America is founded upon the truth that all men are created equal by God, or it could be restated as equally created in the same order of humanity. Whether you ascribe to a particular religious ethic with more detail and demand than that, the most basic faith to "hold these truths to be self evident" is a Constitutional demand upon every elected, and appointed representative to our Government created by the people and for the people in equal to one another, with only God as our superior, both for one, and the same for all.
There are no humans of superior lineage that would demand a place of preeminence among us, either by birth stature, wealth, skin color, or any other attribute as sourced from the same earthly nature of all creation.
These self-evident truths as ordained by God and commensurate among all human beings are those of which are freely observable by all people in common.
For in as much as we agree by voluntary oaths and pledges to be bound together in a more perfect union, we freely confess that this is only made possible by holding to the same truths.
If so our representative officers may be appointed the responsibilities of a government created by mutual and voluntary consent, by oaths and pledges. We hold to these truths a governmental body politic that is in fact created not superior but subservient to "We The People" who are created equal by God, for the mutual defense of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, in honor of our mutual equality.
Neither the government nor any appointed officer thereof, is therefore delegated any lawful power by our Constitution, to deny the unalienable right of endowments by God, neither to create nor disannul the Church which is in Christ's own headship as exalted by God to a seat far above all principalities, kingdoms and dominions created, or appointed by humanity.
All else that proceeds from these truths as held to be "self evident" by every true and honorable believer in these same truths, as ordained by our Constitution, and every amendment thereof also greatly demands for performance upon every person holding any office of public trust for proper representation.
The government of America is created to be a fair, just, and good government, by virtue of our pledges and oaths to uphold the same truths under God, with justice for all.
Every lawful citizen whether born into our citizenry, or naturalized to our citizenship is bound by voluntary oaths to honor God, and our Country from the origin of our Constitution.
We the people are invested in established properties, boundaries and possessions, through mutual obligations of responsibility to God and to one another for a fair and just disposition in defense of our peace through mutual accord of promise in faithful, and transparent service by our representatives.
The greatest among us, will be the most faithful servant to all.
So having said this, it is apparent the necessity of truthful and fair proofs of the corporate vote count for accurate determinations of public consensus for peaceful disposition in acknowledged representation.
For in any form of voluntary democracy the decisions of the corporate body must be determined trustworthy by the general consensus of at the least the greatest number of people. If this is not the case, then the people are not assured of proper representation.
Now in every State, there are elections within the particular State, which affects the leadership of each State by the citizens within that State only. Each State is held to be sovereign by the citizens of that State by this means of equal share in choosing our representatives, ONE vote, for ONE lawful citizen of each State.
It is the responsibility of every representative, elected or appointed to maintain the fair and transparent process for collecting, counting, retaining the record and reporting the results of every election, by registered and validated citizens not only of the particular State, but as sworn and verified in citizenship to the federal union.
Do we now because the federal government fails to guard the National border, need to engage formal oaths of citizenship to each State, and set on major roadways border guards State to State?
The reason that citizenship in the federal union matters, is because the citizens of each State, are free to move from State to State, and also participate in the federal election for the only office created by the Constitution for executive leadership over the whole of the union.
The several States being held in sovereignty by it's own citizenry must also be held equal to one another as whole States in membership to our Federal Union, for choosing a President from among us.
This is the purpose and reason for the 12th Amendment.
The 12th Amendment prescribes two methods of fair assurance of equality between one State as compared to another. And all of the States in equal representation for choosing a President in two prescriptions, the second taking effect if the first fails for any of many reasons.
1) The electoral college takes account of the individual vote within the State, and assigns each precinct and county with equality as a corporate body defined for assignment of fair representation by choosing a regular slate of electors.
2) The electoral college takes account of the whole State, by ascribing one electoral vote per State as cast by the House Representatives within each State to most closely represent the numbers of people within each district. When and for whatever reason the regular electors are spoiled from any cause, and the proper direct vote consensus cannot be fairly determined in any one State.
It is in this case, the regular slate of electors cannot be used by any State, but a single electoral vote is determined for the whole State, and given by attribution of the majority vote by the House of Representative members assigned to represent each region in the State, and corporately the whole State in particular.
In a fair and just government even the very appearance of evil should be avoided with great effort, and therefore, with the level of uncertainty spread throughout the Nation in 2020, this second method of determination for equality of each State, should have been the resolve and proper solution on January 6th.
In a case like this, it never goes away, there must be a remedy. Suppression of the truth, and or the proven will of the people, can never result in a more perfect union.
A more perfect union only results from the truth in self evidence of full disclosure and proper determination of voluntary consent by the greatest number of people voluntarily to the same.
Pray with me today:
Father of Glory You alone who created everything that exists, and every person in Your own image from one man and the woman You formed from his side. You gave them in generation to generation for the example of marriage, and revelation of Christ who came into the world through a virgin.
You reserved Him in the womb of Eve before she was given in marriage to Adam for the procreation of all human beings. You did this to give birth and witness among us by Your sovereignty the "express image" of Your original intention by investing one to be born among us, in like fashion as every one of us, who is Your only begotten Son eternal, author, inheritor and commander of immortality in body, in separate lineage from Adam, the new generation family tree of life and immortality. 1 Corinthians 15
How great Your kindness and benevolence to every human being ever created, for You have secured for us a place in Your glory as fully invested in Christ from the foundations of the world when You said, "let there be light" and in the "light" of Christ we see light, there is no greater love than any created person can display for another than the voluntary surrender of one's own life for the sake of the other.
This is Your great example and love expressed for all of humanity in that You did not with hold Your only begotten Son as birthed into the world through Mary, but freely gave Him to us for reconciliation to the truth of Your sovereignty in judgement and mercy. Therefore also America is birthed in the greater truths of Your majesty, and more sure word of promise as being given to us, because Your beloved Son has already come into the world and ascended to glory and majesty over all the nations and especially over those who believe and we the people who believe consent voluntarily that You alone are God, and we are Yours through holding to the same truths You make known of Yourself throughout all creation, and more expressly through the gift of Christ.
Thank You God for America, from the origination of our Constitution, and the opportunity for more perfect union that is only made possible through brotherly love and communion with the truth of Your glory as vested in Christ, and every believer in truth. Psalm 33:12
With men it is impossible, but with You all things are possible to "We the People" who believe and strive for a fair and just, voluntary government on earth in allegiance with Your government and peace, flowing down through Christ's Kingdom and glory imparted from heaven by ordination of gifts to men, so greatly perform it in partnership with us, again and again from generation to generation, even to the end.
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