Can you imagine the great Apostles set at the foundation of the Church, would ever have come into such a great success in their generation, if going away from the cave that day, they had gone out preaching only a message that the cave was empty and Jesus dead body, wasn't there?
That would have left them with only an argument of silence, or should we say, a message of conjecture?
We know that Jesus sent out a pair of 70 before His own death on the cross, so that is 140 specially appointed by Jesus Himself before His crucifixion, messengers who were capable of becoming Apostles, and of those only 120 actually waited to the day of His promised outpouring.
Also consider Elisha, if having never seen Elijah ascend into heaven bodily without ever dying, he would not have received from the ever living and glorious God, a double portion message, and anointing of the same Spirit of Christ as was vested in Elijah, who came before him!
But because Elisha did follow on to see Elijah ascend, and Mary did wait at the cave, to receive a message from Jesus Christ immortal, they each continued on to know the Lord, in the greater things that He empowered them to do because of who He is, and how He makes Himself known to those who diligently seek Him.
For at the end of 40 days of making Himself known resurrected, and immortal in His indestructible body, having supped with them, eating and drinking together in celebratory inauguration of His Kingdom from heaven, they watched Him ascend into heaven where He is yet and still seated in glory, majesty and immortality, and 10 days later they received of Him the promised gift of the Father, His own Holy Spirit which empowered Him to pass from death to life, and remain as He is immortal in His body, He is the resurrection and the life as He had assured Mary and Martha before He raised Lazarus from the dead, as poured down from heaven upon the 120 of them who had faithfully waited in the place where He had commanded them to gather and wait for His majesty of promised outpouring.
However back to the original "can you imagine" topic, and because, Mary actually did wait at the cave, and was confirmed with a greater message: “I have seen the Lord! ” So also the Lord confirmed her message with the others, by His own appearing also to them, and over 500 believers at one and the same specific time.
Let's go back to the cave and see what happened! Thank God for a woman, who had said in her own heart, I'm not going to leave this cave, until I actually see and know the Lord for myself, resurrected, immortal, and indestructible in His body!
And when she did, that is, see the Lord resurrected, and immortal, in the glorious indestructible substance of His body, she didn't just fall at His feet to wash them with her tears, she jumped on Him in a whole body hug, and clung to Him with all her might!
And when she did, the Lord began to teach her, and empower her, to teach others a message we all so greatly need to hear, still again today.
~ John 20:17 “Don’t cling to me,” (with your own assumptions or conjecture, about who I am, and what I am going to do now) Jesus told her, “since I have not yet ascended to the Father."
(To be seated Immortal, in the Throne He has prepared for Me from before the foundation of the world in the eternal and true Jerusalem to the which I am going to prepare a place for you. And will soon pour out the promised Spirit and Seal of communion with Me and My Father, from after My arrival there.)
"But go to my brothers and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (And I must remain there until the preordained end and consummation of all things, at the universal command to Immortality, over all.)
Misty Edwards a woman of renown in our 24/7 prayer room community at said it this way "He's not a broken (Jewish) man on a cross" anymore!
Father of glory ever shining brighter than the sun, in the face of Jesus Christ exalted immortal to Your Throne of mercy and grace! Give understanding, give witness, confirmation and declaration by the gift of Your Holy Spirit, to all who are reading this today, bring them into Your glorious salvation as they diligently seek for You and pray for greater access to the things that are eternal, and the things Your glory has preordained for each of them to walk out in communion with You!
I hear You say, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me."
We say yes, come into the open door of our believing hearts, plant deep within us, Your eternal word and promise, and give us an understanding that You come by Your Spirit and make Yourself known to us, in confirmation of fellowship, friendship, and tender Lordship, by Your yoke that is easy, and Your burden that is light, bringing us with mercies and compassion into Your eternal communion with each of us, as we do!
We trust Your leadership, and Your eternal counsel in the truth, just as You said, You have gone before us to prepare a place for us, with You forever, now by communion with Your Holy Spirit, but then face to face in the greater expression of immortality when You come to appear to all at the consummation and in the passing away of the first heaven and earth, by which You will perform the blessed hope of living with You forever, in a new heaven and earth where there is only righteousness, peace, and joy of fellowship in the superior expression of immortality, where there is no more death, no more sorrow, forever, you will wipe every tear from our eyes, and change us into Your own likeness at the redemption of the body to immortality, amen, amen!
Help us to keep ourselves from idols, distractions and inventions of imagination by humanity, in Jesus name, the only name given by the Father, for the necessity of salvation for everyone ever created, Amen!
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