Monday, March 8, 2021

The promise of the Father

  Act 1:4 "And, being assembled together with them, (Jesus already being raised from the dead and inhabiting His own body of Immortality) commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith He, ye have heard of Me" 

Now we know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the spoken word, so when we hear that Jesus said, to them who had been with Him before His crucifixion, and to whom He had chosen to make Himself known after His resurrection, and to become His chosen messengers to all the rest, gather to one place together, and wait there in expectation with one another, for the "promise of the Father", we understand that God had already spoken of this "promise" throughout the generations that preceded the birth, and ministry of reconciliation fully vested in Him, Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected alone Immortal in indestructible and eternally living body, as the only begotten Son of God, full of grace and immutable truth. 

All of them had heard of Him, and the "promise of the Father" to pour out His Spirit upon "all flesh", as prophesied well before Christ's appearing, and also by the prophet Joel, all flesh, meaning both Jew and Gentile, male and female, of every nationality and color, before they had ever at first encountered Him, and believed in Him as the Messiah.

Jesus was, and is, and is forever to come, the Son of God that was preordained to come into the world. 

And as Jesus stated, "which, saith He, ye have heard of Me", in their hearing with His own immortal lips, the "promise of the Father" would be released, just as they had heard it would, through the appearing and establishment of the Kingdom of the Messiah, to flow out, and down from Him, and now as they more greatly understood, from His inherited position and place of His enthronement after He had ascended into heaven, and become seated in God's throne, for His thousands year reign.

Note: I might interject here, that so many have incorrectly preached, what they themselves imagine, "they thought" meaning, what they themselves "think" of what the early Church "thought", that is imagining that Christ would return from heaven within their own life times, so much so, that it has greatly harmed our proper understanding of Jesus' word to them, and of their message well understood, greatly confirmed and received of Him. 

Peter knew from Jesus own lips, he would die as a martyr in his old age. 

In fact read the Bible over, and over, and over as I have, you will find that none of the Apostles taught that at all, in fact Paul went to great length to dispute the error. 

So it's important to understand that before that time, the Spirit and testimony of Christ, in prophecy was given only to the Jewish people, and none others, in God's jealous zeal to make His beloved Son known among them, the Jew first, and then thereafter the gentile, or all subsequent generations inclusive as sourced from Adam. 

1 Cor 15:22

So it was Peter a Jewish man, who had waited as one of the 120 who did remain gathered, in Jerusalem, and waited the full ten days after the ascension of Jesus, who was giving testimony and witness at that moment of the actual occurrence, by the same Spirit of prophecy in the testimony of Jesus, having received the outpouring and "promise of the Father" just as Jesus had affirmed He would do!

Peter, having been with Jesus before His crucifixion and for the 40 days, as He was confirming His resurrection, eating and drinking with them in His glorified and immortal body, well recognized this outpouring as they were receiving it, and plainly stated it was in fact the origination of fulfillment of Joel's prophecy, and a signal reality of what God, would do for everyone coming into the Kingdom of His beloved Son, affirming that through calling upon the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit would be released from heaven into every generation, and nation, from that time forward according to God's preordained will, for he explains the moment in quoting word for word the prophecy as originally given. 

And this conversation of immediacy, by the same Spirit and testimony of Christ from heaven signifies, the glorious moment both for themselves, in their own generation, and as many as the Lord our God would ever call into the same glorious experience, of understanding and expression throughout the remaining generations thereafter, in continuation all the way to the preordained end. 

In every generation since, God has saved the greatest number of people possible in that generation through the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and all of them, are ascended at their own death of the body, but having never died in Spirit, they are also become members of Christ's household and exalted to heaven, in join to that great cloud of witnesses, and there remain, until we who are alive and remain on earth, also arise to meet them in the air at His command. Hebrews 12:22,23

God spoke of Christ's coming from the beginning, and on the certain day after having been live birthed into the world through the womb of a virgin, and become fully mature as a man, God spoke over Him in the presence of witnesses, when He was voluntarily offering Himself by baptism to the ministry of reconciliation as was ordained by God for Him. He said, "this is My beloved Son". Matt 3:17

God created Adam, and all human beings from him, even Eve, before he had sinned against God He formed her from his side in equality with him. 

He began immediately to make Himself known to Adam, establishing under him, all that He had created in the environment of the earth, and within the boundaries of all that He created in the environment that He had created for him, then He placed him in the Garden of His own sovereignty, where He formed Eve from Adam's earthly substance and thereby reserved the un molested egg in her ovaries, to be kept among all women, for the future birth of Jesus Christ that became manifest by His word, in solicitation of voluntary offering by Mary.

Jeremiah 31:33 

God promised to make a new covenant, with the Jewish people, and to include all people who He had, and would thereafter create in His own image, through the continuation of procreation in the order of Adam, for new birth in the Spirit of Christ, for a vast and greater harvest from that time to the end, in gathering them to a prepared place with Himself in heaven!

And He did, and does just that!

The 7th man from Adam, prophesied of this glorious end, when the Lord, Himself, Immortal in His glorious and indestructible body, will come with ten thousands, times ten thousands, and thousands of thousands, who had been also ascended to heaven by that time, in surround of His glorious enthronement. 

Jude 1:14

Father of glory invested without measure, eternally and irreversibly in the body of Jesus Christ immortal, who You have seated in Your throne as prepared for Him by Your glory in heaven, be glorified on earth as You are in heaven, by the gift of Your holy Spirit, and living testimony, make Yourself known to all that You Yourself have created, bless the persons reading this word of inform and clarity in Your majesty of revelation, I know that You are not willing that anyone die the death in the body and be removed further away in their eternally living soul, from Your majesty of provision for them with Christ in heaven. 

Therefore I pray in accord with Your glory that every person who reads this will take the moment of proper consideration and reflection to call upon Your name, and inquire of Your majesty in glory, to come rest upon them, enter into them and meet them in this moment. 

And through the displacement of darkness, or previous misunderstanding, and or every other confusion, each will come more fully into the light of Your faithfulness and believe, and know, that You are God, and that You sent Your only begotten Son into the world to deliver us from death and separation from Your good will and benevolence, and that You have raised Him from the dead to make intercession for us!

Mighty God everlasting Father, bless those who already know the pleasure of Your favor and grace, and increase their understanding and expression of Your everlasting truth, have mercy on the one who is not yet fully given, forgive every person now reading and praying for the entrance of Your word of salvation into their own hearts today, give grace and fellowship of communion in the truth of Your desire to bring them into Your family!

Lead them to a fellowship with other believers so they can grow and mature as members of Your Church, and people of Your household, to become more fruitful and fulfilled in the fellowship of people ascended to the great cloud where You are, as they read their bible to become accustomed to the way they lived before in the counsel of Your will, and on earth in daily or weekly gathering in communion with You, as we also are working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. 

Amen, Amen! 

Thank You God, for the gentleness of Your presence and the kindness of Your deliverance. 


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