Sunday, July 3, 2022

Prayer focus "Let the Reader Understand" (Revised 4/8/2023)

 Hello dear friends, brothers and sisters and truth seekers, fully immersed and occupied in the same blessed hope of being raised from the dead and/or changed into the likeness of Jesus Christ bodily at His appearing when He comes off of His mercy seat to destroy the wicked and put an end to all things related to death in the body and distress against our fellowship with God and with one another at the consummation of all things, both of those in heaven and of all that is remained to that day on earth, according to God's testimony of Christ from before the foundations of the world, and explained briefly in first Corinthians 15.

It is my desire to communicate clearly that which has been also passed on to me by the Spirit of the Lord through years of prayer, experiential testimonies, Bible reading and studies, including direct encounters by the angelic presence and empowerment of the Lord. 

Through receiving the gift of His Spirit and following the word of Christ in truth, a perfecting Spirit for deliverance from death and redemption of the body to immortality abides within us, the very entrance and breath of His conversation is invested and present in us, and as His government and peace increases within us, we become a living temple in His image and example, built by God from the moment of our conception for solicitation of voluntary and eternal fellowship with Him. 

Christ Himself was formed a body by God in the womb of Mary from the moment of conception by His word, and when He came of age to recognize His own body as a temple of the expressed glory of the Father He proclaimed "a body you have prepared for me, to do Your will [greater than my own] I have come" Hebrews 10

Here within the scope of the Bible record and historical validations by God's witness confirming those who love Him, reveals our constant deliverance from present distresses, with future plans and projected events as revealed by the Spirit of God, to His prophets and we as the Church are enduring together with Him throughout all ages.

So these things will be discussed under the premise of God's faithfulness to answer the prayers of His faithful witnesses, and here as offered at the first by the writer, when he said, "Let the Reader Understand".

For by this prayer, we perceive likewise, that no reader can possibly understand, without the instant revelation and experience of light and illumination by Christ Himself exalted immortal in the highest heaven.

The conversation of Jesus, as being disclosed in that moment of prophetic insight relates to the revelation and prophecy as also previously given by the same Spirit of wisdom and God breathed revelation to Daniel the prophet.

Briefly, I will address in general the context when this phrase was first used and offer two definitions of discovery for discerning the situation on the ground and in the Spirit whereby the admonition to "flee to the mountains of Judah" can be understood. But before passing on to that, let us understand together the current context in which Christ gathers us into His family and household during the reign of His Kingdom from heaven.

It was recorded by Isaiah in chapter 62:2 that the Lord would call His people by a new name, that the Lord Himself would announce with His own mouth and give them a greater name than that of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. A declaration of a more perfect and eternal union in governmental expression of His glory exalted, extending to the end of the age of Adam and all mortality, that would be made by Christ Himself announced in manifestation of the body, and in the flesh with His own mouth, being the express image of the Father, living in the temple as God had built for Him in Mary's womb. 

In effect and truth, the third temple, as was promised by the prophets to be the final temple as "built from heaven" is Jesus Himself in the body as formed and built by God for Him in Mary's womb, so that with His own lips in self evident bodily presence of truth and verification, pronounced it, if you tear down "this temple" referring to His own body as prepared and built by God for Him, from the moment of His conception in Mary's womb, the only begotten and everlasting Beloved of the Father said, "within three days I will build it again".

Thereby, revealing the eternal nature of His command over life and immortality as given by God exclusively to Him alone, to sustain forever the third temple which is His body, and to gather the Church to Himself, for incorporation of all the saved from all humanity to sustain us forever by His inheritance and commanded extension of His glory in preservation over all the rest by the power of God given to Him alone in contradistinction to all other men created equal after the similitude of Adam to take up His own body again from the dead.

For it is given by God, to Christ alone, who has inherited God's power immutable in the body of His resurrection, He is the life, the truth and God's commander over the resurrection, and the initiator of universal expression in immortality at the consummation.

This pronouncement of new name for understanding and expression of governmental authorities as ordered from heaven and delegated on earth denoted in subscribed honor and glory to God, as given by God, through the gift of Christ from heaven is the declaration and mandate of the Church. 

Which truth had also been modeled among them by His corporate anointing of investments in them, even before Christ came into the world in His own body, the same truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth was finally and forever wrapped up in Him alone to ordain a new creation representative body in His own person, by His own lips and with His own mouth for the promised empowerment and understanding of His family and household in new nature of expression for advancement of His Kingdom on earth by His manifest glory as given by God, to Him, Christ alone, not only over Israel as their preexisting and preordained soon coming King, but also more surely greatly and eternally manifest in His God given body, when He was conceived in Mary's womb, crucified, and irreversibly resurrected ascended immutable and seated immortal in God's throne over all creation and all Nations, on earth remained!

His Kingdom from heaven is in greater understanding and expression "the government of God" hereby and hereafter ever revealed from that generation to every subsequent generation as manifest for exercise by almighty God and His anointed alone, through the everlasting inheritance of His ordination and Spirit without measure alone, to those only alone, who honor Him as He was and is enduring throughout all ages, and yet to come, as initiated and blessed by Him, called chosen and faithful for demonstration on earth of one family and body of people formed in more perfect union with Him and one another by holding to the same truths, just as He declared it would happen in Matt 16:18 when He ordained the members of His own household for a multiplied share in His inheritance by the power of His eternal life and confirmed resurrection in the body, the same that God Has forever given to Him, from the moment of His conception in Mary's womb, with power to include all those who voluntarily come to Him and remain with Him faithful and loyal to Him as equally invested by the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead forever. Amen!

So that 10 days after His visibly witnessed ascension bodily, He did release from heaven and poured out upon those eyewitnesses the promise of His Father, to form a new corporate and governmental expressive body of Spiritual building with many members from all nationalities, as He spoke of with His own mouth naming us who believe, honor and receive His word, in Spirit and in truth as the building up of corporate gathering to Himself, for expression of His Kingdom on earth He calls with His own lips, "My Church". 

It is important to note that in the beginning God intended and preordained to deliver us from death, and the first man who never died was Enoch in the 7th generation, then another man was delivered from death in the body without ever dying and ascended up bodily in the presence of Elisha as a witness to this. 

So that in the 3rd occasion of God's expression of not only deliverance from death, but of promise to a whole conquering of death, here is the coming of the Son of God, who after His own death in the body, was empowered by God to raise it up again to enter again into His dead body in transformation of the same to immortality, over 500 people at one time witnessed Jesus resurrected, and at least 120 watched Him as He ascended immortal to where He is now retained in God's throne!

The first two temples that were built by God's ordination and by the hands of men chosen and anointed by God to do so, in Jerusalem, were ascribed and dedicated to be a corporate dwelling place of His Spirit as expressed on earth in model of that eternal City Christ is building in heaven, through the corporate witness of the people He called to honor His name, for a dwelling place in the midst of them, and for incorporation of the people, into one people and one body of priesthood in response to the ever living commandments of the ever living God, to be a model and proper representation of the government of God from heaven in His expression of governmental peace and political expression of authorities, called "heaven on earth".

His glory was imparted to them by the anointing upon men by His Spirit given to them to perform His will on earth, in model of preparation for example of the one man who would come after them, who was preordained before them, and was promised from the beginning even in the Garden and was foretold and preordained to come down, as "the Lord" from heaven, the Messiah their savior and ours forever. 

His body is expressly built by God from the moment of His conception in Mary's womb, the temple of God's Holy Spirit filled to overflowing and inhabited without measure. 

He Himself became in His own body the unique and powerful 3rd temple of understanding in immutable expression of heaven on earth, He Himself is the temple not built by human hands, by whose name and in whose name alone all men must necessarily come to recognize, honor, acknowledge and enter into for salvation.

During which time before He came into His temple [His Body as Conceived in Mary's womb] and even in those days before when Israel was established as a nation and kingdom of priests the eyes and ears of the Lord were over it, and open to it, for seeing, and hearing from heaven to heal the land that had been prescribed to them, by the Lord for the nurture and welfare of His people who were called to identity in His name, so that by the name of His glory that He was preparing in them and making manifest over them, in them and through them would be known throughout all the earth and among all Nations the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Now on the issue of context in the first occasion of His coming and His express warning to them who were alive and on the ground in that day, he gave the warning to them and in model to us, in order to preserve them, and model for us, during that day of destruction when the 2nd temple of heaven on earth was being taken away because of the contradictions against His glory and command over all the heavens and His unique expression of Kingdom from heaven through His elected people remained on the earth. That they should flee to the mountains to preserve the Church, and in as much as our own lives may be saved by the activity of our own responsibilities to "understand" what manner of inform that His glory is revealing to us, so as to remain a body of people gathered and occupying until He comes, to be the Church, and remain so gathered by partnership with His wisdom and revelation sustained in the nature and continuation of bodily existence on earth occupying to the day and the hour of His return, so that we might endure by understanding.

It's important to understand, in fact that He has already demonstrated to us, His express power to deliver us from death by the two aforementioned witnesses who never died, and has revealed that He Himself is the 3rd and final witness temple of God's expression of the power by His inheritance is more than capable not only deliver us from death in the instance of His command from heaven at the consummation, but also to raise us from the dead who are dying in every generation from His own ascension forward, being raised to the safety and security of His prepared place for us, into the glory of His presence and Kingdom for entrance into the City that God builds for us, to rejoin Christ whether now in brevity of absence from the body, or all together with all who remain in the body at His appearing, to be changed bodily into His likeness at His appearing. 

So that in the generation of His return there is a full and glorious expectation among members of His household and Spiritual Body to be changed and clothed upon with an indestructible and glorious body comparable to His own without ever dying at all, forever and ever! Amen! 

However, "Let the reader Understand" that whether we remain, or go ahead, the Lord is commanding a preservation of His people, the Church, through governmental expressions of national boundaries and national instruments in trust with Him, such as the Constitution of America.

And His instruction to "flee to the mountains", may also in fact denote the mountains of leadership on earth to advance a homeland for the Church in the generation of His return, for the salvation of the greatest numbers possible by voluntary solicitation from a consecrated land occupied by the Church and the civil government in "more perfect union", in the "mountains" of Judeo/Christian leadership.

We look to the hills from where our salvation comes down from, even from the 3rd heaven where His glory dwells immortal and is seated immovable to find every one whose heart is fully given to Him to give strong support and representative expression in the three branches of our trust in Him alone as the Judge, Lawgiver and King of all Kings and all Presidents and anyone who pledges an oath to Him for expression of His Kingdom on earth as He orders it, and ordains it from heaven.

Let's pray together, I hope that you caught the two distinctive and existing models for discovery of God's preservation laid up for us, both of the spiritual flowing down from the 3rd heaven the "New Jerusalem" and eternal city of His delight, and that also as designed through obedience, and partnership with Him on the earth in a developed and cultured context for understanding and expression of His government in answered prayers to "Let the reader Understand".

Mighty God everlasting Father faithful and enduring in the face of Jesus Christ exalted and seated in Your throne immortal and immutable in the body as formed by Your glory from the moment of conception in Mary's womb for Your greater expression of government on earth as You order it from heaven, crucified, resurrected and ascended into the 3rd heaven ruling and reigning over all the present 2nd heavens and earth below. 

Everything You have spoken will certainly happen, and everyone who believes in You will certainly be saved to the uttermost. And as the 2nd heavens atmosphere and earthly environment is passing away, your people and word of glory endures throughout all generations and we are preserved by Your eternal word, breath and immutable victory, to the preordained end, so let us be wise, and let every reader understand in the name, everlasting glory, and confession of Jesus Christ, immersed in the same testimony and Spirit of prophecy made more sure by Your birth, death resurrection and ascension to Glory in the City that You are building with ever increasing inhabitants at this very day and hour. As witnessed in Hebrews 12:22,23 

We are Your holy people and workmanship at the foot of Your Kingdom the mount Zion as commanded and expressed by Your Spirit and power given to us, for more perfect union as one people and family in communion with You on earth to occupy until You come. Amen!

Friday, August 13, 2021

Election Fraud 2020

 America is founded upon the truth that all men are created equal by God, or it could be restated as equally created in the same order of humanity. Whether you ascribe to a particular religious ethic with more detail and demand than that, the most basic faith to "hold these truths to be self evident" is a Constitutional demand upon every elected, and appointed representative to our Government created by the people and for the people in equal to one another, with only God as our superior, both for one, and the same for all.

There are no humans of superior lineage that would demand a place of preeminence among us, either by birth stature, wealth, skin color, or any other attribute as sourced from the same earthly nature of all creation. 

These self-evident truths as ordained by God and commensurate among all human beings are those of which are freely observable by all people in common. 

For in as much as we agree by voluntary oaths and pledges to be bound together in a more perfect union, we freely confess that this is only made possible by holding to the same truths. 

If so our representative officers may be appointed the responsibilities of a government created by mutual and voluntary consent, by oaths and pledges. We hold to these truths a governmental body politic that is in fact created not superior but subservient to "We The People" who are created equal by God, for the mutual defense of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, in honor of our mutual equality.

Neither the government nor any appointed officer thereof, is therefore delegated any lawful power by our Constitution, to deny the unalienable right of endowments by God, neither to create nor disannul the Church which is in Christ's own headship as exalted by God to a seat far above all principalities, kingdoms and dominions created, or appointed by humanity.

All else that proceeds from these truths as held to be "self evident" by every true and honorable believer in these same truths, as ordained by our Constitution, and every amendment thereof also greatly demands for performance upon every person holding any office of public trust for proper representation.

The government of America is created to be a fair, just, and good government, by virtue of our pledges and oaths to uphold the same truths under God, with justice for all.

Every lawful citizen whether born into our citizenry, or naturalized to our citizenship is bound by voluntary oaths to honor God, and our Country from the origin of our Constitution.

We the people are invested in established properties, boundaries and possessions, through mutual obligations of responsibility to God and to one another for a fair and just disposition in defense of our peace through mutual accord of promise in faithful, and transparent service by our representatives. 

The greatest among us, will be the most faithful servant to all.

So having said this, it is apparent the necessity of truthful and fair proofs of the corporate vote count for accurate determinations of public consensus for peaceful disposition in acknowledged representation.

For in any form of voluntary democracy the decisions of the corporate body must be determined trustworthy by the general consensus of at the least the greatest number of people. If this is not the case, then the people are not assured of proper representation.

Now in every State, there are elections within the particular State, which affects the leadership of each State by the citizens within that State only. Each State is held to be sovereign by the citizens of that State by this means of equal share in choosing our representatives, ONE vote, for ONE lawful citizen of each State. 

It is the responsibility of every representative, elected or appointed to maintain the fair and transparent process for collecting, counting, retaining the record and reporting the results of every election, by registered and validated citizens not only of the particular State, but as sworn and verified in citizenship to the federal union. 

Do we now because the federal government fails to guard the National border, need to engage formal oaths of citizenship to each State, and set on major roadways border guards State to State?

The reason that citizenship in the federal union matters, is because the citizens of each State, are free to move from State to State, and also participate in the federal election for the only office created by the Constitution for executive leadership over the whole of the union. 

The several States being held in sovereignty by it's own citizenry must also be held equal to one another as whole States in membership to our Federal Union, for choosing a President from among us. 

This is the purpose and reason for the 12th Amendment. 

The 12th Amendment prescribes two methods of fair assurance of equality between one State as compared to another. And all of the States in equal representation for choosing a President in two prescriptions, the second taking effect if the first fails for any of many reasons.

1) The electoral college takes account of the individual vote within the State, and assigns each precinct and county with equality as a corporate body defined for assignment of fair representation by choosing a regular slate of electors.

2) The electoral college takes account of the whole State, by ascribing one electoral vote per State as cast by the House Representatives within each State to most closely represent the numbers of people within each district. When and for whatever reason the regular electors are spoiled from any cause, and the proper direct vote consensus cannot be fairly determined in any one State. 

It is in this case, the regular slate of electors cannot be used by any State, but a single electoral vote is determined for the whole State, and given by attribution of the majority vote by the House of Representative members assigned to represent each region in the State, and corporately the whole State in particular.

In a fair and just government even the very appearance of evil should be avoided with great effort, and therefore, with the level of uncertainty spread throughout the Nation in 2020, this second method of determination for equality of each State, should have been the resolve and proper solution on January 6th.

In a case like this, it never goes away, there must be a remedy. Suppression of the truth, and or the proven will of the people, can never result in a more perfect union. 

A more perfect union only results from the truth in self evidence of full disclosure and proper determination of voluntary consent by the greatest number of people voluntarily to the same.

Pray with me today:

Father of Glory You alone who created everything that exists, and every person in Your own image from one man and the woman You formed from his side. You gave them in generation to generation for the example of marriage, and revelation of Christ who came into the world through a virgin. 

You reserved Him in the womb of Eve before she was given in marriage to Adam for the procreation of all human beings. You did this to give birth and witness among us by Your sovereignty the "express image" of Your original intention by investing one to be born among us, in like fashion as every one of us, who is Your only begotten Son eternal, author, inheritor and commander of immortality in body, in separate lineage from Adam, the new generation family tree of life and immortality. 1 Corinthians 15

How great Your kindness and benevolence to every human being ever created, for You have secured for us a place in Your glory as fully invested in Christ from the foundations of the world when You said, "let there be light" and in the "light" of Christ we see light, there is no greater love than any created person can display for another than the voluntary surrender of one's own life for the sake of the other.

This is Your great example and love expressed for all of humanity in that You did not with hold Your only begotten Son as birthed into the world through Mary, but freely gave Him to us for reconciliation to the truth of Your sovereignty in judgement and mercy. Therefore also America is birthed in the greater truths of Your majesty, and more sure word of promise as being given to us, because Your beloved Son has already come into the world and ascended to glory and majesty over all the nations and especially over those who believe and we the people who believe consent voluntarily that You alone are God, and we are Yours through holding to the same truths You make known of Yourself throughout all creation, and more expressly through the gift of Christ.

Thank You God for America, from the origination of our Constitution, and the opportunity for more perfect union that is only made possible through brotherly love and communion with the truth of Your glory as vested in Christ, and every believer in truth. Psalm 33:12

With men it is impossible, but with You all things are possible to "We the People" who believe and strive for a fair and just, voluntary government on earth in allegiance with Your government and peace, flowing down through Christ's Kingdom and glory imparted from heaven by ordination of gifts to men, so greatly perform it in partnership with us, again and again from generation to generation, even to the end. 


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone

 We are all created equal, both male and female as God has given us a body from the moment of our own conception, for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. 

God longs for us to be fully equipped for every good work by His gifting, calling and election, over each of us, and at the end He will perform that blessed hope that He Himself installs within us, the promise to immortality in the body as comparable to Christ Himself the first resurrected man, whose body was never vacated long enough by His Holy person, to decay back from dust to dust, yes Christ ever lives in the resurrected body as God formed for Him in Mary's womb, and this is the life, communion and body, as given by God for resurrection to immortality. 

Can you believe it? Because if you can believe it, and walk it out from the beginning of your faith, to the promised end, you will be saved in the greater command to universal expression in immortality, according to Romans 10:9-13

Christ is the Genesis 1:3, savior of the world, nothing that exists could possibly exist without Him, and so as it is written, He is not only the preserver of the present heavens and earth, but He is the savior of the whole world, specially of those who believe.

He knows how to save those who believe and cling to the truth as He makes it known, in all of creation, and by His word, every word that proceeds from His mouth. 

Deuteronomy 8:3 that you might learn that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

John 6:58

The Lord, Jesus Christ who was preordained to come, has come just as God promised by His Holy Spirit and sovereignty in immutability of preexisting Glory. So it is, through the manifestation of Christ in the flesh, crucified, resurrected and exalted as the commander of immortality, that His name is the only name given by God that every human being ever created must honor and call upon for reconciliation with the Father, and for redemption in the body. 

Before the creation of Adam from the earth, the light, and bread of Christ bodily, was preordained for our salvation as the Word and fully invested body of eternal communion in the glory of the Father. 

The express image of the Father as one of the Apostles does exclaim! 

Adam is created from the earth in image of design and created order of self evident truth. To say that I exist because I am, is to say that I identify with the very God who created me in His own image and for His purpose and glory more than my own, for what else does it mean that I am wondrously and gloriously formed in my mother's womb, but to live by every word that comes from God because of Him who is, and was, and is coming again?

Psalm 139:14

Nothing else of all our labor, can truly satisfy the longing of our souls, except to be recognized by God as a son, or a daughter. Not merely as a created body in equal to Adam, but an eternally living Spirit, invested with a "more sure word" of prophecy that comes from believing and receiving the testimony of Jesus. The word of Christ birthed in us through voluntary acceptation and growing to mature expression of God's love and ordination within us brings us into the glorious translation into the Kingdom of His dear Son! 

We must be born again, to enrich our eternally living soul and receive from the testimony of Jesus an entirely blessed hope for salvation in the body as preordained to be changed at Christ's universal command to immortality! Amen!

1 Cor 15:26

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Millennial Reign of Christ Immortal

 I have read through all the chapters, and books of the Bible, I have only found one thing included in the prophetically described "1000 year", Messianic reign of Christ, that is not happened yet, but is starting to appear now.

Well...let's make it only two, under that definition.
1) The extended lifespan of human beings.
There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

2) The ending of all death, all together, in universal expression.
Here is the context for the fulfilment of the latter:
Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.
And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

Abba Father, You who commanded the light to shine out of the darkness and frailty of human flesh, brought Your only begotten and ever beloved Son into the world through the virgin birth, Your very Gen 1:3 word formed in Mary's womb, and made manifest among us, equally born into the world from the moment of His conception just like everyone of us, except set apart from the lineage of Adam. 
Because You formed the woman from Adam's substance before either one of them had sinned, Your reserved egg was remained within her, and was retained in holiness and truth for the birth of Your beloved Son, from the beginning as You spoke it out, before You created them in Your own design as it pleased you from the substance and Your blessing over the earth, as You created it! 
How glorious Your majesty and gospel of immortality, the new creation family tree of Christ as You planted the seed for Him in the earthen vessel of Eve at the beginning, ready to be performed at the ending of all death all together and in universal expression when You will fold up the earth and all it's inhabitants and capture the whole issue of humanity in the universal shout and proclamation to immortality!
The dead in body, those who are asleep in Christ, as Paul the Apostle describes death in the body throughout the generations since the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, and every believer made alive through the gift of Christ have, and are rising first, safe and secure ever living in the glory of Your immortal presence, caught up to the city of Your delight, so that those that are alive and remain in the natural order of earthly body yet existing and preserved to that day in the body of subjection to mortality, will be changed all together with them who have already risen, and we will be rejoined to You, in the universal change to the body of immortality, joined in the consummation of all things related to the body of death, and clothed upon with the immortal body in likeness to, and with Your glory and majestic person face to face on that day. 
There will be a great consummation of all things, into conformity with Your everlasting God Head in original intention and everlasting habitation, for dwelling together with You, in a new heaven and new earth formed as a new environment and context for the greater and eternal expression of immortality where there is no more unrighteousness, forever, and ever. 

Let all who read this believe, receive, and understand, for calling upon Your name as they ought to do, and while they still can! Amen!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Quick and the Dead

 1 Cor 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 

Note: The progeny of Adam, cannot inherit immortality, because Adam is created earthy in his substance and was never immortal as was supposed in narration by the serpent, the deceiver and the liar who is himself of the created order as God created him, lied to them. As soon as they had eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they, both the man, and the woman formed from Adam's created earthly substance, knew that the devil is a liar, and that in fact, they were both going to die, but they also knew in that instance, that God had told them the truth.

The truth of all this, and that Adam was not created in immortality, may be validated throughout the scriptures but is never more apparent than right there in the beginning, when God cited the necessity and reason for Adam's removal from the Garden, "lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life" and immortality. 

Which life and immortality was preordained to come through Christ alone, born into the world by the WORD of God, to a virgin woman named Mary at the time when He came into the world and was live birthed in the body, as God had preordained to do, and in the body as God formed for Him to enter into the world as the savior of the whole world, specially of those who believe. Hebrews 10:5

God showed Adam, the glory and promise of His salvation, and preserved him through a demonstration of the righteousness of Christ's bloodshed and offering, by virtue of the skin of the lamb slain at the foundation, by which He gave them lamb skins for clothing, and He spoke of the egg He had reserved in Eve, while as yet she was a virgin. So that in His mercy, blessing and promise of redemption, a measure of grace in His glory, was in a figure, revealed to Adam and Eve before He blessed them out of the Garden.

The biblical phrase "the quick and the dead" as I am using for the blog title, and of this message, comes from, as was used by the Apostle Paul in his message to Timothy, his beloved son in the faith and fellow minister in the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

 2 Timothy 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and His kingdom;

We will talk more about the specific, phrase and verse. However, the premise of reason, as I am going to emphasize it here is this, in order for Christ Jesus, to end all death completely in fulfilment of 1 Cor 15:25-28 and fulfil the quoted prophecy from the old testament as Paul narrates it for clarity, in verse 54, as is preordained to happen:

The whole order of all creation and the body of mortality with it, must necessarily be discontinued as it presently exists, swallowed up in total and universal consummation. 

There must be a finalized end, and closure of everything earthly before existing as from the beginning, in order for that to happen. So that from that moment forward, so that there is no more death at all, forever after that time of the ending of all death, then it must also be understood, that there can be no more potential for death, by reason of another person birthed into the world that now is, in a like body created in subjection to and with a necessary demand to death, by the sovereignty of God's command in origination over Adam, and all of his progeny, including Eve, who also died in her body, who was also at the beginning with him, and came from his created and earthly substance, but not before giving birth to children, as the mother of all of Adam's progeny. 

The beauty of God's promise was reserved for her, in her and through her, by childbearing.

All the environments of all mortality, which sustain the body of mortality in nature, must be also ceased, or folded up like a used garment, at the end, and everybody who could possibly die in the body, must precede the moment by death, or in that moment die in the body. 

However, there is also something of greater understanding and expression that must immediately occur, in the moment, for those who love the Lord, and wait faithfully for His appearing, as Paul says, I show you "a mystery" we who are alive and remain in the flesh, to that moment, will be changed without ever dying, transformed into the greater body of immortality at one moment, like in the twinkling of the eye, by His glorious command. 

So that there is not another person as remained to be created in the mortal body from the seed of Adam as appointed to death in the body.

The people who are alive and remain when the rest are deceased, by the total destruction of the whole environment that sustains us, in natural body, must be changed in that moment or as the scriptures say, no flesh would be saved.

Mark 13:20

Every eternally living soul as ever created from Adam, and to the end, will be judged by their response, or indifference to Christ as revealed and speaking from heaven. Hebrews 12:25

1 Cor 15:22

The quick are those who believe and are saved, and found worthy of being changed into His likeness at His appearing, the dead are those who do not, but will necessarily be resurrected to judgement. 

The quick have already accepted His judgements and mercies, the dead are those who are remained in hell, or killed at His appearing. The dead in body, along with those killed at His appearing must then be resurrected and disposed to everlasting judgement.

2 Timothy 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and (culmination of) His kingdom;

The mystery of Christ's Kingdom in intercession, as enduring from heaven, until the last enemy is conquered, is that at the end, He hands the whole thing back to the Father, to preside over the consummation, who did put everything under His feet, and at the ending of all death at final, He has put down all necessity for dominion because of sin, in preference of voluntary communion, love, and peace together with us in a new heaven and new earth built in the wisdom of His cultivation, and immutable power, for the greater body of IMMORTALITY.

And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, (the Father) then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. 

And this is the final restitution of all things, back to the Father and His original intention of final product and purpose, for all of creation.

Father of Glory, fully vested in the body of Jesus Christ Your only begotten and ever beloved Son, seated and enthroned in heaven, be glorified in this message as You are live streaming it from heaven to open our understanding for the impartation, and implanting of Your word, rooted and grounded in Your testimony and message into the heart of every believer, be greatly glorified in the greater things, in wisdom, revelation and understanding that You have preordained, we at the end of the age should walk in! 

Prepare us for the glorious and majestic entrance of Your majesty Immortal, again into the environments of the present heaven and earth with ten thousand times ten thousands, and thousands of thousands that have gone before us into the place and City that You have prepared and built for us, the same City, that Abraham sought and is presently dwelling in with You, the firstborn immortal man! 

How greatly we long to be clothed upon and rejoined together with You and at that time with them, in the superior body of immortality, just as You have revealed and promised to us for dwelling together with You, eternally, from that time forward, and for all time without end! 

Where there is no more death, no more sorrow, nor tears in our eyes, for then we will be with You in bodily presence of equality Immortal, where there is only ever after peace, joy, and fellowship forever! Amen! 

May all who read this, come to know You, the only wise sovereign over all creation and Your beloved Son who is to be revered and honored world without end. Amen!

Monday, March 8, 2021

The promise of the Father

  Act 1:4 "And, being assembled together with them, (Jesus already being raised from the dead and inhabiting His own body of Immortality) commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith He, ye have heard of Me" 

Now we know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the spoken word, so when we hear that Jesus said, to them who had been with Him before His crucifixion, and to whom He had chosen to make Himself known after His resurrection, and to become His chosen messengers to all the rest, gather to one place together, and wait there in expectation with one another, for the "promise of the Father", we understand that God had already spoken of this "promise" throughout the generations that preceded the birth, and ministry of reconciliation fully vested in Him, Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected alone Immortal in indestructible and eternally living body, as the only begotten Son of God, full of grace and immutable truth. 

All of them had heard of Him, and the "promise of the Father" to pour out His Spirit upon "all flesh", as prophesied well before Christ's appearing, and also by the prophet Joel, all flesh, meaning both Jew and Gentile, male and female, of every nationality and color, before they had ever at first encountered Him, and believed in Him as the Messiah.

Jesus was, and is, and is forever to come, the Son of God that was preordained to come into the world. 

And as Jesus stated, "which, saith He, ye have heard of Me", in their hearing with His own immortal lips, the "promise of the Father" would be released, just as they had heard it would, through the appearing and establishment of the Kingdom of the Messiah, to flow out, and down from Him, and now as they more greatly understood, from His inherited position and place of His enthronement after He had ascended into heaven, and become seated in God's throne, for His thousands year reign.

Note: I might interject here, that so many have incorrectly preached, what they themselves imagine, "they thought" meaning, what they themselves "think" of what the early Church "thought", that is imagining that Christ would return from heaven within their own life times, so much so, that it has greatly harmed our proper understanding of Jesus' word to them, and of their message well understood, greatly confirmed and received of Him. 

Peter knew from Jesus own lips, he would die as a martyr in his old age. 

In fact read the Bible over, and over, and over as I have, you will find that none of the Apostles taught that at all, in fact Paul went to great length to dispute the error. 

So it's important to understand that before that time, the Spirit and testimony of Christ, in prophecy was given only to the Jewish people, and none others, in God's jealous zeal to make His beloved Son known among them, the Jew first, and then thereafter the gentile, or all subsequent generations inclusive as sourced from Adam. 

1 Cor 15:22

So it was Peter a Jewish man, who had waited as one of the 120 who did remain gathered, in Jerusalem, and waited the full ten days after the ascension of Jesus, who was giving testimony and witness at that moment of the actual occurrence, by the same Spirit of prophecy in the testimony of Jesus, having received the outpouring and "promise of the Father" just as Jesus had affirmed He would do!

Peter, having been with Jesus before His crucifixion and for the 40 days, as He was confirming His resurrection, eating and drinking with them in His glorified and immortal body, well recognized this outpouring as they were receiving it, and plainly stated it was in fact the origination of fulfillment of Joel's prophecy, and a signal reality of what God, would do for everyone coming into the Kingdom of His beloved Son, affirming that through calling upon the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit would be released from heaven into every generation, and nation, from that time forward according to God's preordained will, for he explains the moment in quoting word for word the prophecy as originally given. 

And this conversation of immediacy, by the same Spirit and testimony of Christ from heaven signifies, the glorious moment both for themselves, in their own generation, and as many as the Lord our God would ever call into the same glorious experience, of understanding and expression throughout the remaining generations thereafter, in continuation all the way to the preordained end. 

In every generation since, God has saved the greatest number of people possible in that generation through the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and all of them, are ascended at their own death of the body, but having never died in Spirit, they are also become members of Christ's household and exalted to heaven, in join to that great cloud of witnesses, and there remain, until we who are alive and remain on earth, also arise to meet them in the air at His command. Hebrews 12:22,23

God spoke of Christ's coming from the beginning, and on the certain day after having been live birthed into the world through the womb of a virgin, and become fully mature as a man, God spoke over Him in the presence of witnesses, when He was voluntarily offering Himself by baptism to the ministry of reconciliation as was ordained by God for Him. He said, "this is My beloved Son". Matt 3:17

God created Adam, and all human beings from him, even Eve, before he had sinned against God He formed her from his side in equality with him. 

He began immediately to make Himself known to Adam, establishing under him, all that He had created in the environment of the earth, and within the boundaries of all that He created in the environment that He had created for him, then He placed him in the Garden of His own sovereignty, where He formed Eve from Adam's earthly substance and thereby reserved the un molested egg in her ovaries, to be kept among all women, for the future birth of Jesus Christ that became manifest by His word, in solicitation of voluntary offering by Mary.

Jeremiah 31:33 

God promised to make a new covenant, with the Jewish people, and to include all people who He had, and would thereafter create in His own image, through the continuation of procreation in the order of Adam, for new birth in the Spirit of Christ, for a vast and greater harvest from that time to the end, in gathering them to a prepared place with Himself in heaven!

And He did, and does just that!

The 7th man from Adam, prophesied of this glorious end, when the Lord, Himself, Immortal in His glorious and indestructible body, will come with ten thousands, times ten thousands, and thousands of thousands, who had been also ascended to heaven by that time, in surround of His glorious enthronement. 

Jude 1:14

Father of glory invested without measure, eternally and irreversibly in the body of Jesus Christ immortal, who You have seated in Your throne as prepared for Him by Your glory in heaven, be glorified on earth as You are in heaven, by the gift of Your holy Spirit, and living testimony, make Yourself known to all that You Yourself have created, bless the persons reading this word of inform and clarity in Your majesty of revelation, I know that You are not willing that anyone die the death in the body and be removed further away in their eternally living soul, from Your majesty of provision for them with Christ in heaven. 

Therefore I pray in accord with Your glory that every person who reads this will take the moment of proper consideration and reflection to call upon Your name, and inquire of Your majesty in glory, to come rest upon them, enter into them and meet them in this moment. 

And through the displacement of darkness, or previous misunderstanding, and or every other confusion, each will come more fully into the light of Your faithfulness and believe, and know, that You are God, and that You sent Your only begotten Son into the world to deliver us from death and separation from Your good will and benevolence, and that You have raised Him from the dead to make intercession for us!

Mighty God everlasting Father, bless those who already know the pleasure of Your favor and grace, and increase their understanding and expression of Your everlasting truth, have mercy on the one who is not yet fully given, forgive every person now reading and praying for the entrance of Your word of salvation into their own hearts today, give grace and fellowship of communion in the truth of Your desire to bring them into Your family!

Lead them to a fellowship with other believers so they can grow and mature as members of Your Church, and people of Your household, to become more fruitful and fulfilled in the fellowship of people ascended to the great cloud where You are, as they read their bible to become accustomed to the way they lived before in the counsel of Your will, and on earth in daily or weekly gathering in communion with You, as we also are working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. 

Amen, Amen! 

Thank You God, for the gentleness of Your presence and the kindness of Your deliverance. 


Sunday, February 28, 2021

Mary at the Cave with Jesus Resurrected

Can you imagine the great Apostles set at the foundation of the Church, would ever have come into such a great success in their generation, if going away from the cave that day, they had gone out preaching only a message that the cave was empty and Jesus dead body, wasn't there?

That would have left them with only an argument of silence, or should we say, a message of conjecture? 

We know that Jesus sent out a pair of 70 before His own death on the cross, so that is 140 specially appointed by Jesus Himself before His crucifixion, messengers who were capable of becoming Apostles, and of those only 120 actually waited to the day of His promised outpouring.

Also consider Elisha, if having never seen Elijah ascend into heaven bodily without ever dying, he would not have received from the ever living and glorious God, a double portion message, and anointing of the same Spirit of Christ as was vested in Elijah, who came before him! 

But because Elisha did follow on to see Elijah ascend, and Mary did wait at the cave, to receive a message from Jesus Christ immortal, they each continued on to know the Lord, in the greater things that He empowered them to do because of who He is, and how He makes Himself known to those who diligently seek Him.

For at the end of 40 days of making Himself known resurrected, and immortal in His indestructible body, having supped with them, eating and drinking together in celebratory inauguration of His Kingdom from heaven, they watched Him ascend into heaven where He is yet and still seated in glory, majesty and immortality, and 10 days later they received of Him the promised gift of the Father, His own Holy Spirit which empowered Him to pass from death to life, and remain as He is immortal in His body, He is the resurrection and the life as He had assured Mary and Martha before He raised Lazarus from the dead, as poured down from heaven upon the 120 of them who had faithfully waited in the place where He had commanded them to gather and wait for His majesty of promised outpouring.

However back to the original "can you imagine" topic, and because, Mary actually did wait at the cave, and was confirmed with a greater message:  “I have seen the Lord! ” So also the Lord confirmed her message with the others, by His own appearing also to them, and over 500 believers at one and the same specific time.

Let's go back to the cave and see what happened! Thank God for a woman, who had said in her own heart, I'm not going to leave this cave, until I actually see and know the Lord for myself, resurrected, immortal, and indestructible in His body!

And when she did, that is, see the Lord resurrected, and immortal, in the glorious indestructible substance of His body, she didn't just fall at His feet to wash them with her tears, she jumped on Him in a whole body hug, and clung to Him with all her might!

And when she did, the Lord began to teach her, and empower her, to teach others a message we all so greatly need to hear, still again today.

~ John 20:17 “Don’t cling to me,” (with your own assumptions or conjecture, about who I am, and what I am going to do now) Jesus told her, “since I have not yet ascended to the Father."

(To be seated Immortal, in the Throne He has prepared for Me from before the foundation of the world in the eternal and true Jerusalem to the which I am going to prepare a place for you. And will soon pour out the promised Spirit and Seal of communion with Me and My Father, from after My arrival there.) 

"But go to my brothers and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (And I must remain there until the preordained end and consummation of all things, at the universal command to Immortality, over all.)

Misty Edwards a woman of renown in our 24/7 prayer room community at said it this way "He's not a broken (Jewish) man on a cross" anymore!

Father of glory ever shining brighter than the sun, in the face of Jesus Christ exalted immortal to Your Throne of mercy and grace! Give understanding, give witness, confirmation and declaration by the gift of Your Holy Spirit, to all who are reading this today, bring them into Your glorious salvation as they diligently seek for You and pray for greater access to the things that are eternal, and the things Your glory has preordained for each of them to walk out in communion with You!

I hear You say, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me."

We say yes, come into the open door of our believing hearts, plant deep within us, Your eternal word and promise, and give us an understanding that You come by Your Spirit and make Yourself known to us, in confirmation of fellowship, friendship, and tender Lordship, by Your yoke that is easy, and Your burden that is light, bringing us with mercies and compassion into Your eternal communion with each of us, as we do!

We trust Your leadership, and Your eternal counsel in the truth, just as You said, You have gone before us to prepare a place for us, with You forever, now by communion with Your Holy Spirit, but then face to face in the greater expression of immortality when You come to appear to all at the consummation and in the passing away of the first heaven and earth, by which You will perform the blessed hope of living with You forever, in a new heaven and earth where there is only righteousness, peace, and joy of fellowship in the superior expression of immortality, where there is no more death, no more sorrow, forever, you will wipe every tear from our eyes, and change us into Your own likeness at the redemption of the body to immortality, amen, amen!

Help us to keep ourselves from idols, distractions and inventions of imagination by humanity, in Jesus name, the only name given by the Father, for the necessity of salvation for everyone ever created, Amen!