Hello dear friends, brothers and sisters and truth seekers, fully immersed and occupied in the same blessed hope of being raised from the dead and/or changed into the likeness of Jesus Christ bodily at His appearing when He comes off of His mercy seat to destroy the wicked and put an end to all things related to death in the body and distress against our fellowship with God and with one another at the consummation of all things, both of those in heaven and of all that is remained to that day on earth, according to God's testimony of Christ from before the foundations of the world, and explained briefly in first Corinthians 15.
It is my desire to communicate clearly that which has been also passed on to me by the Spirit of the Lord through years of prayer, experiential testimonies, Bible reading and studies, including direct encounters by the angelic presence and empowerment of the Lord.
Through receiving the gift of His Spirit and following the word of Christ in truth, a perfecting Spirit for deliverance from death and redemption of the body to immortality abides within us, the very entrance and breath of His conversation is invested and present in us, and as His government and peace increases within us, we become a living temple in His image and example, built by God from the moment of our conception for solicitation of voluntary and eternal fellowship with Him.
Christ Himself was formed a body by God in the womb of Mary from the moment of conception by His word, and when He came of age to recognize His own body as a temple of the expressed glory of the Father He proclaimed "a body you have prepared for me, to do Your will [greater than my own] I have come" Hebrews 10
Here within the scope of the Bible record and historical validations by God's witness confirming those who love Him, reveals our constant deliverance from present distresses, with future plans and projected events as revealed by the Spirit of God, to His prophets and we as the Church are enduring together with Him throughout all ages.
So these things will be discussed under the premise of God's faithfulness to answer the prayers of His faithful witnesses, and here as offered at the first by the writer, when he said, "Let the Reader Understand".
For by this prayer, we perceive likewise, that no reader can possibly understand, without the instant revelation and experience of light and illumination by Christ Himself exalted immortal in the highest heaven.
The conversation of Jesus, as being disclosed in that moment of prophetic insight relates to the revelation and prophecy as also previously given by the same Spirit of wisdom and God breathed revelation to Daniel the prophet.
Briefly, I will address in general the context when this phrase was first used and offer two definitions of discovery for discerning the situation on the ground and in the Spirit whereby the admonition to "flee to the mountains of Judah" can be understood. But before passing on to that, let us understand together the current context in which Christ gathers us into His family and household during the reign of His Kingdom from heaven.
It was recorded by Isaiah in chapter 62:2 that the Lord would call His people by a new name, that the Lord Himself would announce with His own mouth and give them a greater name than that of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. A declaration of a more perfect and eternal union in governmental expression of His glory exalted, extending to the end of the age of Adam and all mortality, that would be made by Christ Himself announced in manifestation of the body, and in the flesh with His own mouth, being the express image of the Father, living in the temple as God had built for Him in Mary's womb.
In effect and truth, the third temple, as was promised by the prophets to be the final temple as "built from heaven" is Jesus Himself in the body as formed and built by God for Him in Mary's womb, so that with His own lips in self evident bodily presence of truth and verification, pronounced it, if you tear down "this temple" referring to His own body as prepared and built by God for Him, from the moment of His conception in Mary's womb, the only begotten and everlasting Beloved of the Father said, "within three days I will build it again".
Thereby, revealing the eternal nature of His command over life and immortality as given by God exclusively to Him alone, to sustain forever the third temple which is His body, and to gather the Church to Himself, for incorporation of all the saved from all humanity to sustain us forever by His inheritance and commanded extension of His glory in preservation over all the rest by the power of God given to Him alone in contradistinction to all other men created equal after the similitude of Adam to take up His own body again from the dead.
For it is given by God, to Christ alone, who has inherited God's power immutable in the body of His resurrection, He is the life, the truth and God's commander over the resurrection, and the initiator of universal expression in immortality at the consummation.
This pronouncement of new name for understanding and expression of governmental authorities as ordered from heaven and delegated on earth denoted in subscribed honor and glory to God, as given by God, through the gift of Christ from heaven is the declaration and mandate of the Church.
Which truth had also been modeled among them by His corporate anointing of investments in them, even before Christ came into the world in His own body, the same truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth was finally and forever wrapped up in Him alone to ordain a new creation representative body in His own person, by His own lips and with His own mouth for the promised empowerment and understanding of His family and household in new nature of expression for advancement of His Kingdom on earth by His manifest glory as given by God, to Him, Christ alone, not only over Israel as their preexisting and preordained soon coming King, but also more surely greatly and eternally manifest in His God given body, when He was conceived in Mary's womb, crucified, and irreversibly resurrected ascended immutable and seated immortal in God's throne over all creation and all Nations, on earth remained!
His Kingdom from heaven is in greater understanding and expression "the government of God" hereby and hereafter ever revealed from that generation to every subsequent generation as manifest for exercise by almighty God and His anointed alone, through the everlasting inheritance of His ordination and Spirit without measure alone, to those only alone, who honor Him as He was and is enduring throughout all ages, and yet to come, as initiated and blessed by Him, called chosen and faithful for demonstration on earth of one family and body of people formed in more perfect union with Him and one another by holding to the same truths, just as He declared it would happen in Matt 16:18 when He ordained the members of His own household for a multiplied share in His inheritance by the power of His eternal life and confirmed resurrection in the body, the same that God Has forever given to Him, from the moment of His conception in Mary's womb, with power to include all those who voluntarily come to Him and remain with Him faithful and loyal to Him as equally invested by the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead forever. Amen!
So that 10 days after His visibly witnessed ascension bodily, He did release from heaven and poured out upon those eyewitnesses the promise of His Father, to form a new corporate and governmental expressive body of Spiritual building with many members from all nationalities, as He spoke of with His own mouth naming us who believe, honor and receive His word, in Spirit and in truth as the building up of corporate gathering to Himself, for expression of His Kingdom on earth He calls with His own lips, "My Church".
It is important to note that in the beginning God intended and preordained to deliver us from death, and the first man who never died was Enoch in the 7th generation, then another man was delivered from death in the body without ever dying and ascended up bodily in the presence of Elisha as a witness to this.
So that in the 3rd occasion of God's expression of not only deliverance from death, but of promise to a whole conquering of death, here is the coming of the Son of God, who after His own death in the body, was empowered by God to raise it up again to enter again into His dead body in transformation of the same to immortality, over 500 people at one time witnessed Jesus resurrected, and at least 120 watched Him as He ascended immortal to where He is now retained in God's throne!
The first two temples that were built by God's ordination and by the hands of men chosen and anointed by God to do so, in Jerusalem, were ascribed and dedicated to be a corporate dwelling place of His Spirit as expressed on earth in model of that eternal City Christ is building in heaven, through the corporate witness of the people He called to honor His name, for a dwelling place in the midst of them, and for incorporation of the people, into one people and one body of priesthood in response to the ever living commandments of the ever living God, to be a model and proper representation of the government of God from heaven in His expression of governmental peace and political expression of authorities, called "heaven on earth".
His glory was imparted to them by the anointing upon men by His Spirit given to them to perform His will on earth, in model of preparation for example of the one man who would come after them, who was preordained before them, and was promised from the beginning even in the Garden and was foretold and preordained to come down, as "the Lord" from heaven, the Messiah their savior and ours forever.
His body is expressly built by God from the moment of His conception in Mary's womb, the temple of God's Holy Spirit filled to overflowing and inhabited without measure.
He Himself became in His own body the unique and powerful 3rd temple of understanding in immutable expression of heaven on earth, He Himself is the temple not built by human hands, by whose name and in whose name alone all men must necessarily come to recognize, honor, acknowledge and enter into for salvation.
During which time before He came into His temple [His Body as Conceived in Mary's womb] and even in those days before when Israel was established as a nation and kingdom of priests the eyes and ears of the Lord were over it, and open to it, for seeing, and hearing from heaven to heal the land that had been prescribed to them, by the Lord for the nurture and welfare of His people who were called to identity in His name, so that by the name of His glory that He was preparing in them and making manifest over them, in them and through them would be known throughout all the earth and among all Nations the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Now on the issue of context in the first occasion of His coming and His express warning to them who were alive and on the ground in that day, he gave the warning to them and in model to us, in order to preserve them, and model for us, during that day of destruction when the 2nd temple of heaven on earth was being taken away because of the contradictions against His glory and command over all the heavens and His unique expression of Kingdom from heaven through His elected people remained on the earth. That they should flee to the mountains to preserve the Church, and in as much as our own lives may be saved by the activity of our own responsibilities to "understand" what manner of inform that His glory is revealing to us, so as to remain a body of people gathered and occupying until He comes, to be the Church, and remain so gathered by partnership with His wisdom and revelation sustained in the nature and continuation of bodily existence on earth occupying to the day and the hour of His return, so that we might endure by understanding.
It's important to understand, in fact that He has already demonstrated to us, His express power to deliver us from death by the two aforementioned witnesses who never died, and has revealed that He Himself is the 3rd and final witness temple of God's expression of the power by His inheritance is more than capable not only deliver us from death in the instance of His command from heaven at the consummation, but also to raise us from the dead who are dying in every generation from His own ascension forward, being raised to the safety and security of His prepared place for us, into the glory of His presence and Kingdom for entrance into the City that God builds for us, to rejoin Christ whether now in brevity of absence from the body, or all together with all who remain in the body at His appearing, to be changed bodily into His likeness at His appearing.
So that in the generation of His return there is a full and glorious expectation among members of His household and Spiritual Body to be changed and clothed upon with an indestructible and glorious body comparable to His own without ever dying at all, forever and ever! Amen!
However, "Let the reader Understand" that whether we remain, or go ahead, the Lord is commanding a preservation of His people, the Church, through governmental expressions of national boundaries and national instruments in trust with Him, such as the Constitution of America.
And His instruction to "flee to the mountains", may also in fact denote the mountains of leadership on earth to advance a homeland for the Church in the generation of His return, for the salvation of the greatest numbers possible by voluntary solicitation from a consecrated land occupied by the Church and the civil government in "more perfect union", in the "mountains" of Judeo/Christian leadership.
We look to the hills from where our salvation comes down from, even from the 3rd heaven where His glory dwells immortal and is seated immovable to find every one whose heart is fully given to Him to give strong support and representative expression in the three branches of our trust in Him alone as the Judge, Lawgiver and King of all Kings and all Presidents and anyone who pledges an oath to Him for expression of His Kingdom on earth as He orders it, and ordains it from heaven.
Let's pray together, I hope that you caught the two distinctive and existing models for discovery of God's preservation laid up for us, both of the spiritual flowing down from the 3rd heaven the "New Jerusalem" and eternal city of His delight, and that also as designed through obedience, and partnership with Him on the earth in a developed and cultured context for understanding and expression of His government in answered prayers to "Let the reader Understand".
Mighty God everlasting Father faithful and enduring in the face of Jesus Christ exalted and seated in Your throne immortal and immutable in the body as formed by Your glory from the moment of conception in Mary's womb for Your greater expression of government on earth as You order it from heaven, crucified, resurrected and ascended into the 3rd heaven ruling and reigning over all the present 2nd heavens and earth below.
Everything You have spoken will certainly happen, and everyone who believes in You will certainly be saved to the uttermost. And as the 2nd heavens atmosphere and earthly environment is passing away, your people and word of glory endures throughout all generations and we are preserved by Your eternal word, breath and immutable victory, to the preordained end, so let us be wise, and let every reader understand in the name, everlasting glory, and confession of Jesus Christ, immersed in the same testimony and Spirit of prophecy made more sure by Your birth, death resurrection and ascension to Glory in the City that You are building with ever increasing inhabitants at this very day and hour. As witnessed in Hebrews 12:22,23
We are Your holy people and workmanship at the foot of Your Kingdom the mount Zion as commanded and expressed by Your Spirit and power given to us, for more perfect union as one people and family in communion with You on earth to occupy until You come. Amen!