How can two walk together if they are not each and both fully agreed? Amos 3:3
Why do the nations and peoples of every color gathered as one Nation under God, rage against the truth, the whole truth, and the same self evident truths of God, such as form us in equal States, United by our Constitution in origination?
Do the people created presume, and imagine a vain thing, to exercise more power and preeminence on earth, than the one who ever lives as God over them will delegate to them, and through them?
We have no God they may say, we want no God they may say, we created this government by ourselves and for ourselves they may say. We can create our own laws, and have our own ways they may say. We may invent our own rights, and do as we please they may say. We have made a covenant with death, they may say, we only live now, and then we die, so we want what we want, and we want it now they say.
However, that's not how the Constitution reads, nor how the Nation works, for soliciting a more perfect voluntary union by the greatest number of people as is possible, who share a common valuation of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, as is created by God, not only for ourselves but for our posterity, or to say it another way, our unborn children, both of those now present in the womb, and yet to be created in equality with every one of us, from the future moment of their conception in the womb, "we the people' who believe in God, and are in majority by partnership with God, say yes, yes, yes and amen, to this only!
This Nation is one Nation under God, or no Nation at all, we do not give our consent to become secularized, nor to be ruled over by other ideology, than that of which we may freely and in all good conscience towards God, consent to.
We are free, by God, we are free, and we will not be enslaved by that which we know is an invention, and an aberration of humanity, another so called "truth" of personal invention, that is not ordained by God in common to all, as we believe, know and understand in nature.
This means we hold to the kind of truth as self evident, as that which preexisted us, and cannot be manipulated by human invention, or in other words is unchangeable by humanity.
Such is the power of God, not only to create, but also to superintend in constancy and perpetuity.
Our father's never gave, nor do we ever give, anyone permission to rule over us, but God alone, our father's created this more perfect union of corporate body politic, and we consent willfully and voluntarily to our birthright from God, and to a mutually agreed upon and inherited government for the people and by the people in pledged trust to one God, and to the same truths as God reveals in all of creation, as may be validated by every reasonable person from their own self estate of created order in individual body.
We hold to the same Truths that are inescapable in witness of reasonable observation, that we are all created equal by God, we freely admit we did not create ourselves, nor did any other person call out their own form and body by their own power of origination, except Christ alone, formed and Fathered alone in contradistinction to all others, by the word of the uncreated glory, but every other person ever to exist, past present or future, were also created in the same fashion as everyone of us have been created from the origin of Adam, and we know that it is God who has ordained the life of every new person from the moment of conception in every mother's womb, and that it took two persons of specific and opposite gender, as God has created them, to procreate a new person by God's ordination.
And it is God alone that blesses the conjugation between one man and one woman, by the very fact that this relationship only is God breathed and ordained, in natural observation of potential and capacity in self evident and continuity of truth, for bringing every new person naturally into the world.
So in the case of America's State of Union, it is impossible to maintain a desired continuity and perpetuity without maintaining the origination of mutual consent in faith with one God, who is eternally and constantly available to be known in self evident truth by every person ever created, for where there is no mutual consent of the majority of the people, the foundation of Constitution is made void, for without a continuing mutual consent by the majority of the people, there is no legitimate and delegated authority as given to the Governmental body politic, neither from God, nor from "we the people", by which to exercise a peaceful and more perfect voluntary union of governmental body politic.
We know that the Church is built by God, and the government of America is built by the voluntary consent of "we the people" and therefore has no power to disannul what God has joined together by faith and allegiance to the greater glory of God alone, and a liberty is created in honor of mutual fellowship through the truth of Christ, as also birthed into the world through a virgin, crucified on the cross, resurrected and ascended Immortal to God's throne as our own secured and blessed hope of resurrection and the universal change in likeness to His own immortal estate of being as He is eternally and ever more, presently existing! Hebrews 13:8
It is Jesus Christ alone that is, and was, and is to come, ever constant and unchangeable by humanity, because He also by the same Spirit of God, preexisted us.
It is He the Christ of God, who has come into the world in the same fashion as everyone of us, except without sin, since He is the very word of God spoken from the beginning when God commanded the light to shine out of the darkness, and He was conceived by the word of God, and became manifest, and was formed in the womb of Mary for live birth, while as yet she was a virgin.
Gen 1:3, and 2 Cor 4:6 It was God who said it, at the beginning! And He also said, of His beloved Son "this day I have begotten You" speaking of His conception in Mary's womb.
What right, or claim of superiority, may one man presume to have over another, and from what possible source, might he derive it? Would he or a woman like Nancy Pelosi, suppose they may engage, in an imagined and superimposed power of domination over us, by any lawful representative power that comes from the Constitution?
No not at all, for the Constitution expressly limits the powers and authorities given to each person in representative office, and in Nancy's case that power is properly diluted by one of 435 Representatives, they have no more power than that which is derived by the permission and consent of the number of people they themselves represent, do 435 people think they can do whatever they each, or all together think is right in exclusion of responsibility to their own State, and region of population who sent them there?
No, not lawfully, they must do it by independent exaggeration of originating powers delegated to them by the majority of people within a particular region of their own particular State.
They do it by the self creation of another form of supposed greater alliance among themselves, even incorporating the Senate in joint Congress, so they may give to themselves a self appointed power in usurpation of the sovereignty of one State as compared to another, so in effect forming by their unholy alliance a whole separate 'invention of State' in self appointed superiority, over the designs of the Constitution, to thereby disregard the equality of each State in choosing a President.
This is what happened on January 6, 2021.
So should any American Citizen think of themselves so much the more highly than the other, to be capable by their own vanity of ideology, to rule over anyone else of us?
Or God forbid everyone of us all together, like Eric Swalwell, who not only became entangled with a Chinese spy, but openly opined about using the power of nukes to disarm us, against our corporate will and reasonable consent!
We the people of America, do not consign our lives, liberty or God given freedoms to any of them who fail to properly represent us when we send them under oath from our individual State's to the Capitol City of America, to represent us from the particular State of their delegated powers.
The Capitol City, is a particular lot of land not established as a State for it's own cause or purpose, but rather as dedicated, mutually owned and given by every State equally in the Union, for the greater representation of all in limited federal powers.
The appointed members of the Senate and in the House of Representatives, are therefore engaging one another in their delegated powers on a neutral and mutually owned ground, for representation of each whole State by delegation of limited representative powers by their own particular, State, from State to State, in our federal union for equality of each whole State, as is properly compared to every other whole State in equal.
The President under oath to God, is appointed over all by a corporate delegation of the majority of whole States in majority opinion, and the Chief Executive officer is over the delegated land of the Capitol City, whereby also the Judiciary is appointed by the elected President in representation of the opinion of the majority of whole States.
This undiluted Executive power as vested in one person, is in likeness of model to God Himself as one God over all, and without all contradiction is designed so, by our Constitution as originally written.
Because God is the true source of all legitimate powers and authorities in America, this one Chief Officer of our Federal Government is obligated to God, and to "we the people" who believe in and put our trust in God, by a specifically worded oath as designed in the actual text of our Constitution.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Our President is pledged in more perfect union to the God of our creation, by preamble, declaration, Constitution, and his spoken and witnessed oath, therefore, and only therefore, he is enjoined by "we the people" to uphold the same truths as are beneficial to every one of us, and as revealed by God in nature!
In this way our President is equally obligated to God, in defense of the same truths as are revealed in nature by God, as to "we the people" for a proper and mutually acceptable execution of liberty and justice for all, in America.
For every legitimate authority over the people comes from the consent and voluntary acknowledgement of the people, and the people only give consent to a proper representation in the truth of God's justice in equality, for recognition as necessary, beneficial and good, by our Constitution and we the people of America.
Romans 13:4 For it (or the person in representative authority) is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, because it (or the person in representative authority) does not carry the sword (executive power) for no reason. For it (or the person in representative authority) is God's servant, an avenger that brings (punishment) wrath on (or against) the one who does wrong.
This is the very basis of an equal and beneficial representation of power and authority, and the reason of America's formation in voluntary "more perfect union", as set and established in trust with the unchangeable God, to be relied upon more perfectly than any particular and private interpretation or opinion of one over the other, or by foreign influence, or specially by any detached body of politic that may be otherwise imposed upon us without our voluntary, and reasonable consent.
Is it possible for anyone who is equally created as the other, by the one, or by the majority to overthrow the sovereignty of the one who created each of them? Or for one equally appointed branch of people, to despise the many that empower them with limitations for the greater good of all?
And who alone is sufficient for ordering an equality that we the greatest number of people in order to form a more perfect union may reasonably consent to?
This Nation yet exists, in preexistent form of Constitutional oaths to God, on behalf of everyone of us, and in this form of more perfect union by the voluntary solicitation and consent of the people, they who are representing the people, cannot now deny, nor yet better create, no not by any other ideology of imposition, a departure from our mutually demanded oath pledged in reverence towards one God, for representation of the same truths we hold to be self evident and in expectation of every representative we appoint for proper representation to hold to, just as the majority of us do.
For this is what every representative has sworn an oath to do, or we should not maintain them to represent us.
We don't place our trust in people as created in nature alone, because we all know what is in people as created in nature, from the equality of our own created order and bodily substance of estate in intimate knowledge, we put our trust in God, because we recognize His greater benevolence to all, and His capacity to embrace each of us in an equality that we cannot create for ourselves one to the other in lesser forms of union, therefore Constitutionally we require a pledge and spoken oath by every person selected to represent the rest of us, in faithful service to God's will and desire to provide LIFE, LIBERTY, and pursuit of happiness to every person He creates, as in a "more perfect union" for voluntary and consensual governmental expression, reasonably more highly regarded than any other type of governmental assertion or ideology as invented by humanity wherever on the whole earth!
He, the only wise preexisting ever living and immutable sovereign God, is better, and more capable of soliciting our fellowship and brotherly affection, in the things that may be freely individually, corporately, and reasonably be known of Him, than anyone of us could imagine to do by our own, several opinions, and ideologies of imagination and invention, or vanity of imaginations, in self supposed superiority one over the other.
In other words we are all only made capable of expressing equality, and justice for all, as we humble ourselves in the sight of God, who is ever over all, and richly and more expressly invested in all.
So can the representatives of one State or even a confederacy of certain States in our Union, as appointed by the people and for the people of their own particular State for delegation of limited powers of representation alone, begin now to exercise and exact a self invented and undelegated power and authority, aside from that which is properly delegated to them, in the separate powers ascribed to each body of Congress, by the people of their own particular State, and in accord with our National Constitution?
God forbid! May it never stand!
We bow the knee to no man, nor human invention, nor do we put our trust in them, but in God alone we pledge to our trust, our sacred honor, treasure, and do so place at risk to assert, with our very lives, for freedom, and justice, both for one and the same for all.
And also to this one man in veracity of equal birth among us, as the uniquely begotten son of God, who came down from heaven and took it not upon Himself, nor by Himself to rule over us, but rather submitted Himself to God alone, to give His own life as a ransom for us, so we could live forever in equal with Him, in voluntary with Himself and partakers of the same uncreated glory of God, who solicits each of us to a voluntary and mutual expression of love returned to Him who so loved us, that He gave His very life for us.
And as He commands for us to live, and love one another, not just as we love ourselves alone, but rather also as He Himself has loved us, in His own example, and so in this way He has also given to us, every patriot who has ever died to preserve our peace and National identity in sacred trust with the LORD of heaven, and for the sake of one another.
So that rather in America we who regard one another as equally created by God, have formed for the people and by the people a Constituted Republic pledged to the same truths as we hold to in voluntary and as are made self evident in all of creation to every reasonable person, for attracting the greatest number of people to a more perfect union, and thereby enabling us to choose anyone among us for certain representative office, to assume the appointed powers and delegated authorities as we have deemed necessary for the greater preservation of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, in trust with God for the perpetuity of our National identity and corporate defense.
From the foundation of our Nation, based in a voluntary solicitation of mutual consent to the same truths and reason, we have appointed by a popular majority vote inside each State, our Congressional representatives from each district of each State to comprise the House of Representatives, and for each whole State two Senators, to represent the interest of the people within each State, and for the whole State in equal to every other State in the federal union.
To maintain this equality of whole States, as united in one greater body of federal union, we created the 12th Amendment to maintain the equal vote of each State as a whole State in the union as compared to one another, for choosing a Federal President, and to hold the States in equal, no State outstanding, for appointing a single elected officer over the whole Nation.
Each State must rely upon the integrity of the other States, for maintaining an equally transparent integrity of vote by their own State for accountability to their own population, and to the other whole States, for determination of a certain number of electors as slated for a particular candidate in choosing a President, who is to be vested with Chief executive power over the whole of our Union, but not of any particular State in origin, nor preference of one over the others, the President is equally endowed by all, through a vested vote of a majority of whole States.
When in any one State, the "regular" slate of electors may not be used for any reason, or there is suspicion of spoiled vote count on the popular vote within the State, or by any other State a complaint is lodged, against even a single county within a State, or the number of popular vote is so divided between a number of candidates so that there is otherwise an indeterminate factor for certification of the "regular" slate of electors, the 12th Amendment prescribes also another solution for maintaining the 2nd greatest possible equality State to State, in determination by which every whole State may choose as a whole State, in equal to every other State a President over the whole United States.
No "regular" slate of electors from any State, may then be used, because that would defraud every State of equal representation, but rather the House of Representatives must "immediately" meet and vote, the members within each State, to cast one electoral as a whole State to choose the President.
So in this way the majority of whole States may be considered in equal with one another for choosing a President, that no one State is preferred above another, nor any State denied an obvious and equal voice.
When for any reason the popular vote within the State may not be relied upon for a direct result, and is permanently spoiled for reliance in true representation for that State, or by any other State in challenge, a secondary method of determination, the second best possible determination of the popular opinion of the whole State, as coming from inside the State, may be made by the House of Representatives comprised of every district within the State, whose opinion in that case, may most closely represent the whole population in elective opinion of each district within the State, so that each whole State may find an equality by casting one single "electoral" vote per State, in choosing a President.
There is in America a liberty, and there is also a justice, that liberty and that justice is ordained by God, and as ordered in our Constitution. When there is a departure from the ordinations of God, and the necessary oath pledged allegiance to our Constitution, there will certainly be a demanded accountability by God, and by the people for it.
Everyone of us has a birth date, and that date in every case is relative to the date of our conception in equal as created by God. And every State has a noted birth right of specific date, and the terms of entrance into the federal union, is equality with every other State already preexisting, while retaining their own sovereignty for all of that which is not delegated to the federal Government.
As in the case of the people so it is in the case of each State, we are not as people slave to the State, nor each State slave to the Union, nor to any other State, but every State is equal under God and our Constitution.
We are not consenting to some Johnny come lately invented ideology foreign to the nature of our mutual pledge to God, but rather consent as free, and every State in voluntary to the only wise sovereign and eternal God, and according to the agreement of our own charters into the union, and by the Constitution as originally written and intended.
Do they who have forsaken an oath to God, and denied a State demanded loyalty in pledge to us, for equal representation, in the union, imagine that they can throw off a single responsibility, or obligation to us, or to the one who created them in equal to us?
I hope not, for they who do pledge to that responsibility are more greatly charged by God to keep it.
Does Chuck Schumer understand that Justice Kavanaugh was quoting the bible Hosea 8:7 in his Senate confirmation, because he himself in the witness of God, knew that the Democrats had sown the wind in breathing out false accusation against him, and he was invoking God, to answer them by the whirlwind.
This is a biblical term that represents the breath of God's mouth which is greater than men, when He speaks against anyone in His power that is absolute and immutable.
Does Chuck Schumer understand when he stood on the courthouse steps, he was no longer talking to a single candidate being grossly disrespected by him in supposed interview for office, but to TWO duly ordained Justices of the United States of America?
He could no more produce a whirlwind against them with his tiny feeble and dishonest voice (breath) than the whole Democrat party could produce against the whole of our Nation as originally Constituted.
Does the vanity of every member of the DNC, imagine to pull us aside from God's ordination and eternal blessing over us, and away from His jealous zeal to answer the prayers of our forefather's mingled with our own in this generation, to hold us together in the palm of His glorious hand as originally Constituted, from the many into "one people, family, and glorious Nation under God?"
This word of his feeble threat, makes those that are in the heaven of heavens where Christ is seated resurrected and enthroned, immortal, laugh with uproar. And they say, "how long oh Lord will You endure this contradiction of tiny little sinners against Yourself and the Nation that You love?"
"How long oh Lord" in fact until you punish the inhabitants, or renters on the earth? "How long before You completely displace the wicked and establish Your glorious destruction against those who hate You, and hate us, spoke against us, defamed and killed us?"
The truth is established in the heavens and the earth is full of His glory, as can be plainly witnessed in all of creation, for those that are here today, may keenly be observed as all too soon gone tomorrow.
One truth leads to another, in common reason, first, you did not exist before you were created in your mothers womb. And it's from the moment of your conception that you began to exist and have life, not just the potential of life as they say, but actual identity and life as it comes from God's ordination.
The fullness of the Glory of God is manifest in the body and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and the immutability of His sovereignty is in His preeminence Immortal above all human beings, not only over every living soul in heaven but also over everyone ever created and as existing on the earth, or under the earth in death, hell, and the grave.
The immutable power and authority of Jesus Christ as eternally possessed by His Spirit, breath and body Immortal in heaven, gives Him all power both in heaven and on the earth, He raises up leaders and takes them down in America, as He does in all the Nations in direct response to the prayers and groanings of the Church, and in the simple true and legal vote of the people, as known by God.
He is the Lord and there is no other, the Nation has one beginning, one foundation, and one Constitution, it is set inextricably in the faith and voluntary allegiance to one God who creates every human being equal from the beginning, and from the moment of their own conception, there is no choice given to the one who does not yet exist, and until they are conceived they have no being, but after they are conceived they will live forever, whether in the body or in the spirit, and they will all be resurrected to give an account to God for the life, they lived in the body.
They are given unique identity, along with everyone of us, who believe to the saving of the soul. They also are created from the moment of conception, and did not exist before they were conceived in the mother's womb, or in any experimental lab and this will continue by God's ordination all the way to the end.
There is a God appointed end, and from the beginning we can all validate two things with our natural reason, everything that is, preexisted us and we have an expiration date in the flesh because of death in the body.
We will either die in the body, and go closer or further away from Christ's dwelling place, or we will be changed without ever dying on the day of the end, when there is a consummation and an end to all death all together!
Some men's sin go ahead to the throne of grace by their own acknowledgments and confessions to God, to receive Christ's mercy and gift of grace, in eternal life, some men's follow after, and there is no excuse nor intercessor for them who refuse God's grace and benevolence now, they will go to the just punishments as ordered by God for their sin.
We must all give an account to God, whether now, or later. And we must all be changed from the body of mortality to the body of immortality at His command.
We must live in one voluntary accord of more perfect union in America, or suffer the confusions of division, death, and the destruction of our National sovereignty, before the appointed time.
~ 1 Cor 15:26
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