortal body.

Many may have become willingly ignorant that in America, there is a constitutional demand upon every representative of the rest, to offer an oath of accountability to God, and a pledge to all of us as one people in expectation of proper representation.

As members of the Church we are compelled to offer influence in proper exercise of discipleship, both by honor for the love of Christ as the head of the Church raised immutable in the person of God, and by natural maturation of brotherly affection for the mutual benefits as being provided by our participation in Civil Government as a free and believing people joined in "more perfect union" to God and to one another, even if only in the smallest way by voting in the elections. 

There are many who deny God's judgement and His mercy through Christ, by non participation, or by approving of America's condemnation, thereby condoning the current chaos, thinking as the Islanders thought in Acts 28:4 justice is being done against us, as a wicked Nation.

However, just as the terrible death and punishment they expected to follow the bite of the viper in Paul's case never happened, so the condemnation of America set in trust with God the Father and of Christ His Beloved Son raised Immortal, will never happen.

God will bring deliverance to America, but what will happen if you fail to full partnership with Him in the process?

The three branches of our government represent the full power and authority of Christ as the immortal Judge, Lawgiver, and universal commander of immortality in the sole executive power of the living God, the Lord God, the Almighty, who created all things in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and gives gifts to men, as distributed through His gifting, calling and election among we the people who believe in Him and hold to the same truths as self evident. 

We have a representative Governmental Republic, representative of what, if not the government of Christ after whom alone in sovereign preeminence our three branches of representative powers are modeled? Isaiah 33:22

The first National identity was formed through faith in the preordained deliverer who would come and introduce a global transition to the eternal Kingdom of God, and the Messiah, who was expected to come, would be exalted to the seat of His power and exercise global influence and conduct the conquering of all the enemies of God, and preserve the faithful people, of His family, and household of faith in appointed leaders, who would reign with Him, as He alone in contradistinction to all others, represents God's sovereign majesty of leadership, power, and Godhead.

So how can this present understanding and expression be the millennial reign of Christ that the prophets wrote about and expected from their Messiah? Consider that all of them that believed are safe, and sound, secured in the New Jerusalem, in surround of the Seat of His power, and we are ruling together in accord with them, and seated in heavenly places with Christ and He alone is Immortal seated on God's Throne! A review of Hebrews 12 is in order here.

So, like when John the Baptist when he was suffering such a contradicting governmental oppression, and abuse of worldly power, the question arises, are You Jesus, reigning as the messiah, or do we look for another, time or expression of Your Kingdom.

The eternal answer as He also gave to John, pronounced from the lips of the Lord who is indeed Messiah, now enthroned as God preordained and planned for Him, should comfort each of us, even as it also did him.

"Blessed is the one who is not offended in Me" and the Throne I have chosen.

So many mistakenly conclude, Jesus has inherited a Kingdom that is only spiritual and not capable of being enforced on earth, but all power both in heaven, and on earth, is given to Him, and He who ever lives making intercession, gives the same to us, so that we can disciple all the Nations.
Matt 28:18-20

Apostolic Eschatology can be summed in in two Chapters and one verse in the Bible!

                                Chapter 3 of the Book of Acts: Context of verse 21
                               Chapter 15 of first Corinthians: Context of verse 26
                               2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Because He is reigning from heaven IMMORTAL in HIS BODY! And will remain seated there as long as humanity is sustained in the first estate of creation. Amen! 
Let all the Church and the Nation of America say, AMEN!

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