Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone

 We are all created equal, both male and female as God has given us a body from the moment of our own conception, for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. 

God longs for us to be fully equipped for every good work by His gifting, calling and election, over each of us, and at the end He will perform that blessed hope that He Himself installs within us, the promise to immortality in the body as comparable to Christ Himself the first resurrected man, whose body was never vacated long enough by His Holy person, to decay back from dust to dust, yes Christ ever lives in the resurrected body as God formed for Him in Mary's womb, and this is the life, communion and body, as given by God for resurrection to immortality. 

Can you believe it? Because if you can believe it, and walk it out from the beginning of your faith, to the promised end, you will be saved in the greater command to universal expression in immortality, according to Romans 10:9-13

Christ is the Genesis 1:3, savior of the world, nothing that exists could possibly exist without Him, and so as it is written, He is not only the preserver of the present heavens and earth, but He is the savior of the whole world, specially of those who believe.

He knows how to save those who believe and cling to the truth as He makes it known, in all of creation, and by His word, every word that proceeds from His mouth. 

Deuteronomy 8:3 that you might learn that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

John 6:58

The Lord, Jesus Christ who was preordained to come, has come just as God promised by His Holy Spirit and sovereignty in immutability of preexisting Glory. So it is, through the manifestation of Christ in the flesh, crucified, resurrected and exalted as the commander of immortality, that His name is the only name given by God that every human being ever created must honor and call upon for reconciliation with the Father, and for redemption in the body. 

Before the creation of Adam from the earth, the light, and bread of Christ bodily, was preordained for our salvation as the Word and fully invested body of eternal communion in the glory of the Father. 

The express image of the Father as one of the Apostles does exclaim! 

Adam is created from the earth in image of design and created order of self evident truth. To say that I exist because I am, is to say that I identify with the very God who created me in His own image and for His purpose and glory more than my own, for what else does it mean that I am wondrously and gloriously formed in my mother's womb, but to live by every word that comes from God because of Him who is, and was, and is coming again?

Psalm 139:14

Nothing else of all our labor, can truly satisfy the longing of our souls, except to be recognized by God as a son, or a daughter. Not merely as a created body in equal to Adam, but an eternally living Spirit, invested with a "more sure word" of prophecy that comes from believing and receiving the testimony of Jesus. The word of Christ birthed in us through voluntary acceptation and growing to mature expression of God's love and ordination within us brings us into the glorious translation into the Kingdom of His dear Son! 

We must be born again, to enrich our eternally living soul and receive from the testimony of Jesus an entirely blessed hope for salvation in the body as preordained to be changed at Christ's universal command to immortality! Amen!

1 Cor 15:26

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