They knew and well understood that as men we pass away in each generation, but it is to the Lord, and Him alone that we may well commit our sacred trust, for He alone remains steadfast, immovable, sovereign and immutable, to safeguard our children as we also affirm He does for us, through the unalienable rights He affords to each of us.
It doesn't take much reading of our National record of archived documents, to find the recorded and well documented hope and expectations of the framers of our Nation, to not only secure for themselves a warranted freedom for life and liberty, but to pass on the same to their natural born children, and naturalized citizens in subsequent generations, so that in addition to their own efforts in full commitment of every resource available to them, risking all in trust to God for sustained blessing, not only for themselves alone, but also for the subsequent citizens of America who would also be able by the same means of trusting all to God, and holding to the same truths in self evidence, or as commonly verifiable and common to all, to thereby sustain and preserve for their posterity the greater blessings of freedom and liberty that they fought for and shed their blood in likeness to Christ to afford for future generations a land of inheritance, both for the propagation of their families and also of the Church.
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States"...
It's important to realize here, that even if there were only two, or more, believers in Christ that were gathered for the purpose of exercising faith in Him through agreement with Him to form a mutual and voluntarily subscribed to corporate and National defense, for the greater welfare and preservation of all, He, Jesus Christ by His eternal Spirit, is pledged to be in the midst of us!
And in fact all the rest, if there were any of them who did not believe, (though that assumption would be incongruous with the larger group of mutually invested and signatory people), however, whether they had a particular saving knowledge of Christianity, personally and individually or not, what they were all inclined to perceive, and mutually consented to come into one accord with, by human reason, and was recognized among them as God's gift to all, and through using this form of greater reason, they were all by the greatest number present, solicited by presentation, of what was occurring in the midst of them, to uniformly agree, that this is the highest form of beneficial, voluntary, and mutual consent to the highest form of governmental construction in common reason, as could rightly be expected by all, to offer the greatest freedom and liberty as any people on earth had ever before contemplated and begun to find proofs of, to enjoy for themselves and secure for their children in subsequent generations!
So all of them, were joined in one accord with one another, by honoring mutually the presence and Spirit of God in the midst of them, as was being credited for pulling them, and holding them together in a "more perfect union", in that first convention of the States, when they had prayed as corporately gathered, under God, and thereafter constructed the Constitution for ratification by all.
Therefore it can be rightly understood as a contract with one another under God's immediate requested and attendant presence, and solicitation of oversight, as we were committed to His trust, as one people, one family, and one glorious Nation under God.
And in fact the first family actually lives in the Governmental home of our more perfect union.
The District of Columbia is created as a land offered from all of the States, and dedicated without individual or competitive Statehood, for the sole purpose of establishing our seat of Governmental accord and more perfect union of expression in faith with God, and one accord with one another in the greater equality of every individual and every Sovereign and free State.
The ground for the Seat of our corporate Government is rightly regarded as holy ground dedicated to God, and to all of us equally, that is why we have two witnesses from each State in the Senate to represent each State in that holy space of dedication to our more perfect union and corporate welfare of defense from every threat foreign or domestic.
We also have a direct agents from each district in each State, but we only have two elected representatives for the whole of the Nation, that is the President and the Vice President, the third chair in succession of power is a regional leader from one State elected by the whole House of Representatives, from all the States, to oversee the house of representatives and that person must adopt, and demonstrate a greater heart for the whole National welfare if called upon to do so.
Without all contradiction, and therefore, at that time of our origination then as a Nation, they were all signature in one accord, the kind of accord which we have also observed, and which submits us to an constant trust in Him, the one true and invisible uncreated preexisting sovereign who cannot be manipulated by humanity nor deterred by any imagination or invention of a created people, who alone is the Almighty God in understanding and expression of His Holy Spirit as was being regarded among them, and as was being solicited to engage us forever, by His ever living intercession for us, as pledged by us to be mutually recognized among us, Him who preexisted us, and survives in perpetuity throughout and exceeding the ordered life times of all men, it is in Him, Almighty God as our mutual creator, that we recognize the necessity to put our sacred and most holy National trust, and by His eternal superintendence, we will be sustained as one Nation, or a violation of our National identity as created in trust with Him occurs, and the people become divided, rather than maintained in "more perfect union".
How pitiful a people we will be regarded by all nations, and angels in heaven, even of those of our framers who went on before us into God's benevolent care, as they shed their blood for us and ascended to heaven, if we so despise the one true faith that holds us together, by insisting upon our own factions, opinions and lesser forms of allegiance, by gender preference, skin color, or what ever other temporal and fleeting cause that may be created, and tolerated by the imagination of humanity whatsoever, and so lose the greater peace that is afforded by Christ exalted eternal and alone Immortal, on our behalf in stretching out His hands of mercy towards us.
It is so structured that God is the preeminent glory and source of our National identity, for all citizens, of mutual and voluntary consent, specially of those that believe and continue on to know the Lord, to the saving of the soul, through individual faith and allegiance to Christ.
It is so structured that God is the preeminent glory and source of our National identity, for all citizens, of mutual and voluntary consent, specially of those that believe and continue on to know the Lord, to the saving of the soul, through individual faith and allegiance to Christ.
It doesn't take much reading of our National record of archived documents, to find the recorded and well documented hope and expectations of the framers of our Nation, to not only secure for themselves a warranted freedom for life and liberty, but to pass on the same to their natural born children, and naturalized citizens in subsequent generations, so that in addition to their own efforts in full commitment of every resource available to them, risking all in trust to God for sustained blessing, not only for themselves alone, but also for the subsequent citizens of America who would also be able by the same means of trusting all to God, and holding to the same truths in self evidence, or as commonly verifiable and common to all, to thereby sustain and preserve for their posterity the greater blessings of freedom and liberty that they fought for and shed their blood in likeness to Christ to afford for future generations a land of inheritance, both for the propagation of their families and also of the Church.
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States"...
They had already arrived and began to possess the properties of this land, for several hundred years before addressing the need of independence and of a greater form of union for our corporate defense!
May God give to us, a greater understanding and expression of that which He has committed to our trust, and solicit ours to Him alone for National identity.
God bless the three branches of our Governmental seat modeled after His sovereignty alone, and God bless America!
Executive, or Kingly, Legislative, or Lawgiver, Judiciary, or Judge, as one nation of all, incorporated and set in trust to One God over All.
For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our KING; HE (Jesus Christ Immortal on God's Throne) will save us.

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